
rial Love.

I haven't wrote out a whole chapter yet, and I'm going to be busy for the next couple days, so I decided to post a teaser to keep you guys wanting more~ (LOL that sounded wrong) *smacks self in face for ertedness*







"It's just so-...."
The eagerly waiting water had gathered in his his eyes that seemed like glass orbs overflowed, three tears dripping down his cheeks, to fall onto the floor. His breathing became unsteady as he quietly in-took air and let it soft sobs.

My arms wrapped around his frame which now seemed frail. I held him closer as tears stained my shirt. He sniffled and  buried his head deeper into the black sweater I was wearing. His frame lightly shook as he tried to regain control over hid uneven breaths while tears slipped down onto my shirt.
"Shhh, baby, it's okay. It's okay, everything is going to be alright."

I carried him in my arms towards the bed so he could sleep, but his legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me down onto the bed, right next to him where he snuggled up next to me as I pulled up the blankets and held him close.






MWAHAHAHAHA~ I'm so evil, ne? Anyways, thank you for reading! Don't forget to subscribe and comment! <3

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Dongsaeng, where is oppa's update. >:c
AWESOME STORY! You must update! SOON! X)
I'm not going to comment on this one so I look like the only commenter.

Oh wait. //facepalm
Seems like another filler chapter to me.
That last quote. *dies of flailing around*
...erted thoughts are coming to my mind.
oops, imean forward...