Lying and Ditching

Bloody Noses and Blue Roses [HIATUS]

“How many times to I have to tell you guys that you're playing the notes too high?!” bellowed CheonDung, or rather Park SangHyun the assistant of instruments group, that evening. Eventhough he was a senior, he has always been the assistant, he could never replace the former leader of instruments, Jung YongHwa who graduated last year.


“I kinda miss YongHwa-hyung,” I confessed on the way home after practice. (some of you might be wondering why HyoJin refers to an older guy as 'hyung' instead of 'oppa'. But that's just how she is, the secret will be revealed in later chapters, please anticipate it!^^)


MinHwan chuckled and gasped, “Ah, I just remembered, I can't go to the music store with you this Saturday.”


“Why can't you?” I asked suspiciously. It wasn't like him to not be with me because where I was, he should be there. It has always been like that but now he was gonna change that? “I thought we were gonna service my guitar together.”


“Umm,” he hesitated and glanced at me guiltily. “I have to … you know …”


“What? What do I know?” I pressed, slightly annoyed that he had other plans that he would even ditch his bestfriend for it. “Hmm?”


“I have a … this … um … my omma asked me to stay home that night! Yeah … that's it!” he chuckled unconvincingly.


“I'm not even gonna ask,” I sighed, knowing that he was lying to me. He must be up to something, and I was determined to find out. “Just let me know if your omma changes her mind, okay?” I said as I turned into the junction that led to my house while MinHwan continued down the road.


“Yeah, sure,” he avoided my eyes and turned his back to me.




It was Saturday night and I decided to stay at home because I never went to the music store without MinHwan. It would be weird to go there without him. I was watching cartoons with my little brother when my phone rang. I gazed at the caller ID and almost cried.


“Minani! So did your omma change her mind??!”


He sighed before he sadly said, “Mian, she didn't …”


“How unfair …” I pouted, sad that he was actually lying to me again. “Then why did you call me?”


“Oh, I just wanted to know if you were still going without me,” he said rather quickly.


“Ani (no), wae (why)?”


“So you're not going to the music store and then to the sugar bowl?” sugar bowl was a cafe where we frequently go to just relax and talk. It has been like a tradition for us to go there since middle school.


“Ani, what fun would it be to go there without you?” I purposely asked that question to make him feel guilty.


“Neh … So you're really not going?” he emphasized the really, really hard, making me more curious as to what he was up to.


“Ne, I'm really not going, okay? What's with you, anyway?”


“Nothing, I'm just making sure that my bestfriend doesn't go to the place where we should go together. I'm glad you won't go without me! I gotta go, bye!” his voice sounded too excited when he hung up the phone. He was totally up to something and I was gonna find out.




I sipped my iced lemon tea as I browsed through a magazine, glancing in the direction of the door every once in a while. I was keeping an eye out for MinHwan the big fat liar. It was so obvious that he wanted to come here, at the sugar bowl, tonight. But with whom, I was still to figure it out.


Watching the people around me, I realized that I was the only person without a partner. It was a Saturday night afterall, a night for dates and stuff. Usually it wouldn't be this awkward because I was always with MinHwan, but now that I wasn't I felt so alone. It was weird, it seemed like we've been together most of the times and now I was here without him. What if he got himself a girlfriend and decided to ditch me? I would kill him if he ever did that to me. I mean, he should wait for me to get a boyfriend before he got a girlfriend for himself. Or is that being unfair? But really, bestfriends should stick together, right?


That was when the welcome bell on the door chimed and my bestfriend entered. A smile spread across my face to see him, but then I frowned deeply to see him hold the door open for someone. A girl. But not just any girl, it had to be the annoying, goody-goody, little miss perfect, Bae SuJi.


She was a junior from school. I never liked that girl – I don't know why – and now I see my bestfriend with her, it was really weird. Really, really, really weird. I didn't even blink when I watched them as they sat down at the place where usually couples sit together. I couldn't believe it, wait, did this mean that they were a couple?? My stomach tightened at the thought of MinHwan actually dating a girl. But not just any girl – here I go again – it had to be Bae SuJi! Why did it have to be HER?


Just then, I realized that I was squeezing my plastic cup and most of the water was on the table. “Aish!” a waiter, grumbled when he saw the mess I made. And every head in the cafe turned in my direction. Luckily, I ducked under the table just as MinHwan and Suzy turned. Safe! If MinHwan saw me spying on him, he might not want to be friends with me anymore.


Wait, what gives him the right to not want to be friends with me, when he was the one who lied and ditched his bestfriend for a date??! Woh, I was getting too ahead of myself, I shook my head. Maybe he has a reasonable explanation as to why he wanted to keep it a secret from me. Ne, I nodded to myself, maybe they weren't really dating maybe this was just going out for a drink or discussing school projects and stuff. Ahhh, I felt much better after reasoning with myself. But wait, she was a junior and we didn't have any classes with juniors!


Ehem,” a voice overhead swept me away from my thoughts; it was the waiter. “What are you doing under the table?”


Oh!” I was oblivious that I looked ridiculous under the table, the whole time he was wiping it. “I was just … looking for my … um, bag.”


But it's right there on the chair,” he pointed, annoyance showing on his face.


Keureoji (exactly)! T-that's why I was l-looking for it!” I stammered, my face turning red, embarassed at my lame excuse. But why did I have to explain it to him anyway? So I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way to the exit.


Hok!” I heard MinHwan cry out and I stood frozen in place. He saw me he sawme he saw me hesaw me hesawme!


I gulped nervously and slowly turned around. To see MinHwan and Suzy happily sharing a drink. What was the 'hok' for?? That scared me for nothing! I stamped my feet and then angrily stomped out of the cafe, not caring about the eyes that were staring at me like I was crazy. Because I knew two things for sure; one, I wasn't crazy, and two, MinHwan was so gonna get it when I see him in school on Monday.





A/N: hello beloved readers! don't kill me for Suzy's character! i swear, she has a role in this story but not so big, so she won't overshadow HyoJin!^^ i hope you guys liked this chapter, because this is where the fun begins!


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atheovia #1
This story is really good but it's so confusing D: Why's Hongki so crazy? Does Jonghun like her or..? And why did the main character have such a big fight with Minhwan for like.. no reason at all? And why is she always crying? e-e;; All the characters are somewhat bipolar it seems D: but I still like it so maybe if you write some more it'll be clearer?
winterflowr #2
I'm so confused...<br />
Minhwan seems so bipolar--and I'm not being biased, but shouldn't he apologize for not telling her about his dating Suzy? Plus, I think he even ditched their usual outing and lied O.o I kinda think it's all his fault<br />
And odd?<br />
Thank you for updating!
FairytalePerfection #3
Aaaaaw, Minhwan. <3
thanks for reading~<br />
bloody guy will be revealed soon! XD
FairytalePerfection #5
Oooooo!!!! Now who could the bloody guy be...
winterflowr #6
Theater activities fun! lol I'm going to watch my school musical tomorrow!<br />
I wanna the poster--put it up next chapter!<br />
FINALLY!!!The bloody nose guy returns! But...his nose didn't bleed...and he was around a girl?? Maybe his phobia is gone?<br />
Minhwan is such a jerk! He sooooo cut class with Suzy!<br />
Poor HongGi...she wasn't listening to him!<br />
Update soon!
winterflowr #7
At least she and HongGi are kinda okey now!<br />
Bring by the mystery guy PLEASE!!<br />
Oh...and you didn't write down any questions for this chappie for me to answer??<br />
<br />
Update soon!
FairytalePerfection #8
Aaaaaaaw. She's so sad.