Our Memories

I'm just a maid.....

In Sungmin's room

Sungmin ask for leave again today from Heechul. She feel really bad for him because she been absent from work for one week straight. She barely have energy to do anything. Thankfully, Heechul been really understanding, he didn't even questioned. Maybe Hyukie had told him something. Hopefully she didn't told him about her personal life. She don't want anyone to know, especially her boss. She didn't need to be pitied, and she hate too much attention. She must solve this matter alone and she must make the decision fast.

Sungmin sit on her bed again and lean her head on the wall. She been lying all day so she get tired of that position. She didn't cry though, maybe her tears had dried up after so many night of crying. She feel much better now and accepted the fact that Kyuhyun and Seohyun is together. She didn't have the right to argue. Somehow, she felt that they really look good together, just like Uncle Cho and Aunty Cho. All those good memories..  like it just had happen yesterday. So clear and so vivid in Sungmin's mind. Kyu ahh... do you still remember?


In one particular morning, 5 years old Sungmin sneak out from her house and ran secretly to the playground .

Sungmin POV

"Yeay.. I manage to go out. I bet Leeteuk omma and Kangin appa will get really angry later." I chuck because I was so successful in my evil plan. I can't believe omma will believe that I actually sleeping. haha..but, I don't really understand why they forbid me from going out, I mean... I am a big girl now so I can take care of myself, duhh....... 

The whole day is really fun for me. But my favourite would be the swing. I really love to play it as I feel like I can touch the sky. I know it's silly but who knows.. maybe one day.. I swing myself high enough that I can touch it. I manage to find friends too, but their parents took them home afterwards. Leaving me alone here. Sometimes, I really hate adult, asking me this and that.."Where your parents?" "Can we send you home?" These questions in so annoying. I am not a kid! Being a good liar, I told them fake story.. that my appa and omma will fetch me later, and seriously, they fell for it.

But, I don't really mind being alone. At least I can have the playground all by myself. Lucky me.

As I swing myself higher and higher, I saw a bunny shape cloud. It's really cute so I unconciously let go of my right hand.. I really want to touch the bunny looking cloud.. but I fail to retrieve my balance, so I fell hard on the ground. I even bleed because of the cut on my knee. The pain is too much for me to handle, so I cry loudly. But I was alone there, so I try to stand up when I felt that the pain is getting lesser.

"Omma...appa... where are you?" I started to sob. Situation got even worse when I felt water droplets on my face. Then, it started to rain. I try to walk faster but I can't. It is so painful when the droplets hit my cut knee. So I stop and hide under a big tree, hoping that my parents can spot me. Despite the pain and the fear I having at that time, I try to hold my tears because Omma said I shine the brightest when I smile. So I try to flash the biggest smile ever, hoping that my shines can make my parents noticed me.

I waited so long but nothing happen. I guess my parents still think that I asleep soundly at home.. how I wish I listen to their advice.

"Stupid tears..stupid eyes..stupid rain.. stupid swing... ok, I take that back. I love swing.." the only thing I can do is sob. This is where I met him. My knight in shining armor...

"Are you ok? Why are you crying?" a velvet voice spoke. I am quite shock at that time to respond. So I look up and I saw it. The angelic face that make my heart beats.. He is holding a small black umbrella and try to shield me from the rain. But the umbrella hardly cover the both of us, so he is wet too.

"I hurt my knee and I can't walk."

"I see, are you alone?" He smiled. I just answer with a nod.

"Grab my hand, let me bring you home." he extended his hand, signalling me to grab it.

I did.

He support me along the way so that I can walk better. He try to make jokes and ask questions too, I guess he wanted to divert my attention from the pain. I feel really happy.

"That is my house." I said while pointing my finger.

As expected, the door flunk open after a few rings, revealing an angry Leeteuk.. Great..

'Where did you go huh..young lady? Your appa is now searching for you. Don't you know we are worried sick?' he screamed.

Well, you must be wondering why my omma is a "HE"... actually, I am adopted. Leeteuk omma and Kangin appa really love each other but they can't have kids (of course la.. =.="), so they took me in. I really love them so much.

"Sorry omma, I won't do this again." I sob.

"You better be or else..." he stop when he saw blood stain on my skirt. "What happen Minnie?" he ran to my sides and examine my injuries.

"Oh my God, you are hurt... now..where is that first aid kit?" he ran in panicked into the house while talking to himself. He didn't even notice him. Funny omma.

"I guess I should go." the boy spoke.

"Thank you.." I whisper. I wish I could see him again.

He shake his head and walked away. "I am Kyuhyun.. Cho Kyuhyun... see you around Minnie."

I am beyond happy to hear that. Such an angelic name..just like the owner. A few days later, he come to my house again, but with his parents. He said he wanted to be friends with me, of course, I agree.

We been closed since, really closed. Our parents even said that we are destined to be with each other. I always feel embarrass with that statement but I can't see any reation from Kyu. Maybe he don't feel the same way as I do.

"I really hate my clothes." he suddenly complained to me while we are in his bedroom. We are in primary school that time and in the middle on discussing math homework.

"Why so?" I am puzzled.

"See this? I really hate the colour, and the design is horrible." he took out his clothes collection and complain about it one by one.

"I think it's ok, you just too choosy. " I rolled my eyes and laugh.

"I think you should go to the clinic and check your eyesight. These you called ok??" he throw his clothes on me.

"Hey, stop throwing! I not gonna clean this mess up." I retorted.

"Fine!" he is angry.

So, I took out my pencil and start sketching. 'Do you have colour pencil Kyu?'


"I want to use it. Please?"

After a few minutes..

"Done! Do you like this?"

"Like what?" his eyes wided when he saw my drawing and smiled widely. "It's very nice, I like it!" he exclaimed while clap his hand together.


"Yeah.. you really talented." his praised making me blushed. He took away the clothing sketch from my hand.

"Where are you going Kyu? Give me back my book.'

"Neh.. wait k, I going to show it to my parents."

"Why did you show it to uncle?" I grab my book and hit his head. Of course I am shy, that's just a cartoon sketch with some colours on it. uhh..this Kyuhyun sure know how to make me lost my pride.

"Yah...why you hit me for? You so gonna get the double pain from me." He try to hit me but I manage to dodge his attacks. He started to chase me around. In a matter of seconds, he manage to grab my arm making me loss my balance. We fall together on his bed, with our lips slightly touching. I can feel that my heart pump so fast and my blood start rising up to my head. This is too much for me to handle. This is when I realised that he is more than a friend to me.

We been silence for long, avoiding to look at each other. I was beyond shock that I can't talk. He is the one breaking the awkwardness.

' I am sorry." he mumble. I just answered with a nod.

"You know Minnie...when a penguin meets its mate, they will stay together forever?" he asked bluntly.

"Hah...?" then I started to laugh. "Where did you heard that? Animal Channel?' he successfully making me talk.

"Umm...maybe, I can't remember." he play with his own fingers now. Why did he look so shy? His face is as red as strawberry. That's so not him, is it because of the kiss? It's an accident. I can't believe my ears when he suddenly ask that silly question.

"Minnie ahh..will you be my penguin?" he looked down on the floor.

I don't know how to react because I never see this site of him, but it's a good thing to know. I chuck making him looked at me with confusion.

"Of course Kyu, I am more than willing to be your penguin." he smiled.

A month later, I saw he wore my t-shirt design. I can't believe he ask his parents to make him one.

"Like it Minnie? Nice right?" he said while pointing to his shirt, making my mouth hanging open.

"Why you wear this?" I ask curiously while trying to hide my happiness.

"Why?? What question is that? Of course because I like it." he chuck. "You know Minnie, you are really talented in designing. I bet you can be a successful fashion designer." he laugh.

From that moment onward, I know what I wanted in life. I really take that seriously, thats why I choose fashion design in university and settle down with this career path. Just because of one simple compliment from him.

But our happiness didn't last long, I guess our friendship died 5 years ago where he blamed it on me.

That night is horrible for me. Although I already consider as an adult and being independent , I still afraid of thunder and lightning. Silly right?

"What wrong with you? Why are you trembling?" Kyu asked in concern while patting my back to comfort me. We stopped studying for a while.

"It's thunder Kyu, I hate it."

He smirked. 'I can't believe a martial art master like you can be afraid of this." but I didn't fight back, the roar is too hard for me to handle, so I hug him. He seems frozen in place, maybe too shocked with my action. So I moved away.

"I think I should go Minnie ahh.." he quickly stand up and ready to go, but I grab his hand.

"Don't leave me." I pled.

"If that's what you want, Minnie ahh.." he touch my face softly. He stay with me that night after calling his parents about staying over. I feel relieve and we cuddled with each other that night.

We woke up happily the next day. I am certain now that he loves me too.


"Kyu ahh.. you must be ready for this. Promise me." suddenly Leeteuk omma said this to Kyu in the car where we are on our way to Cho's mansion. There are hint of sadness in his voice.

"About what?" Kyu asked in confusion.

He didn't reply that.

Finally, we know what had happened.

"Why there are so many people here? Uncle Yesung? What had happened?" Kyu shouted when he saw the image in front of him.

(A burned house, completely destroyed)

"Kyu ahh...come to uncle.." he extended his arm and hug the poor kid.

Unfortunately for Kyuhyun, his whole family member had died in a terrible fire. The police found out that the lightning from yesterday had struck on a tree in his backyard causing it to burn and fall over, making the house structure collapse. This is a rare case indeed.

Kyuhyun cannot accept the fact that his parents had died and the grief had taken over his soul. He blamed that all on me.

"Kyu ahh...please come out and eat." I pled. He lock himself in his uncle's house and refused to eat. I already try for a few days to persuade him but it didn't worked.

At last, he opened the door after 4days. I was really speechless to see his condition. It just too heartbreaking to see him suffer. I try to hold his hand, but he shook it off.

