
Eternal Love

Taeyeon was studying while the

*Alarm rang*



Taeyeon thought to herself [bwoh? It’s 12:00 am already?]

Taeyeon debates in her mind [should I text her or should I just forget about it?]

In the end, Taeyeon took up her cell phone and text.


To: Eternal <3ver,

Happy 21st Birthday! Welcome to the adult world!

Sent you a key, you’re free! ^_-.

From: Taeyeon


After several minutes..


To: Taeyeon,

Thanks! Yah! Ajumma! Why adult world? Omg.. I don’t want to be a grownup

*sob* =P but life is always good with you in it.


From: Eternal <3ver


Taeyeon was tired from her studies but without knowing she replied—


To: Eternal <3ver,

^^ you never wanna leave 12 don’t you? *Merong* Hahas

You should have a good night rest and save some energy for later!

From: Taeyeon


Taeyeon waited for 2 hours for Eternal <3ver to reply..

However, she did not do so.. Taeyeon was so tired that she fell asleep on the table.


*Alarm Rang*



Taeyeon took up her dorky glasses and look at the clock..

“Aish.. I woke up late again..”


She ran to her phone at the charging dock and was saddened by it as her eternal lover did not reply.

She started over analyzing whether it was her fault for being too straight forward but she had to get going for school.. She was running late.


-After school-


Taeyeon was driving home. When she reached the traffic light she stopped the car.

While waiting for the traffic, Taeyeon was staring at the ring on her ring finger while spinning it around her finger.


Taeyeon then starts to flashback when she met her eternal lover


It was 2003 when fate knocks on the door for these two babos.

Taeyeon met her eternal lover at an international school in the US.

Taeyeon was a new student from S. Korea and it was her first day at SM international school (SMIS).

Taeyeon was nervous when she first stepped into the class because she was 1 hour late for school.

Without noticing anyone in the classroom, she tilt her head down and apologises to the teacher and classmates for her lateness. However, to Taeyeon’s surprise her homeroom teacher (Shin Young) forgave Taeyeon and asked her to introduce herself.             

ShinYoung: Dear class let us welcome our new student! *clap**clap**clap*

ShinYoung: “Ah.. New student” *pokes Taeyeon as she continues to put her head down*

Taeyeon: “Dae?” *looks up at ShinYoung shocked*

ShinYoung: “Do you mind to introduce yourself to the class?”

Taeyeon: *laughs dorkily at herself* knowing that she was in a trance. She quickly introduces herself to cover up the embarrassment she felt. “Annyeo—, ah ani..” She thought to herself [aish.. babo yah! Taeyeon this is an international school!! You’ve got to introduce yourself in English!] “umm.. Hi every-one, my name is Kim Tae Yeon, I am from S. Korea. Nice to meet you all~!”

ShinYoung: *couldn’t help but laugh at Taeyeon’s dorkiness* she whispers into Taeyeon’s ear “This is a Korean language class, the students here understands Korean.”

Taeyeon: *suddenly shouts* “Omo, Jinjia?” *giving a >.<” expression”

Classmates: *laughs in unison*

ShinYoung: “okok class that’s enough, let’s settle down and start our class! Before that, let us give a round of applause for our new student and Taeyeon there is your sit.” *points to the empty seat next to A blond-haired girl.



Taeyeon suddenly came back to reality and found out that the traffic light had changed colour and it was time to move off.

Taeyeon thought to herself [urgh.. why is she on my mind 24/7, 365?!]


As she moved off.. A van dashes into her lane. In shock, Taeyeon's eyes widened and was bewildered by the thing she saw..


**Author's Note(s)**

yup start off with a short chapter =) so how was it? hahas im actually nervous for some reasons >.<" hahas thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed it! =)

ps. im sorry if there're any grammar mistakes~ =)

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soosica1989 #1
Subs.. like your story.. update soon :)
sam-wol #2
@Va_asianloverz @taenytaengsic Hi there! Thank you for commenting! I hope you enjoy chapter 6 as much as the previous few chaps! =)
it is a nice chapter
sica is jealous towards Tiffany
wonder what will Yuri tell to taeyeon
update soon
taenytaengsic #4
Great fic. Love it so much!
sam-wol #5
Hi there, Va_asianloverz! Thanks for the support from the start! Very much appreciated! I hope you enjoy the following chapter! =)
it is a nice chapter
please update soon
it is a nice chapter
I wonder what did taeyeon see
update soon