Home sweet home.

rial Love.

"I wear these tears and pretend there not here cause of you...
Oh I'm poisoned with love, oh I can't get enough. So I keep walking on broken glass for you. So I keep walking in broken glass for you.... "

"Watcha singin???"

"Oh, just some old song..."

"Heard that one before."

"Why do you keep stalking me Ji-"
"IM NOT STALKING, IM WATCHING ... closely." he give me a creeper smile that seemed more like Jack Skellington when he gives that maniac villain smile...

"What the ..???""

He winked. He winked. That narcissist, overconfident, short mushroom assho-
"Heeeeey quurl."
Seungri came bursting into the car telling us that everyone else was coming in 5 second- oops, spoke too soon. The car was filled with all 15 of us. And it gave me a headache... I put on my Skullcandy headphones and started blasting some random Engrish muzic. Yeah, Engrish muzic. It's my jam. ;D
All of a sudden I got up and started dancing to 'You're a Jerk' by Cali Swag. I started jerking and everyone shut up an stared as I took the headphones out from my IPod and put it on speaker, letting the sound blare through the room, and GD got up and joined me, along with Dongwoon, then Tori, and YoSeob, and then everyone tried to imitate our awesomeness. We all laughed. All of a sudden, the train stopped. We all paused, and all clapped. Randomly... No reason.  We all laughed, and grabbed our things. Hikaoru put on his disguise; since stupid America was having an international search party... -__-    He blinked and his eyes switched to a bright green, threw on some nerd glasses, a black tie, and let his hair grow longer underneath his beanie as his skin tone turned tanner, and his hair a three toned brunette. He looked TOTALLY DIFFERENT. He put on a pair of Vans and adjusted his black tie. He looked different, he was his alter-ego, "Jake". It suited. :)

"LEGGO BISHES AND MIDGETS!" I pointed out the door while everyone was putting their shrunken luggage somewhere, TOP had his on a dog tag, Christine had hers chained to a charm bracelet, Maggie had hers on her beastly belt, basically, anywhere they for and looked good. Pockets, bracelets, necklaces, rings, anywhere. I shrunk Hikaoru's tank and threw it in a leather pouch attached to his belt. We walked through the hall, and down the steps of the train, and hopped onto the concrete and cobblestone ground. HOME SWEET HOME~
I hooked up my IPod to my boom box bag, and started blaring 'Starships' by Nicki Minaj. We all walked out dancing and performing the dances they do at her live performances, walking in the big circle, looking amazing. Everyone stared, but we didn't care. That was the point.
And everyone started jumping and fist pumping. People here never resist a good party. We danced all the way to the provided transportation.
 This year, they have huge, GINORMOUS limos that carried parties to the 'school ground' decoy.
We rode in the roofless limo, and then 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Rae Jepson came on, and we all mocked the song in nasally voices.
"Hey I just met you,
And this is crazy.
But here's my number,
And then I switched it.
'ting' by BOTDF blasted, and I immediately started screaming the lyrics with Christine, Maggie, and Hikaoru.
"T T T-ING."
I switched it to 'Skeet Skeet' by Brokencyde as we hopped put of the limo, and started singing the screamo part.
"GET DRUNK GET DRUNK GET DRUNK...PUT YO BODY IN THE AIR BACK IT OUT LIKE RAAAAWWWWR!!!" and I put on my carnivore face, showing off my sharp two sets of canine teeth, and Christine and Maggie imitated me. We received laughter, and some scared-completely-less stares. They were ignored. Everyone expected this type of behaviour from us, except the freshman. But they'll get used to it sooner or later. Oh well. :D
Our 'posse' walked through the grand doors of the decoy school, and looked at all the fancy stuff. We headed towards the top floor.
Once we were at the rooftop, we crowded into the small chrome pods that were mini airplanes that took us up to TLR. We talked about what house we wanted to be in; Thunder, Lightning, Rain, or Fire.
I wanted to go into either Rain or Fire. Christine wanted to be in Lightning with Jiyong, and Maggie wanted to go into Thunder or Fire. BEAST all wanted to be in the same room, so they all wanted to go into Fire or Rain like me. I was put into Fire my first year, which surprised everyone, because I was the only girl freshman to make it in that year. It was.... Interesting. I got a small room all to my own, because rooms were separated by gender, and year.
 It was solitary, but it was nice. No obsessive roommate, person who had almost every night who would kick me out, just me. Dongwoon had a roommate who would always hook up with his boyfriend, and his last drop of innocence was evaporated once he saw him and his partner ing like  rabid rabbits. So, he snuck into my room sometimes, because every one else's was full. We would stay up all night doing papers, re-decorating, or just having our own party, and being totally crazy and hyper to only crash and pass out and have a sugar hangover the next morning. It was fun though... Good times.
"Yo, Mik? Miku? Mickey? YO GURL SNAP OUTTA IT."
"WaitwhatwhowhatwhenwherehowIT WASN'T ME MIZZ CROCKER."
"What the hell?"
"OOH LOOK IT'S TIME TO GET OUT! What the are you waiting for!?!?"
"Save it. So many excuses..."
I sang along to the music I was playing on my boom box.
I started doing the dance with Maggie, Christine, Hikaoru, BEAST, and Big Bang when the military part came, and we all screamed,
"GIRLS BRING THE BOYS OUT." and started doing the arm thingy after that part.
And with that we ran into the assembly hall for our welcome back speech. I took my seat at the edge of the table's bench LONR was sitting on, next to half of Big Bang, and the rest of them sat opposite of us with BEAST. Everyone else came flooding in, filling the once empty hall with great sound. We all talked for a few minutes until the room became dark, and rain fell around us, thunder rolled, and lightning struck the podium, and the headmaster appeared at the podium.
"Good evening."
"Good evening headmaster." we all said in unison.
And... The speech had begun.
Junhyung shouted as the headmaster announced that houses were going to be recoded this year for ALL STUDENTS. We all knew that since last year... But, our houses chosen this year were to be permanent until we graduated.
We were all standing against the walls of the assembly hall. Freshman were being called up at the moment, none k us payed attention until the first sophomores were called. This was us. Tension formed between the students in their second year here.
"Sophmore class."
It had begun.
"Miku Hatsu."
The hat shouted, "FIRE!"
"Not a surprise Ms. Hatsu."
"Hahn Seung Mi."
The hat shouted, "LIGHTNING!"
"Kwon Min Ri."
The hat shouted,"THUNDER!"
"Hikaoru Matsuo."
The hat shouted, "RAIN!"
"Son Dongwoon."
The hat shouted, "RAIN!"
Now it was the rest of BEAST and big Bang left....
"Yang YoSeob."
The hat shouted, " THUNDER!"
"Jang Hyunseung."
The hat shouted, "LIGHTNING!"
"Yoon Doojoon."
The hat shouted, "THUNDER!"
"Yong Junhyung."
The hat shouted, "LIGHTNING!"
"Lee GiKwang."
The hat shouted, "RAIN!"

"Choi SeungHyun."

The hat shouted, " THUNDER!"


"Kwon Jiyong."
The hat shouted, "LIGHTNING!"
"Lee Seunghyun."
The hat shouted,"THUNDER!"
"Kang Daesung."

The hat shouted, "THUNDER!"


"Dong Youngbae."

The hat shouted, " RAIN!"


We all sat down at our house tables, feeling awkwardly seperated because we were all so used to being together. Dongwoon sat next to GiKwang, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers under the table, as GiKwang was looking anywhere BUT next to him, Tori sat crowded by a bunch of annoying girls who personally looked like es, Christine was at the end of the table, looking like a complete and true loner haha, living up to our group name, LONR. XD .. kudos and props to Chrissy. And everyone else was just talking, or sitting awkwardly at the table. They called up the last batch of the graduating class, and then he gave us the other half of his oh-so-important speech. Afterwards, we were told to go to our houses and check the board inside the room that lead to the girls and boys domitories. Afterwards, we were to unpack and settle in. We all waited for eachother outside the door and walked to our dorms together, talking along the way about how miserable classes were going to be this year, or how we were ggonna cope with having group members in a different house. In the end, we all headed our seperate ways, and into our house rooms to go check the list of dorms.








SDFGHJKL I haven't updated in a long time,..... :$

So, I figured a short update was better than nothing.... :) ..........maybe.... hopefully.....




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Dongsaeng, where is oppa's update. >:c
AWESOME STORY! You must update! SOON! X)
I'm not going to comment on this one so I look like the only commenter.

Oh wait. //facepalm
Seems like another filler chapter to me.
That last quote. *dies of flailing around*
...erted thoughts are coming to my mind.
oops, imean forward...