
What is love?

Jinki’s eyes fluttered slightly when Minho pulled away from him, cheeks flushed, he just stared with wonder or amazement at Minho. Stunned that he had kissed him, shocked that it had felt like that. He wanted to feel Minho’s lips again, he wanted to drink him in, but most of all he wanted to know that he was indeed awake and not suspended in the most amazing dream.

“Excuse me, Jinki-ssi.”

Both Jinki and Minho turned at the intrusion, Jinki’s cheeks going bright red as he wondered if the person had seem them kiss. He looked to see a nurse standing in the doorway, and Jinki felt shy and awkward, he wondered what the nurse wanted, he frowned when he saw her push a wheel chair into the room.

“You can go home now,” the nurse nodded her head, “I’m here to take you down to reception.”

“Oh,” Jinki’s eyes widened, he glanced over to see that Minho was watching him closely, he got up, stumbling and almost falling again, but Minho’s arms were around his waist in an instant. Drawing him loosely against his body, Jinki felt all hot and flustered as he looked up to see Minho smirking softly down at him.

“Are you okay, hyung?” Minho asked gently, his palm warm across Jinki’s back lightly, he nodded his head, but he felt like shaking it because Minho dazzled him so much. “Okay, I hope you really are,” Minho his hand down Jinki’s back, pulling him in to rest closer against Minho’s body. But Jinki started to feel uncomfortable, shifting back when he heard the nurse cough.

“I um, need to change,” Jinki’s voice came out as a high squeak, making him feel even worse, but instead of Minho laughing like he thought he would, he leaned down and kissed his nose lightly. Minho stepped back after that, staring at Jinki as the nurse pulled the curtain shut around the hospital bed so he could change.

Ten minutes later Jinki, was grumpily sitting in the wheelchair, wondering why he had to be pushed around like that when his legs were perfectly fine. He huffed when the nurse said it was hospital protocol, and Minho agreed he should be pushed. He pouted feeling pissed off that Kibum and Taemin had apparently buggered off too. They were nowhere to be seen, leaving Jinki to the mercy of Minho and Jinki’s imagination – what if Minho secretly was a homicidal maniac, what if he wanted to chop Jinki up and cook him for dinner?

“Jinki-hyung, are you sure you’re feeling alright?” Minho leaned right down, bringing his face level with Jinki’s, dark brown eyes staring deeply into his, and Jinki could see the worry in his expression. Jinki swallowed, nodding his head as Minho flashed him a tender smile, his fingers reaching for Jinki’s hand lightly. Jinki realised he didn’t mind at all being stuck with alone with Minho, in fact he couldn’t be happier.

“I’m fine,” Jinki mumbled, “the sooner I get out of his chair, the better. It was only a little knock on the head, yet they made me stay in here overnight,” He grumbled more to himself, only stopping and feeling embarrassed when he looked up to see the smirk across Minho’s face. “Oh, sorry,” he whispered, “I just hate hospitals despite my fatal attraction to them.”

“Oh it better not be fatal,” Minho frowned slightly, “I’ll make sure you never have to come near one again, unless you want to.” Minho promised, nodding his head sagely as they finally approached the reception. Minho had somehow managed to talk the nurse into leaving them alone, which seemed a little odd. But once he was discharged he didn’t care, he just wanted to get out of the chair and home.

“Hyung,” Jinki almost leapt out of the chair, but Minho reminded him in a firm voice, “Jinki-hyung, just wait, don’t get up yet.” Jinki pouted up at Minho, but he sighed and let the taller male push him out into the glorious sunshine, well it seemed wonderful until it dug up the remnants of Jinki’s headache making him want to shrivel up and die.

Jinki shielded his eyes, and just as he was about to open them so he could get up, he felt arms surrounding him. Jinki frowned and opened his eyes to narrow slits, gasping when he felt Minho pick him up, bridal style, Jinki’s eyes widened in horror and embarrassment, but the way Minho smiled down at him, sent a thrill right down his body, making him melt. He didn’t feel embarrassed as Minho placed him in the car, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.

“So hyung, how about agreeing to go on a date with me,” Minho held back a grin, as Jinki stared in surprise at him, looking slightly confused. “A date, where I’ll ask you out, and hopefully you’ll accept.” Minho nodded his head slowly.

“What… about that barista,” Jinki frowned, bringing it up so suddenly that Minho stared in surprise, “I’ll have to um brush up my coffee making skills, I want you to like my coffee more than his.” Jinki sulked slightly, feeling upset that Minho liked someone else’s coffee more, “So any dates will have to wait until then.” He nodded his head, eyes filled with determination.

“Oh hyung,” Minho laughed richly, “I was talking about you, you were the barista I meant.” He brushed back Jinki’s fringe and leaned in to kiss him softly across the lips. “So will you accept me, will you go out with me?” Minho asked, ever so patiently, his eyes lighting up when Jinki immediately nodded his head, leaning to kiss Minho firmly across the lips.


Kibum pulled Taemin into his arms, hugging the slender boy tightly as his guilt ate into him. He hated doing this to him, especially when he had thought his feelings were so strong, more than just friends however he was mistaken. He stoked Taemin’s shoulders lightly, trying to comfort him, but when Taemin pulled back moments later Kibum was surprised to see that he did not look too upset.

“Hyung, it’s okay,” Taemin nodded his head, trying to smile to ease Kibum’s anguish, “Really it is, thank you for being honest. I think on some levels,” He swallowed, “I wanted to like you more because I wanted to like someone.” He bit his lip, glancing up at Kibum, looking cautious, “I’m sorry too hyung, because I feel like I used you.”

“I think I used you,” Kibum frowned shaking his head, “I mean I was the one who wanted to go out with you, who kept snuggling with you and pressuring you.” He pouted, “Not to mention, you know I’m messed up.” Kibum sighed, “So a relationship with me, would never work out properly.” He nodded his head slowly, “I just don’t get why you’re being so reasonable about this.”

“Because, I sensed it deep down,” Taemin his lips slowly, “I’m not sure how, but I knew, especially when we focussed more on Minho-hyung and Jinki-hyung, than us. I think, our relationship ran its course and we had fun while it lasted.” Kibum stared in disbelief at Taemin, wondering how he could be so level headed and cool for someone so young. It amazed Kibum completely how well Taemin was taking this, Taemin he realised was incredibly mature for his age.

“I guess I wouldn’t have admitted to myself, but your words meant I had to.” Taemin nodded his head, and Kibum noticed for the first time he was looking a little teary eyed and upset. He patted the other boy on the back lightly, leading him towards the hospital. Kibum gasped, pointing when he saw Minho pick Jinki up in his arms, carrying him towards the car. Kibum and Taemin stood in silence, both smiling, even as their eyes watered as they watched Minho and Jinki, laugh and kiss together softly.


sorry for this crappy part ;__; and thank you, thank you to everyone who has commented \o/ I love you all ;__;!!

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself