
What is love?


Jinki soon found that he established a routine, with his library and café job. If he had classes in the morning he would go straight to the library and work there, and go to the café later in the day. If he had a free morning then he would go to the café earlier, and then go to the library job. It was full on, but Jinki liked to be busy, and he enjoyed both jobs.


Even if he did stuff up more in the kitchen, he still had fun, trying to bake things and trying to help. He also missed serving the customers and making coffee, but he didn’t mind it too much. The goal after all was to get over Minho, he figured if he didn’t see him, he would be able to get over him slowly. So he hid out in the kitchen never venturing out to talk to Kibum. When he arrived that day, it was mid afternoon, and almost everything had been done except the dishes. Quite often it was the case, that the dishes were left for him.


He hummed softly to himself as he washed the dishes, he didn’t mind washing dishes that much. At least this way he did not have to see Minho or anyone else. He realised it was kind of pointless trying to get over Minho, but he felt like it was something that he needed to do, even if he had no idea why. He quietly lectured himself, remembering that he knew Minho would never like him back so it was pointless to keep hurting himself by liking him.


“Hyung,” Kibum rushed into the kitchen, “I’m going to class now, Cheol Yong is still here, but if he needs help he will just call you.” Kibum nodded his head, “It should be fine, and Jjong will be getting back soon.” Kibum nodded touching Jinki lightly on the shoulder before he bounded off. Jinki was relieved that the Taemin thing had not upset the balance between them, he had no idea of what was going on between the two but he never saw anything so it was okay.


“Okay,” Jinki mumbled too late after the other boy was gone. He shrugged, turning back to attack the rest of the dishes. He began to hum again softly to himself, not really paying attention, until he felt pain. Jinki frowned and looked down, to see that he had cut his finger on the knife he was washing, his eyes widened and he reached for something to wrap around his finger.


He grabbed a paper towel, managing to drop the whole lot. He on his finger, as he ripped one paper towel off, dumping the mess of paper towels on the bench. He was going to have to get someone else to bandage it because it looked quite bad. He felt slightly faint as he saw the blood staining the paper towel, he grimaced and hurried towards the front of the café faster.


“Kibum, Kibummie?” Jinki called out, not looking up from his bleeding finger, “Um, can you give me a hand?” he mumbled, forgetting that no one was meant to know he was working there. “Kibum?” Jinki spoke louder, frowning when no one replied. He swallowed, feeling more dizzy as he looked down and saw the blood, when he lifted his face, he gulped seeing Minho right there.


“Hyung,” Minho’s eyes widened, he quickly steered the boy back into the kitchen, “Kibum’s not here.” Jinki just nodded his head numbly, letting Minho take over. He shivered slightly when Minho held his hands, unwrapping the paper towel, and inspecting the wound. He covered it again, looking right into Jinki’s eyes seriously, “where is the first aid kit?”


“It’s here,” Jinki glanced up to see Cheol Yong standing there, holding it out, with a shocked expression across his face. Jinki just swallowed, watching as Minho took the kit, his hand felt cold now that Minho was no longer touching it, he wanted him to hold his hand again. He felt so happy, light and fluttery when Minho took his hand again even if he was only putting on a band aid.


The sight of Minho kneeling in front of him, face deep in concentration, made Jinki’s heart want to stop dead, especially when he gripped his hand so gently. Glancing up every so often to look up at Jinki, it was almost unbearably perfect, Jinki wanted to smile even if there was blood and his finger stung. He tried to keep his expression neutral, but failed miserably.


“Oh hyung, you need to be more careful.” Minho frowned slightly, his fingers still resting against Jinki’s, “Gosh I nearly had a heart attack when I saw all the blood.” He shook his head, “Just as well I was here. It’s pretty deep but it should be okay.” He nodded his head and Jinki stared down at Minho’s hand still touching his own.


“Thank you,” Jinki whispered, “Thank you Minho-ya,” he mumbled again, smiling softly, his face pale.


“Hm, I think you should go home,” Minho pouted, “You look unwell, ah I hope someone else gets here soon, so you can go home.” Minho squeezed Jinki’s hand lightly, as if he reassure him, but it just made Jinki feel even more giddy. He swallowed, staring down at their hands, he could feel the steady beat of his heart increasing the more he looked down at their hands. Minho’s fingertips were slightly rough and callused, but Jinki never wanted him to let go.




Minho let go of Jinki’s hand as soon as they heard Kibum’s voice, he stood up immediately too. Jinki pouted slightly, blinking his eyes as he stared across at Kibum, feeling annoyed that he had disturbed them. Although Jinki realised he was more annoyed at himself for thinking in that moment it meant something, it meant more than Minho helping him out.


“You’re so pale,” Kibum patted his shoulder, “You should go home.”


“That’s what I said,” Minho commented, “I’ll help him home.” He immediately suggested, “I don’t think he should go home by himself.” Jinki frowned, wishing Minho would just stop being so kind, it only encouraged his stupid heart more. It only made him get his hopes up higher, which was insane because he knew he had no chance. He sighed softly, pouting and looking sad, not realising that both Kibum and Minho were watching him.


“Okay,” Kibum grinned, “I’ll write down our address for you,” He rushed off to get the address and came back moments later with it. Jinki swallowed as both Kibum and Minho helped him to stand up, he wanted to protest but then he realised this was his one chance to be close to Minho, he should just take it, and cherish the memory forever.


Jinki felt dazed for the whole train ride, with Minho right next to him, arm slung casually around his shoulder. He only cut his finger, he couldn’t quite work out why they were fussing so much over him. He thought it was Minho who was making him feel light headed, and once they reached the apartment, Minho left him sprawled against the couch. Jinki shut his eyes, smiling happily as he lay there, breathing in softly. He was about to open his eyes when he heard Minho approaching, but hearing him inhale, he kept his eyes shut.


“I’m going to go, I guess you’re asleep.” Minho mumbled fidgeting with some keys, “Be careful hyung, take care of yourself.” Minho sighed again, and then he whispered, “I wish I knew why you hated me.” At first Jinki thought he imagined it, but then Minho whispered it again, making Jinki freeze and jerk up. But by the time he moved, Minho was already gone, leaving him confused. What? He thinks I hate him? Why would he think that?



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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself