
What is love?

Jinki’s fingers shook as he unfolded the letter, he was so curious to know what Minho said, even if he was still slightly hungover and not feeling that great he could still read. Especially since the nurses said it was too early to discharge patients, he needed something to do to fill in time. Breathing in deeply, he lifted the letter up, his eyes eagerly falling to the paper to read.

Dear 129,

How are you? You know I realised that we’ve been writing to each other for ten months now, ten months! It’s kind of amazing really when you consider that this project was called a ‘failure’. But you know what, to me, it’s definitely not a failure, because of this whole project I got to talk to you. I guess it is pretty obvious how much I enjoy writing to you, because otherwise I wouldn’t keep reading and replying.

Anyway, the point of this wasn’t to say that, but um, I wanted to tell you who I am. You know for the past six months I have really wanted to meet you. In person, I wanted to see you and talk to you. I wanted to discuss some of the things we talked about in letters in person. I hope that we can meet soon, because I would love it. I don’t know if you worked out who I am, but a few weeks ago by chance I discovered who you are.

I realised I could approach you, but I was worried that would freak you out. So I thought, maybe, just maybe if I told you who I am, you might decide to approach me or send me a message. I know I’m asking for a lot, but I hoped I didn’t misunderstand these letters, I hope that you want to meet me to? I think you do, right?

I’m sorry I’m going on and on in this letter, but the one thing I really wanted to say to you, was that I really like you. Talking to you through letters has opened my eyes to so many things, I feel like I see the world so differently now, and it’s thanks to you. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I know it might freak you out, but please understand it’s not my intention. I just feel like It’s wrong not to tell you how I feel, that I’ve fallen in love with you, with a person I’ve never met before.

It sounds so crazy but it is so true, and once I found out who you were, my feelings just grew, which is why I can’t keep them to myself, I have to tell you. I’m sorry, for putting this burden on you, but it felt wrong not to say anything. I understand completely if you are disgusted by my feelings, or can’t accept them, I would never force you into anything. I hope this makes sense, and I really hope we can meet and talk sometime soon, I’ll leave you my locker number, and if you feel like meeting me, you can slip a note into it.

Please take care of yourself, I hope you can accept my feelings.
Choi Minho.
Locker no. 768

Jinki’s heart felt as if it was beating funny as he put the letter down, his mind in complete turmoil. He had no idea how he was meant to react to that letter. He shivered and picked it up, rereading it again, and again until the door opened, he looked up to see Minho standing there, peeking around the door.

“Did you read the letter,” Minho asked as he walked into the room, Jinki just stared at him, blinking his eyes slowly. It was strange because he had known for years that it was Minho that he exchanged letters with, but somehow to know that Minho knew, made it seem all the more real. He in a deep breath and nodded his head, something feel sad because Jinki had this sense that if he had read this letter in the past, things would have worked out. But now he wasn’t so sure, he felt as if they had waited too long.

“I did,” Jinki admitted with a small nod of his head, “But those are feelings from years ago, you can’t expect me to believe you feel like that now. It’s okay, I get it.” Jinki nodded his head, I never got over you, but  I get that you moved on a long time ago, you just don’t want to hurt my feelings. “I understand that you’ve changed, moved on etc, so it’s okay. Don’t worry I will get over you,” Jinki smiled bitterly, “You don’t need to stay around here, I’ll be discharged soon.”

“Jinki-hyung, do you know why I’m this university?” Minho ignored Jinki’s words for the time being, “Do you know why I chose this university?”

“Because…” Jinki frowned, shrugging his shoulders, he wondered how Minho expected him to know, “it has a good athletics department?”

“Do you know why I’m doing some computer courses?” Minho replied, “Do you? Why am I studying that? And why at this university, because of one simple reason,” Minho paused to in a deep breath, “You, you Lee Jinki, you’re the reason.” Minho smiled across at Jinki, beyond caring what the other thought of him, “When I finished school I thought I was over you, but then I saw you again, and everything just crashed down on me. I dated lots in high school to try and get over you, I like you. I really like you Lee Jinki.”

“I know I’ve gone about things the wrong way, but I really do like you.” Minho nodded his head, crouching down in front of Jinki’s hospital bed. He reached forward to grasp Jinki’s hands, and before the older boy could say or do anything he just leaned forward and kissed him lightly across the lips. It only lasted a second or two, but Jinki felt his world come crashing down over his head, dazed and bewildered he just stared in shock at Minho. Before he could comprehend anything, Minho’s lips claimed his again, softly sliding against his own, until everything was gone but the taste and feel of Minho’s lips smooth against his mouth.


Kibum watched as Minho rushed back into the hospital room, he turned to smile across at Taemin, he realised that his feelings were so different than Minho’s and Jinki’s. Watching the drama play out between the two had made him realise that his feelings for Taemin were more platonic than anything. They had kissed and held hands, but anything more just felt wrong to Kibum. He wasn’t sure if he just wasn’t ready yet, or if he would ever be,  but more than anything he wanted Taemin’s friendship.

Guiltily he watched as Taemin sent a text message, his lips curved up into a soft smile, he had no idea how he would tell the other. How Taemin, the beautiful, talented boy would take it. He smiled as Taemin turned to look at him, still smiling as he stared up at Kibum. He was going to have to tell him, he felt a pain in his chest, figuring he had to do it soon.

“Kibum-hyung, what’s wrong, is something the matter?” Taemin finally asked, and Kibum sometimes wished he wasn’t so perceptive.

“I need to tell you something,” Kibum chewed on his lip nervously, “do you want to go outside for a walk? Maybe it’s better to talk out there.” Kibum felt nervous, but when Taemin nodded his head somehow he felt a little better.

“Sure, it would be nice to go out, since we’ve been stuck in here for a few hours.” Taemin shrugged, “We can leave those two for some time, right?” Taemin reached across to grasp Kibum’s hand, touching it to reassure him and make him feel better.

“Yeah, thanks Taeminnie,” Kibum murmured as they started to walk down the corridor towards the elevators. He felt bad but in his heart he knew it was the right thing to do, he had to do it. He nodded his head feeling determined as the elevator took them lower, each second taking them one step closer to the words Kibum dreaded having to say.


Sorry ;==; sorry! My laptop is completely dead sob so I have to share a computer (with many many people) so its difficult for me to update so much D; but I will try to update more often! ANd sorry and thank you to everyone for all the sweet and lovely comments! You guys are the best ;___;

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself