
Eternal Love

-Taeyeon’s Flashback to Camp-

Taeyeon remembers that camp happened just a few months after 2nd started. Things were still awkward between the 3 of them (Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany).


~During the assignation of the resort rooms~

JaeSuk: “Because we have a huge number of 2nd graders, you will have to share a room with 3 people!” “However, you can choose who you want to share a room with.”

*Passes paper to students*

“Just remember that boys and girls cannot share the same room..”

Class: *laughs*

Jessica: “Can we choose someone from another class?”

JaeSuk: “Ah yea.”

Jessica: “Dae!” *Smiles*

Taeyeon: *Looking at Jessica, having an instinct of what will happen*

Tiffany: “Hey, Tae Tae!”

Taeyeon: *Turns to face Tiffany*

“Dae? Fany?”

Tiffany: “Can we share a room together?”

Taeyeon: *Trying to look at the 3rd name that was written on Jessica’s paper*

[o.O? SooYoung? Are you kidding Sica?] Taeyeon thought

Tiffany: “Tae Tae! You there?” *Tiffany repeats herself*

Taeyeon: “Oh! Yea.. We can share a room..”

Tiffany: “Yeah!” *Hi-5*

Taeyeon: *Smiles* *Returns Hi-5*

Tiffany: *Wrote down their names and passed to JaeSuk-ssi*


Meanwhile Sunny took the class’s attention.


Sunny: *Aegyo* “Anyone wants to share a room with me~?”

Class boys: “Woo Hoo!” *Whistles*

Class girls: *Laughs* “Yah, Sunny ah!”

JaeSuk: *Compiling the papers*”Ok! Let’s see who only written 2 names..”

*Flips through the papers*”Ah! Taeyeon and Tiffany, you need 1 more people in your room.”

“Are you going to ask anyone from other classes?”

Taeyeon and Tiffany: “Nope.”

JaeSuk: “So can Sunny join the 2 of you?”

Taeyeon and Tiffany: *Nods* “Dae!”

Sunny: *Happy* “Yeah!” *Offers Hi-5 to Taeyeon and Tiffany*

Taeyeon and Tiffany: *Returns Hi-5*


At the corner of Taeyeon’s eyes she saw Jessica’s icy stare and she starts to understand that it could be because Jessica was.. Taeyeon choose not to believe what her mind was telling her, she shook her head and look away.


-First day of Camp-

Buses arrived at the camp destination. The camp was located at a golf recreation country club a couple of hours outside of town. Everyone was excited and looking forward to it.


JaeSuk: “Class! Are you excited?!”

Class: “Yes!”

JaeSuk: “Ok class! Please wait in the bus for a few minutes, the other teachers and I am going to check in first.”


~A few mins later~

Students were led to the lobby so that the teachers could split the card keys.


JaeSuk: “Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny!”

Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny: “Dae!”

JaeSuk: “Here are your card keys!” *Passing 2 cards to them*

Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny: “Kamsa, JaeSuk-ssi!”

Sunny: *Looking at the card cover* “Room 301, Wah! We’re at the top level!”

Tiffany: “Woah! That’s really cool! I can’t wait to check out the features!”

Taeyeon: *Laughs* “Gaja!”


Back at the lobby, Taeyeon overheard JaeSuk-ssi’s conversation with Jessica’s room mates


JaeSuk: “Jessica, Yuri and SooYoung!”

“Here are your card keys! Your room is 302!”

Yuri: “Dae!”


-Checking out the Rooms-


~Room 301~

Sunny who enters the room first gets to see the view of the Pacific Ocean.


Sunny: “Wah! It’s nice in here!”

Tiffany: “Yup!” *Opens the window pane at the balcony* “Ooo! I can feel the breeze!”


Taeyeon who enters last shuts the door and follows the rest to the balcony!


Taeyeon: “Omo! This view is fantastic!” *Turns to look at the bed*

“Kya! We only have 2 single beds..” *Looks at the couch*

“Is that a transformable bed?” *Tries to fix the couch bed*

*Spring clasp* *Couch bed transformed*

“Ok! Who is going to sleep on this?” *Looking at Tiffany and Sunny*

Tiffany and Sunny: *Looks away*

Taeyeon: *Sigh* “Never mind, I shall sleep here then!”




Tiffany: “Did anyone called for room service?”

Taeyeon and Sunny: “Nope” *In confusion*

Taeyeon: *Gets the door* “Camp coordinator?”

Coordinator: *Passes Taeyeon an envelope*

Taeyeon: “What’s this about?”

Coordinator: “This is your 1st mission here today!”

Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny: “Wah! Ok! We’ll look at it!” *Opens envelope*




Welcome to Pacific Golf Recreation Country Club (PGRCC)! Today, you will be sent to the golf course to look for your respective golf clubs. There will be a map provided for you to guide you around the course. (Please pick up others clubs if you find them!) Teams that get to find the golf carts around the course will get to drive them for an hour’s time. (Note: After an hour, the golf carts will stall by itself.) Good luck!


Best Regards,



Taeyeon: “Whoa.. So are we going to golf after this?”

Tiffany: “Hmm.. I think so.”

Sunny: “Ahh! How long are we going to take to search for our clubs?” *Pointing at the map*

“This area is so big..” *Pouts with aegyo*

Taeyeon: *Smiles*

Tiffany: *Shakes head*



Girl 1: “Yah! Why are you running so fast?”

Girl 2: “I want to ride on the golf cart!”

Girl 1: “Aish! Wait for me!”


~Room 301~

Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny: *Overheard the girls conversation*

Tiffany: “I think we should get going too!”

Sunny: “Dae!”

Taeyeon: “Gaja!” *Taking the card keys*


-At Golf Course-

Taeyeon: *Looks at the golf cart* “Fany, Sunny! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Tiffany and Sunny: “Taeyeon! Get on!”

Taeyeon: *Hops on* *Laughs* “Gaja! Let’s look for our golf clubs!”


~30 mins passed~

Sunny: “Did you 2 see any golf clubs lying around?”

Taeyeon and Tiffany: “No..” *pouts*

Taeyeon: “I think we’re lucky enough, look at those girls.. *Pointing at the girls* They’re sweating under the hot sun! But we’re under the shelter..”

Tiffany: “True, Tae Tae! But this thing is going to stall in another 30 mins!”

“Sunny! Why are we moving so slowly?”

Sunny: “Well.. Consider our weight in total..” *Chuckles*

Taeyeon: “OMO!” *Points at the bushes*

Tiffany and Sunny: “Where??”

Taeyeon: “There!!” “Sunny ah! Stop the cart! Let me get off..”

*Runs towards the bushes*

*Checks the name tag*

“Huh? It’s Sica’s?” [Hmm, I can’t put it back anyways..] Taeyeon thought

Tiffany and Sunny: “Whose golf club is that?”

Taeyeon: “It’s Sica’s..”

Tiffany and Sunny: *Frowns*


~1 hour passed~

The golf cart suddenly stalls..


Tiffany: “Lucky Sunny and I found ours..” “Where did they hide Tae Tae’s golf club?!” *Annoyed*

Sunny: “True, Tiffany! But now since this stalls we need to carry our golf clubs on hand..”

Taeyeon: *Laughs* “Alright, why not you two take a rest while I continue searching?”

Tiffany and Sunny: *Brightens up!* “Ok!” *Starts running away*

Taeyeon: “Yah! Wait!”

Tiffany: *Turns back* “Yes, Tae Tae?”

Taeyeon: “Fany ah! Get me an energy drink; I’ll pay you back later!” *Smiles dorkily*

Tiffany: “Arasso!”


Taeyeon could hear something travelling fast approaching her.. She turns and saw Jessica, Yuri and SooYoung n the golf cart. Yuri stops the golf cart and as usual, Jessica’s mood changed when she saw Taeyeon..


Jessica: “Yuri ah, Gaja!”

Yuri: “Oh.. Dae!”

Taeyeon: “Wait! Sica ah.. I found your golf club..” *Passing the golf club to Sica*


Meantime, SooYoung was reaching for something..


Jessica: “Ok.. Thanks” *Expressionless* “Yuri ah, Ga..”


SooYoung finally reached the golf clubs and passed to Taeyeon. At the same time, Yuri was stepping on the accelerator fast after hearing Jessica’s displeasured voice.


SooYoung: *Passing golf club to Taeyeon**Signaling: this is yours!* “Woahh!”


Sooyoung slips her hand and the golf club hits on Taeyeon’s head..


SooYoung: *Jaw-dropped* “Oops! Unnie, Mianhe!”

Taeyeon: “Ouch..” *Rubs her head*


~Night Time~

During the mission hunting for golf clubs:


*PA system* Camp Coordinator: “Attention, attention! 2nd graders we will be having a movie night! Please gather outside the theatre!” *Repeats*


2nd Graders: “Yes!!” *Loudly*



Camp Coordinator: “Since this is an educational trip.. Your homeroom teachers had chose a movie related to history and facts. You’ll be watching Blood Diamond..”

Boy 1: “That’s a boring movie!”

Boy 2: “Oh, shut up! It’s better than nothing!”


With that, the 2nd graders gather their seats and watched the movie for the night. Taeyeon was sitting with Tiffany and Sunny while behind her was Jessica, along with Yuri and SooYoung.


Tiffany: “Tae Tae! Do you want some snacks?”

Taeyeon: *Nods in agreement* “Shall we ask Sunny along?

Taeyeon and Tiffany: *Looks at Sunny*

Tiffany: “Her eyes were glued to the screen!”

Taeyeon: “Kekeke”

Tiffany: “Let’s go~”

Taeyeon and Tiffany: *Sneaking out*


What Taeyeon did not know was that Jessica and Yuri followed behind them, while Taeyeon and Tiffany were heading towards the information counter.


Tiffany: “Hi! May I know where the nearest convenience store is?”

Receptionist: “It’s a 5 mins walk from here. Turn left as you walk out from the resort.”

Taeyeon and Tiffany: “Thanks~”

Receptionist: *Smiles* “You’re welcome.”


Right behind them was Jessica and Yuri.


Jessica: “Hi!  May I know where are the 2 girls heading to?

Receptionist: “They’re going to the convenience store 5 mins away!”

Jessica and Yuri: “Ok! Thanks!”

Receptionist: “No problem, you’re welcome.” *Smiles*


While Jessica and Yuri continued to stalk Taeyeon and Tiffany…


*Soda can squashed*


Yuri: *Covers * “Oops..”

Jessica: “Shhh…”

Taeyeon: *Turns behind* “Oh? Sica, Yuri what are you doing here?”

Jessica: “We came to buy something too.”

Taeyeon: “Ohh…” *Turns and saw the ice cream storage cubicle*

“WAH!” *Starts running towards the storage cubicle*

Tiffany: “Tae Tae!”

Jessica and Yuri: “O.O?”


-End of Taeyeon’s Flashback-


-At the Ice Cream Store-

Taeyeon: *Laughing by herself*

Tiffany: “What’re you laughing about?” *Smiles*

Taeyeon: “Ah… I just remember that night at camp!”

Tiffany: “Oh! So you do remember!” *Chuckles*

“By the way Tae Tae… Where were you the 2nd night? I remember I woke up in the middle of the night and found that you were not in the room..”

Taeyeon: “Ooh.. That night..”


-Taeyeon Flashback to 2nd Night at Camp-



It was a disco night for the 2nd graders where Taeyeon was asked by the camp coordinator to help out at the DJ booth. The camp coordinator was a DJ himself but he needed an assistant for that night.


Camp Coordinator: “Taeyeon ah.. Can you grab my music list?” *Hinting in his bag*

Taeyeon: “Yea!” *Going through the song list* “Oh? Why are there slow songs?”

Camp Coordinator: “Ah… I think some teachers would like to have a slow dance? Or maybe just a friendly dance?” *Smiles*


When the dance floor warmed up, the 2nd graders started to take over the dance floor where some boys even showed their hip-hip skills. Taeyeon was interested at the dance but as she shifted her gaze, she saw Jessica dancing with boys from other classes. Taeyeon quickly switch her focus back to the hip hop dancers but she found herself checking back at Jessica every once in a while.

Once the camp coordinator played the first slow song of the night, Tiffany came by the DJ booth to check out the 2 DJs.


Taeyeon: “Oh? Not dancing?”

Tiffany: “Nah.. No one to dance with… Unless, you dance with me?” *Smiles*

Taeyeon: *Stunned* “Bwoh? Dance to this song?”

Camp Coordinator: “Ah.. Taeyeon, you should enjoy yourself too.. I can handle this from here”


Tiffany: *Tagging Taeyeon to the dance floor*

2nd Graders: “WOAH!” *Claps*


Tiffany and Taeyeon saw JaeSuk-ssi dancing with another class’s homeroom teacher.


Taeyeon and Tiffany: *Chuckles*

Tiffany: “Tae Tae! Let’s dance!”

Taeyeon: “Ok!” *Smiles*


Taeyeon and Tiffany were spinning around dancing casually while Taeyeon caught Jessica in sight again.. This time Jessica’s expression was saddened by what she saw. After a few spins, Jessica was nowhere to be found in the disco room.

As the fast music starts again, Taeyeon pulls herself away from Tiffany and passed her the spare room key. Taeyeon tries to lose the crowd and headed for the exit, she was looking for Jessica. On Taeyeon’s way out, she saw SooYoung who seemed to be drinking underage.


Taeyeon: “Have you seen Sica?”

SooYoung: “She’s.. She’s at the roof top!” *Slurred*


Taeyeon thought it was hopeless to continue the conversation as SooYoung was quite drunk at that moment. Taeyeon continued to search for Jessica, she searched all the possible areas in the resort but there was still no sign of Jessica. Until, she found Yuri outside the restroom…


Taeyeon: “Yuri! Have you seen Sica?”

