
What is love?


Jinki was still lying on the couch in a state of confusion when Kibum got home from work. His brow creased into wrinkles as he tried to make sense of Minho’s last words. He sat up stiffly when he noticed that Kibum was standing there staring at him. Jinki yawned and rubbed his forehead, trying to make sense of anything, he just confused and surprised.


“So, how was your trip home?” Kibum grinned, squeezing onto the couch, cuddling against Jinki, “awesome was it?”


“Yeah,” Jinki mumbled, biting into his lip, “But Kibum, Kibum when Minho left, he thought I was asleep, and he asked me why I hated him.” He frowned, “Does it really seem like I hate him? I don’t understand why he would even think that I hate him.” He swallowed, pressing his hands together solemnly, “I just don’t get it Kibum,” he turned to look at the other boy, frowning.


“Really, that is kind of weird.” Kibum scrunched up his face, “I can’t imagine how or why he thinks you hate him. Could it be from something that happened in the past? When he gave you that top, did you reply coldly or harshly?” Kibum cocked his head to one side, “Or something like that?” Jinki frowned, sticking the side of his tongue out of his mouth as he sat there thinking about.


“No, I didn’t,” He firmly shook his head, “It’s weird isn’t it?”


“Yeah it is, but you must’ve done something to make him have that impression, we just need to work out what.” Kibum frowned, “oh have you talked to Changsun-hyung lately,” Kibum paused, lifting his head up, “what is going on with you guys?” Kibum neatly changed the subject, ignoring the way Jinki pouted slightly. But he did not want to keep dwelling on things like why Minho thought he hated him, or start analysing all his actions from the past.


“Um, nothing, he’s really busy, we are texting each other, but he doesn’t have a lot of free time,” Jinki shrugged, “well he will be home next week, so I guess we will see each other.” Jinki nodded his head, “Oh yeah, he suggested something to me, I’m not sure what to do and say, can I tell you about it?” Jinki looked hopeful as he spoke, “Please, just don’t tell anyone?”


“I won’t, I promise.” Kibum promised, nodding his head and looking so serious that Jinki believed him. He swallowed, feeling nervous and unsure about if he should trust Kibum or not. But in the end he decided that he would trust him. He had to discuss it with someone before he drove himself crazy.




Saturday dawned clear and crisp,  but the chill in the air told Jinki that autumn was on its way. He had a lazy morning, eating breakfast in his pyjamas, looking half asleep and tired. His hair was an untidy mess, Kibum eyed him wearily from the couch, until Jinki noticed him staring continually.


“What?” Jinki finally asked after he had finished eating, “Why do you keep looking at me?” He asked, blinking as he wiped his mouth again quickly, adding to the small pile of serviettes scrunched up next to him. “I always eat like this,” He frowned, until Kibum shook his head, telling Jinki he wasn’t commenting on that.


“No, I just wondered if you remembered that we’re going to the movies today?” Kibum blinked, “Because you need to start getting ready soon,” He looked down at his watch, and then glanced back up at Jinki, “And your um hair looks pretty messed up.” He shrugged, “I know it’s only a movie, but you should dress up a little.” Kibum nodded his head, pointing to his own outfit, which Jinki now noticed was much dressier than what he usually wore on the weekend.


“Oh, I’ll go and shower now then,” Jinki shrugged not seeing why he had to dress up, it was just the movies not some fashion show. He shrugged, he felt like relaxing on the weekend. It was not overly warm but the sky was crystal clear and bright, so Jinki wanted to just wear something loose and casual. Once he showered he put on his most comfortable pair of jeans, they were loose and faded and almost going into holes in places. He just wore an old but comfy t-shirt, which had gone a strange pale grey from the wash.


Just because Kibum was dressing up he felt no desire to do the same. He checked the time on his watch and stepped out, smiling warmly across at his flatmate. He was ready to go, he felt excited because they had wanted to see this movie for a while now. Jinki frowned when he saw the way Kibum glared at him and just shook his head.


“No! You can’t go dressed like that!” Kibum practically shouted, “Go change, hyung.”


“Why?” Jinki frowned, “Aren’t we just going to the movies?” Jinki blinked his eyes, adjusting his glasses with his index finger. “Does it matter how I’m dressed? I want to be comfortable.” He shrugged his shoulders wondering why Kibum was getting so worked up over what he was wearing.


“No, we’re meeting some people there.” Kibum frowned, “I really think you should dress up, wear something a little nicer, like you dress for going to meet Changsun-hyung.” He suggested, practically begging Jinki, “Please hyung, you can’t go like that.” He shook his head firmly, but the more he protested about what Jinki was wearing, the more Jinki wanted to just dig his toes in and stay as he was.


“We’re going to see a movie.” Jinki crossed his arms in front of his chest, “Everyone will be focussed on the movie, not how we’re dressed. I’m not changing.” His mouth was set in a firm, stubborn line, and seeing that Kibum just gave up. He realised that he had done this all the wrong way, because the more someone nagged Jinki, the more he just refused.


“Are you sure? We might eat afterwards,” Kibum rubbed his hands together, “It might get cold?” He found himself still trying to goad Jinki into changing. But after thirty minutes of them bickering about it, they left to catch the train. Kibum pouted, he spent the train ride texting someone, but Jinki ignored the fact that Kibum was being pissy about his clothes. Although he wondered if he was dressed that weirdly, that Kibum was embarrassed to be seen with him. He swallowed and frowned, he was comfortable and he liked his clothes, but he figured Kibum could just grow up if he felt embarrassed for his clothes.


When they arrived outside the cinema complex, Jinki felt himself growing nervous as he spotted Taemin standing under a leafy green tree, the leaves slowly starting to change colour. Jinki’s throat going dry as he saw Minho standing next to Taemin, they hadn’t spotted them yet, he turned to look at Kibum with surprise, blinking when his friend shrugged at him.


“Oh.” Jinki swallowed, “I should’ve listened to you,” he nodded his head, suddenly feeling awkward for how casually he was dressed. He glanced across at saw how neatly and Minho and Taemin were dressed, he felt completely out of place. “Do you think we have time for me to go and buy another shirt or something?” Jinki asked, but before Kibum replied, they had been spotted.


“Jinki-hyung, Kibum-hyung!”


Jinki froze hearing Taemin’s shrill voice, and cautiously he looked over to see Taemin waving at them, smiling brightly. He glanced to his left, freezing as he met Minho’s gaze and he couldn’t look away. Jinki trembled slightly as he stared at the taller boy, noticing how his dark eyes looked slightly shocked, as if he didn’t know they were coming.

^^ ;D

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself