Sleeping to Death

Bloody Noses and Blue Roses [HIATUS]

A week of school passed by unnoticed and it was already the second week, when the club activities started. It was held in the evening for two days a week, the first day was Wednesday for club and association activities while Thursday was for sports. It was Wednesday, MinHwan and I were walking down a path that led to the clubhouse. We belong to the same club, which is the music club. But MinHwan was involved with instruments and vocals compared to me who was only involved with instruments. I've tried singing once and all that I could say about it was that if I was singing in a forest, all the wild animals would rip me apart or attempt suicide to relieve themselves from the suffering. Yes, it was that bad so I never sang again.


That evening, the weather was nice enough to be practicing music. The sun was playing hide-and-seek with the clouds. And the wind was blowing away softly.


“You think it’s gonna rain?” MinHwan asked, seeing me gaze up at the sky. He has been trying to start a decent conversation with me ever since he said the word worse. But he failed every time because I would always shrug it off and made myself busy which really upset him lately.


Ignoring him, I focused my sight to my footsteps on the flat stones embedded in the ground to form a path. I was really sensitive when it came to my hands/arms or anything that had to do with my guitar playing. What was worse was that MinHwan knew it better than anyone else but he has always been the speak-his-mind kind of person which made it even worse. Eventhough he did fall off a tree just to apologize to me, I didn't want to forgive him that easily. And although he did get me a bouquet of blue roses, which might've softened me a bit, I still won't forgive him. I really want him to regret and reflect on what he did.


“HyoJin-ah, I …” he started to say and then stopped in his tracks but I walked on still. Then he ran to my side and said, “Look, I just …” he was thinking again.


I wished I could see the look on his face, I smiled to myself. Serves him right; he was never the master of trying to explain himself, he just never could come up with the right excuse. Before his next words could escape his mouth, I ran ahead because we were already at the clubhouse. I pushed open the two main doors and stepped inside, MinHwan catching up from behind.


The music club owned one of the largest clubhouse in the school because of its big number of members. It was practically a large hall with multiple doors and a huge stage up front. And the members weren’t chosen blindly because students had to audition to become an official member. I was one of the lucky ones because I couldn’t even sing. Most of the members of our club either had great vocals and danced well or had great vocals and played musical instruments. And I was the only member that played musical instruments and played music instruments.


“I’ll see you after practice,” MinHwan said glumly and went to join a group in one corner.


I watched him as he sat himself next to vocals leader Choi JongHun. He was a senior and was very popular in our school. He was known for his oh-so-great vocals and oh-so-charming looks. He was also the easiest person to find in a crowd because he had shoulder length hair that he always tied up in a samurai-warrior-like way. To me, he really did have good looks but his hair was ugh, though I really liked his voice.


I slowly dragged myself to the stage where the instruments group practiced. I sat next to a girl on the stage’s stairs. Then I pulled my knees up and hugged them. I didn’t have the mood to practice because I forgot my guitar at home.


“Bored, huh?” the girl next to me said. I looked in her direction and it turned out that she was Lee MinYeong, a senior.


“Oh, unnie …” I bowed my head slightly. She was holding a flute in one hand, I stared at her questioningly. It was unusual to see her here, at the instruments group. She was always in the vocal group, always with JongHun. They were like together or something.


“I just thought I’d practice on my flute playing skills,” she said with a grin before I could ask.


“I thought you played the piano,” I stated, getting more confused.


“Oh,” she looked flustered, “I play both.” she tried to laugh it off, eyes wandering away.


I nodded and looked in the direction her eyes were focused; JongHun. Something must’ve happened between them, it was so obvious. But why do I care anyway, it was their matter.


“Yaa, you!” someone said loudly behind us and both of us turned around to see that it was assistant of instruments group, Park SangHyun. “Yes, you with the long hair, where’s your instrument?”


“Oh,” I gasped as I got up and hurried to the storage room situated backstage. It was where we keep all the donated instruments to loan to students who couldn’t afford to buy them.


I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open to reveal shelves of musical instruments. I made my way through the rows of wind instruments and into a row of strings. Violins, cellos, basses … aha, guitar! There were boxes and other junk placed in front of the guitar shelf, so I had to lean on them just to reach a guitar. But being the short person I am, I had to lean extra far, to at least get my hand on one of the nearest guitar.


That was when everything went crashing down. The boxes tumbled and sent dust flying everywhere. The next thing I knew, I landed on some soft junk and luckily none of the instruments fell off the shelves. I waited until the dust resided before I planted my hand in front of me to get up. As I put down my hand, I heard a moan. I didn’t know we had bagpipes in here before. But as I focused harder at the object I had my hand on, I realized it wasn’t a bagpipe at all. That was right! Our club doesn’t work on bagpipes; they belong to the marching band! But what was a person doing in all this junk? It could only mean one thing; a student was too lazy to practice music that he decided to take a nap here … and forgot to wake up and was now dead … it was a corpse!


I screamed and struggled to get off the body but my struggling made me bump into the boxes more and resulted in more stuff falling and more dust flying. Then I decided to stay still. After a few seconds it was quiet, which meant stuff had stopped falling. I sat up and saw the guitar I was reaching for earlier in front of me. It must’ve fallen off its shelf.