"Kyu ahh.."

He refused to look at me.

"Kyu..?" I can see his hand shaking and hold into a fist, He looked at me with hatred eyes, full of anger!

Suddenly, he burst out and punch the wall hard, until his fingers bleed.

"Oh Kyu! What are you doing?" I capture his hand immediately, so scared that he might hurt himself again.

"Let me go!" he struggle and push me to the floor harshly.

"Kyu...." he cut me off quickly.

"You! Lee...Sung...min... that cause me all this pain. " I blink. Try so hard to understand this. What have I done?

"Kyu? What is that supposed to mean?"

"What? You don't know? Let me tell you. You is the cause that separated me from my parents! Got that?!" he shout. "If not because of you, I have been with my parents. None of this will happen!"

"Why do you say this Kyu?" my voice shake. This is the first time I ever seen him mad like this.

"It's you that force me to stay over at your house Sungmin! If not, I will be together with them."

"But you is safe now. Isn't that..." he cut my line again.

"That's why! I don't wanna be save. I wanna die! Die together  with my family! Got that?"

I was beyond shock. He blamed me because I separated him from his family. He blamed me because I kept him alive. He blamed me for everything.

After that incident, I try so hard to regain his love for me. I am willing to sacrifice. Fortunately for me, he eventually opened up his heart little by little and started to accept my present again. I am thankful.Even though we are not that closed any more, at least he didn't push me away from his life, and that's enough for me.

End of Flashback

After long consideration, Sungmin dialled a number on her phone and waited the other party to answer. Her hand is wet because of her nervousness. She been debating whether she should make the call.

"Hello... why do you call me?"

She found herself to be muted by the voice, make her unable to speak.

After a long pause of silence..

"Oii... why do you keep silent? If you wanna waste my time here, I gonna off now..."

"Wait.." Sungmin said.

"Finally... What do you want Min ahh? I got meeting in 5 mins time."

"Kyu ahh.. Do you have time tonight? Lets have dinner at your house? We haven't seen each other for a while. I'll cook." she try to sound happy.

Sungmin bit her lips, praying that her request will be accepted.

"Ok. See you tonight." he ended the call.

Sungmin can't be happier. Oh God, may I ask your direction for this? If he shows up. I will stay, but if opposite..

That evening, Sungmin brought lots of ingredients. She is determined to cook specially for them both. At least, this will be their sweet memory together.

But... as expected, Kyuhyun didn't come back on time. Sungmin had been waiting for hours. Her dishes are already cold, and so is her poor heart.

"He won't come." Sungmin said weakly. Somehow, she predicted that this will happen. So she took out a piece of paper and start writing. 

After a long stare at the house, trying to capture all the memories, she went out, leaving behind Kyuhyun's spare key on the dining table. She don't need that anymore.

"Hello...Heechul oppa?"

"Oh, Sungmin ahh.. why did you call me at this time? It's already 1am in the morning, I need my beauty sleep."


"Neh... Sungmin..wae?" he sounded worried.

"I accept the offer to Paris. Is it still available?" Sungmin try to hold her tears.

"Of course. It's always yours to take. I am glad you reconsider it."

"Thank you oppa.. thank you..."

She cried until she drifted to her dream land. This is the decision that I should take long ago.. leaving him is the best option.




What do you think? Actually I am thinking of stop writing because people didn't seems to like this story.. and I lost subscribers too. But, special thanks to

cyyQM137 for giving extremely good comments.

Babywookie Is she really a ? hihih..

amanie new update. hope you like it.

leeraina thanks for loving this story :-)

hayeNim thanks for the comment

tiqgob99 don't kill Kyu nehh.. he have his reasons.. more explanations in next chappy

You guys are the reasons why I must finish this story. Love you! <3

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hnafirda #1
Chapter 1: poor min
just confess, and see what kyu do
i hope kyumin always together
hnafirda #2
ommoo this is a hurt ff?
Chapter 14: thanks so much for the beautiful story !! looking forward for more great stories ^_^
Chapter 14: wow, great job :D
LoveNdyy #6
Chapter 14: Oh yeah, perfect and beautiful story!!
Yeah, sometimes, people are too blind to see the beauty of kyumin story...
Chapter 14: THIS
this is one perfect story okay?!! thank you for sharing this I really enjoyed reading!! Sungmin, so dedicated... and Kyuhyun wae you made Minnie suffer and you made me angry at how you badly treated Minnie, she wasn't to blame...hopefully all ends fine, I hope Kyuhyun will take good care of Minnie now she deserves it!! take care of your penguin Kyuhyun k?...hehe
This only sad thing about all this is that Heechul didn't find his love again... I hope he will find it someday cause love is definitly worth it!!

sorry for rambling too much... GREAT JOB!! I'll be leaving now sorry hehe~^^
Chapter 14: Your story line.... So unexpected especially about seohyun and heechul! Well done author-nim <33333
MwahahaXD #9
Sweet ending.
Good job author-shi! ><