Yuri: “Yea.. she drank illegally and now she’s still in there.” *Points towards the restroom*

Taeyeon: *Runs into the restroom* “Sica! What are you doing with alcohol?”

Jessica: *Blurrily staring at Taeyeon* “Taengoo? Aren’t you having fun in the disco room?”

“Isn’t it fun to dance with Tiff-“ *Slurred*


Before Jessica even knew she out.. Taeyeon saw a bottle of Jack in Jessica’s hand; she tried to dispose the bottle with care so that no one gets caught.


Taeyeon: “Yuri ah! Are you still out there?”

Yuri: “Dae!”

Taeyeon: “Can you come in, SIca out.. We need to bring her back to the room..”

Yuri: *Shocked* “Ok!”


~Room 302~

Taeyeon and Yuri placed Jessica on the bed. Yuri quickly fetches a warm towel so to place it on Jessica’s forehead. Taeyeon suddenly remembered SooYoung was drunk as well.. She told Yuri to bring SooYoung back while she can look after Jessica.


Yuri: “Ok! I’ll bring her back! Thanks for looking after Sica..” *Signaling Taeyeon that Sica needs her*

Taeyeon: “It’s alright.” *Nods in understanding*


With Yuri’s exit for the drunkard SooYoung, Taeyeon heard Jessica’s murmurs.


Jessica: “Jaejoong…” *Murmured*

Taeyeon: “Jaejoong?” *In confusion*

Jessica: *Opens her eyes* “Taengoo?”

Taeyeon: “Dae.. I’m here..”

Jessica: “Where is Yuri?”

Taeyeon: “SooYoung’s drunk too, Yuri went to look for her..”

Jessica: “Ohh..”

Taeyeon: “Are you feeling better?” *Guilty*

Jessica: “Yea..” *Grabs Taeyeon’s hand and pulls her into bed*

Taeyeon: *Shocked* “Omo.. Sica..”

Jessica: *Teasing Taeyeon moving closer to her* *Crawls on top of Taeyeon*

Taeyeon: *Nervous* [Aish.. Why is she doing this?]

Jessica: *Ready to kiss Taeyeon* *Runs to the bathroom*

Taeyeon: *Follows Jessica to the bathroom* *Knock knock*

“Sica ah.. Are you ok?”


Jessica felt at ease after flushing the alcohol out of her system.. Just then, Yuri and SooYoung got back.


SooYoung: “LA LA LA LA~” *Loudly*

Yuri: “Shhh.. SooYoung! We’re back in the room, you need to wash yourself!”

Taeyeon: “SIca ah, lay on the bed first alright? I’ll help Yuri out.”

Jessica: *Nods*


SooYoung out soon Taeyeon and Yuri moved her to her bed.


Taeyeon: “Sica ah, are you feeling better?”

Jessica: *Nods* *Blushed*

Taeyeon: “Ok that’s good; I shall head back to my room..”

Jessica: “Taengoo.. Don’t go.. Stay here for the night.”

Taeyeon: *Unsure* “But..”

Yuri: *Interrupts* “Ah.. That’s right, Taeyeon ah.. Why not you stay here for the night, I think I need your help if SooYoung wakes up later..”

Taeyeon: *Nods* “Ok..”

Jessica: *Smiles*


With Jessica falling asleep soundly, Taeyeon caught Yuri still doing her Yoga..


Taeyeon: “Yuri ah, can I ask you a question?”

Yuri: “Yes?”

Taeyeon: “Do you know who is Jaejoong?”

Yuri: *Stunned to hear his name* “Ohh.. Jaejoong Oppa! Yea.. I knew him. What about him?”

Taeyeon: *Getting interested* “Oh~ I heard Sica murmuring his name when you were out looking for SooYoung..”

Yuri: *Smiles* “Taeyeon ah.. I think you should know something..”




**Author's Note(s)**

Hi everyone! Ok, to save you from reading more. I'll keep it real short. Yes, this is a very long chapter! I hope no one gets deja vu after this! =P

And I'm glad to say that we're half way there! More will be revealed soon! 

Thanks for reading once again! & I hope you enjoyed it! =)

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soosica1989 #1
Subs.. like your story.. update soon :)
sam-wol #2
@Va_asianloverz @taenytaengsic Hi there! Thank you for commenting! I hope you enjoy chapter 6 as much as the previous few chaps! =)
it is a nice chapter
sica is jealous towards Tiffany
wonder what will Yuri tell to taeyeon
update soon
taenytaengsic #4
Great fic. Love it so much!
sam-wol #5
Hi there, Va_asianloverz! Thanks for the support from the start! Very much appreciated! I hope you enjoy the following chapter! =)
it is a nice chapter
please update soon
it is a nice chapter
I wonder what did taeyeon see
update soon