
Eternal Love

-Jessica’s Flashback to SMIS continues-


Jessica could not help but to lean forward and kiss the shorter girl, Taeyeon did not felt offended but continued to act blind. Jessica on the other hand was full of remorse thinking that Taeyeon might not feel the same way and started running away as fast as she could. Taeyeon who saw the girl running away (from the gaps in between her scarf) tried to grab Jessica’s hand but Jessica was swift enough to escape from the scene. Jessica found herself outside a restroom and decided to grasp for air. Jessica thought to herself [Taengoo, mianhae...]


-End of Jessica’s Flashback-


-At Seoul Uni-


*Clock strikes 10am, class ends*


Lecturer: “Come to the front!” *Signaling Taeyeon*

Taeyeon: *Moves towards the front*

Tiffany: *Tae Tae, I’ll wait for you outside ok?*

Taeyeon: *Turns and nods*

Lecturer: “Taeyeon ah, it has come to my knowledge that you have one of the lowest GPA in this class.. Is there anything from the start of this semester ‘til now that you don’t understand?”

Taeyeon: *Shakes her head*

Lecturer: “Ah.. Taeyeon you need to concentrate more in class in order for you to pass this subject, do you understand?”

Taeyeon: *Nods*

Lecturer: “I suggest that you ask your classmate, Tiffany to help you with revision, she scored pretty well for her midterm test.” “You should learn from her.”

Taeyeon: *Nods again*

Lecturer: *Smiles slightly* “I really hope that you will do well in the finals!” “The last thing that I would want to do is to fail anyone in this class...”

Taeyeon: “Dae!” *Bows and left the lecture hall*


As Taeyeon walks out of the lecture hall, she walked passed Tiffany who was sitting at the bench waiting for her.


Tiffany: “Tae Tae!”

Taeyeon: *Turns back and look* “Hmm?”

Tiffany: *Noticed that Taeyeon was disheartened* *Puts her arms around Taeyeon’s arm*

“Come! Tae Tae, let me bring you to a place!”

Taeyeon: [Where to?] Taeyeon thought


Upon reaching, Tiffany asked Taeyeon to close her eyes but knowing her best friend would take a pick, Tiffany cupped her hands to cover Taeyeon’s eyes.


Tiffany: “Hana Dul Sed!” “Open your eyes!”

Taeyeon: “WAH!”

Tiffany: “Hahas! I knew you would like it!”

Taeyeon: “Wah..” *Still amazed with her jaw dropped*

“How did you know that I like ice cream?”

Tiffany: “Well, remember back then during one of SMIS’s camp.. The 4 of us (Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany and Yuri) sneaked out to the nearest convenience store to buy some food and there was someone who ran towards the ice cream storage cubicle happily without saying a word and leaving the 3 of us behind.” *pouts*

Taeyeon: *Tries to retrieve the memory* “Ah.. That summer camp?”

“It was your first year at SMIS right?”

Tiffany: *Nods and smiles* “Here, let’s take a seat, I’ll buy the ice cream.”

Taeyeon: “Ok! I’ll treat you back someday!” *Smiles in return*


While Tiffany was queuing at the counter, Taeyeon gazes out the window, she saw a young boy holding a balloon happily crossing the road. The happiness on the young boy was reflected on Taeyeon’s face, Taeyeon saw her own image on the glass window and smiles. Taeyeon was happy to have a best friend just like Tiffany; she continued to look at the young boy and it reminds her the day she met Tiffany.


-Taeyeon’s Flashback to SMIS-


It was a fine cloudy day when Taeyeon and her same grade classmates start off their 2nd year in middle years (secondary years). However, she was an hour earlier than her usual time to school. Taeyeon was surprised as it was the first time she enters an empty classroom without the presence of the teacher. [Bwoh? I’m earlier than JaeSuk-ssi?] Taeyeon thought to herself. Taeyeon walked towards the window and took a seat thinking when will Jessica and Yuri turn up? As she was thinking, she was happy that she could be in the same class with them again. Taeyeon took out a novel from her bag and started reading. She was so indulged in the book that she did not realized there were footsteps heading towards the classroom.


*Knock knock*


Taeyeon: *Looks up at the door* “Come in, the door is not lock.”

*Continue reading*

Ajusshi & Daughter: *Walks in the classroom*

Daughter: “See dad? I told you not to come so early!”

Ajusshi: “Alright baby Tiffany, see, there’s a student sitting over there!”

Daughter: *Walks to Taeyeon* “Hi there!” *eye smile*

“My name is Tiffany, you can call me Fany.” *Offers handshake*

Taeyeon: *Looks up at Tiffany* *Returns handshake*

“Ah.. Annyeong! Oh.. I meant Hi there! My name is Kim Tae Yeon imida!”

Ajusshi: “Ah.. Taeyeon, are you from Korean?”

Taeyeon:” Dae! Ajusshi.”

Ajusshi: “Ajusshi is also from Korea; just that Tiffany was born here.”

“I wanted Tiffany to learn Korean..”

Taeyeon: *Nods in understanding* “Ah.. Yea..”

Ajusshi: “Since you’re from Korea, can you help Ajusshi to look out for Tiffany? If she needs help in the language and also show her around the school?”

Taeyeon: “Dae! Ajusshi, will do!” *Smiles*

Tiffany: *Staring blankly at her dad and Taeyeon* *Trying to understand their fast conversation in Korean*


Meanwhile, teacher JaeSuk walks into the classroom.


JaeSuk: “Oh? New student?”

Ajusshi: “Hi, you must be the homeroom teacher of this class?”

JaeSuk: “Ah yes, are you from Korean?”

Ajusshi: “I am but Tiffany is born here.”

JaeSuk: *Offers handshake to Tiffany*

Tiffany: *Returns handshake*

JaeSuk: *Suddenly smiles and felt comfortable* “What a small world! I’m from Korea too!”

Ajusshi: *LOL in agreement* “Yea! What a small world!”

*Looks at his watch* “Ah.. Choe song hamnida, I need to leave for work, I will pass my daughter to you! *Smiles* Please take care of her! *Bows goodbye*

JaeSuk: “Ah, Yea, yea.” “Tippany, you can sit next to Taeyeon for the time being!”

Tiffany: *Still lost in the Korean language* *Smiles* “Ok! Erm.. JaeSuk-ssi, It’s pronounce as Tif-fany. But JaeSuk-ssi can just call me Fany.”

JaeSuk: “Ok! I’ll improve on that!”

Taeyeon: *Keeping her book in the bag*

JaeSuk: “Taeyeon ah!”

Taeyeon: “Dae! JaeSuk-ssi”

JaeSuk: “Since you 2 are early, and there’s 45 mins before class starts. Why not you show Tippany around the school for the time being?

Taeyeon: “Dae!”

“Come Tippany! Gaja!” *Smiles*

Tiffany: “Aniya..It’s Tif-fany~ you can address me as Fany.” *Smiles at Taeyeon’s

“& I shall address you as Tae Tae! That would be easier for me too!” *Smiles again*


While Taeyeon was walking around the school with Tiffany, Jessica steps into the classroom. To her surprise, Taeyeon’s bag was on the table but there was no sign of Taeyeon. Jessica was a little startled when she saw an unfamiliar bag on the table next to Taeyeon’s table. She was very sure that it was not Yuri’s bag either, she thought to herself [Whose bag could it be?]. Jessica decided to ask the teacher.


Jessica: “JaeSuk-ssi! Have you seen Taeyeon?”

JaeSuk: *Preparing for the class while he looks up at Jessica*

“Oh! I sent her to take the new student for a tour around the campus.”

Jessica: “Ah.. Kamsa hamnida!”


Jessica puts her bag on the other empty table next to Taeyeon and she quickly dashed out of the classroom. Taeyeon and Tiffany were roaming around the school when they finally met Jessica outside the staircase. Taeyeon sensed something unusual with Jessica but could not find the reasons to her behavior. Jessica was glaring at Taeyeon and quickly shifted her glare towards Tiffany. Taeyeon did not understand why Jessica was mad so she breaks the ice by introducing Tiffany to her.