“Got it!” I grabbed the guitar, held it above me and cheered. Suddenly I was aware of a figure with a bloody face towering over me. Wait, corpses don’t bleed … it was a zombie!


I was prepared to hit it using the guitar, but then it said angrily, “All this for THAT!”


My face turned red. “Zombies can’t speak …” I muttered quietly.


“ZOMBIES!” he cried, taking out a blue handkerchief to wipe the blood on his face. He was obviously enraged and as he mumbled to himself about a bad nose job, I took the opportunity to sneak away. I didn't like the thought of being in there any longer with a deranged delinquent.


I sat next to Min-unnie again, who was elegantly playing the flute. With her eyes closed, she didn’t even notice me watching her. She was really pretty and nice, she has a very bubbly personality and not to mention she has a great voice and plays two musical instruments, no wonder every guy in school wanted to be in JongHun’s shoes. How could I ever be compared to her, I sighed.


She ended it with a light note and smiled bitterly to herself. There were tears in her eyes. “Unnie …”


“Oh, HyoJin!” she blinked back the tears and faked a laugh, “You’re ba –!” her eyes widened. “You’re bleeding!”




“Does anything hurt?” the nurse asked me while she was wiping off the blood on my lips and left cheek.


“No,” I tried to focus on feeling any pain, “I don’t think so.”


“Then how did you end up with blood on your face?”


“Well,” I contemplated whether I should tell her about the whole incident, and then decided not to. “I don’t know.” I put on a poker face as she examined my unbruised features.


She then let me leave, giving me a lollipop for me to calm down or something. When I exited the infirmary, someone pulled me aside; it was a concerned looking MinHwan.


“What happened?” he inquired.


I rolled my eyes at him and started walking again but he immediately blocked my path. “I don’t know, okay?” I stepped to the side but he held me firm by the shoulders. I tried to make him release me but he was strong. And I had to give in when my right shoulder flared with pain. MinHwan saw me wince so he loosened his grip a bit.


“You can lie to the nurse, Kim HyoJin,” his face serious, “but you can’t lie to me.”


I stared deep into his eyes; they were only filled with concern, not an attempt to try and be on talking terms with me again. I averted his gaze and cleared my throat, “I busted someone's nose …”


“Mwo?” he responded in surprise, maybe because I made it sound like I beat somebody up.


“I didn't beat somebody up or anything, I just keep having these bloody encounters …”


“Bloody?” he raised an eyebrow.


“Ne, bloody …” I nodded and took a deep breath. “It's weird that they both had nosebleeds when I encountered them. It's this one guy and another guy …” my sentence trailed off into silence.


“What guys?” MinHwan pressed when I was still silent after a while.


“That guy!” My eyes shot wide open in realization. “The guy from last week and that guy in the storage room just now!”


“What are you talking about?”


“That guy used my blue handkerchief! T-to wipe his bloody nose!” I was so excited about my knowing this fact that I was stuttering. “I gave the first guy my blue handkerchief …”


I chuckled to myself as MinHwan looked confusedly back at me. Then he said the magic words, “So they're the same person?”





A/N: hello beloved readers! i just wanna say that HyoJin is not Yoon EunHye, i just like that pic of her very much. and please don't hate me for making JongHun the vocals leader, it's just that he really does have a great voice and other reasons which will be explained in future chapters!  and also, please don't hate me for making Min (Miss A) as JongHun's girlfriend! LOL

please comment and subscribe! thanks for reading!^^

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atheovia #1
This story is really good but it's so confusing D: Why's Hongki so crazy? Does Jonghun like her or..? And why did the main character have such a big fight with Minhwan for like.. no reason at all? And why is she always crying? e-e;; All the characters are somewhat bipolar it seems D: but I still like it so maybe if you write some more it'll be clearer?
winterflowr #2
I'm so confused...<br />
Minhwan seems so bipolar--and I'm not being biased, but shouldn't he apologize for not telling her about his dating Suzy? Plus, I think he even ditched their usual outing and lied O.o I kinda think it's all his fault<br />
And odd?<br />
Thank you for updating!
FairytalePerfection #3
Aaaaaw, Minhwan. <3
thanks for reading~<br />
bloody guy will be revealed soon! XD
FairytalePerfection #5
Oooooo!!!! Now who could the bloody guy be...
winterflowr #6
Theater activities fun! lol I'm going to watch my school musical tomorrow!<br />
I wanna the poster--put it up next chapter!<br />
FINALLY!!!The bloody nose guy returns! But...his nose didn't bleed...and he was around a girl?? Maybe his phobia is gone?<br />
Minhwan is such a jerk! He sooooo cut class with Suzy!<br />
Poor HongGi...she wasn't listening to him!<br />
Update soon!
winterflowr #7
At least she and HongGi are kinda okey now!<br />
Bring by the mystery guy PLEASE!!<br />
Oh...and you didn't write down any questions for this chappie for me to answer??<br />
<br />
Update soon!
FairytalePerfection #8
Aaaaaaaw. She's so sad.