Taeyeon: “Hey Sica!” *Smiles*

Jessica: “Hmm?” *Still glaring at Tiffany*

Taeyeon: “Let me introduce you to Tiffany.”

“& Tiffany, this is Jessica.”

“You two actually have much of commonalities!”

*Ke ke ke*

Jessica & Tiffany: “How?” “Oh, really?”

Taeyeon: *Laughs* “Yup! Both of you are Koreans but born Americans!”

Jessica: “Oh..?” *Uninterested*

Tiffany: *Laughs* “Nice to meet you, Jessica!”

Jessica: *Icy smile* “Nice to meet you.”

Taeyeon was nervous at the time being as it was her first time seeing Jessica portrayed such icy attitude towards a new student. She was usually much more welcoming. Taeyeon did not find the needs to explain herself from the situation, she walked away and continue the tour with Tiffany. Jessica was left there staring at Taeyeon’s backview.. [Taengoo.. I thought you felt the connection too..] Jessica was ready to burst into tears as she collapsed and sat on the floor. Yuri who just reached school witnessed everything as she walked out from the staircase…


Yuri: “Omo! Sica!” *Ran to help her*

“Are you alright? Who did this to you? Was it Taeyeon?”

Jessica: *Glares at Yuri* “Do you think I’m alright? Ah.. It’s nothing…”

Yuri: *Apologized face* “Arasso!” *Helps Jessica to stand up*

“Gaja! We’re running late for class!”

Jessica: “Yuri, Gomawo!” [Kim Tae Yeon! You’re so dead!] she thought.


Taeyeon turned back to see if Jessica was alright but she only finds that Jessica had collapsed to the floor, she thought to herself [Sica, Mianhe..]


-End of Taeyeon’s Flashback-


-At the Ice cream Store-




Tiffany: *Collects the ice creams.*

*Waving her hands in front of Taeyeon’s face*

Taeyeon: “Ani.. I was just looking at that kid holding the balloon in his hand while crossing the street.”

Tiffany: *Laughs* “Tae Tae! You always find little things amusing, don’t you?”

Taeyeon: *Returns smile*

Tiffany: “Arasso! Here you go! Your favorite chocolate milk flavored ice cream!”

Taeyeon: *Surprised* Ottoke! How did you know what’s my favorite flavor?”

Tiffany: *Hehe* “I thought I told you it was during the camp several years ago at SMIS?”

Taeyeon: “Ah.. Yea..” *Smiles dorkily*


Taeyeon starts to drift to the camping scenario where it was the first night Jessica and Taeyeon shared the same bed… 




**Author's Note(s)**

Hi Everyone! Just a quick one, thanks for reading and following up! I hope you had enjoyed this chapter as well! 

I have decided that this story will end short and sweet with 10 chapters! Yup, that's right! We are almost half way in the story! =D

By the way, you are all so quiet to say.. =P but I think you're reading.. am I right? And yes, many thanks to the 6 people who subscribed even though its my first fanfic! 

Oh yes! One last thing, I would also like to thank those who had prayed for Sumatra! =D Alrighty! Stay tuned for the upcoming interesting chapters! Cheers! 

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soosica1989 #1
Subs.. like your story.. update soon :)
sam-wol #2
@Va_asianloverz @taenytaengsic Hi there! Thank you for commenting! I hope you enjoy chapter 6 as much as the previous few chaps! =)
it is a nice chapter
sica is jealous towards Tiffany
wonder what will Yuri tell to taeyeon
update soon
taenytaengsic #4
Great fic. Love it so much!
sam-wol #5
Hi there, Va_asianloverz! Thanks for the support from the start! Very much appreciated! I hope you enjoy the following chapter! =)
it is a nice chapter
please update soon
it is a nice chapter
I wonder what did taeyeon see
update soon