
rial Love.

First official chapter... Hope it isn't trash. X)





              So, this... Was it. I stood at the pillar next to platform 32. It was technically 32 and 3/4 because I was standing so close to the next platform and the end of the station that was just a dark tunnel where trains exited and docked. Hikaoru had morphed into his turtle form and was resting in the tank I had put him in, now slowly walking towards the lettuce, cabbage, and tomato slices I had put into a small dish next to a water dispenser that was slowly dripping water onto the rock secured into the bottom of the tank. I made a traveling carrier for his tank because I thought I would need it when I came to the station, so I wasn't carrying a cart with me, which is a big mistake. Although this place is so old, it's busier than Grand Central Station in New York.... I hung into the leather strap of the carrier case hanging on my shoulder and made sure my silver chain necklace still hung around my neck. I had a huge hollow plastic Rubix Cube hanging from it, that contained suitcases and drawers full of Hikaoru's and I's clothes, I had molded the cube shut to prevent any luggage or cloth-containing furniture to fall out, and I just had to melt the edge of the plastic door to open it again, and change the items inside back to their original form. I ran towards the pillar when no one was looking and closed my eyes as I went straight through it and appeared in the train station that would take me to TLR Academy. I was supposed to go to car 6, stall 9, so I could meet up with the gang, who had all gotten offered scholarships here as well coincidentally. I stepped into the metal stairs of the train as it docked, and ran my fingers over the smooth, polished steel the car was made of. I stepped inside, and walked to stall 9, holding Hikaoru's tank in front of me so I didn't smash it into the wall. I slide the two doors open of the stall and made my crucial grand entrance.

Everyone stared at me for a second with a face that said either "What is this doing?" or "Hell to da naw." or "Oh ."
Everyone burst into laughter on the spot afterwards and I was greeted by hugs, hellos, we missed yous, and someone actually had the nerve to grab my . Only my pedobear is allowed to grab my dude.
"Hey angell~ You duh AAAAAYYY~!!!" someone replied to me in a heavy Asian accent.
I retorted, "Hey bum hole, YOU DUH UGLEEHHH~ I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
I hugged the  person back, it was my Unnie, Christine, who I hadn't seen in two months. I pulled away from the embrace and suddenly remembered something, and put a confused expression on my face.
"Wait... Which one of you pabos grabbed my ???"
Junhyung stood up from next to Maggie, and walked up to me with a smirk on his face while he removed his shades revealing those chocolate brown orbs that always seemed to shine and lit up the serious or smug expression he always wore.

He opened his arms and ran towards me and lifted me off the ground for a moment as he pulled me close.
I pecked him on the cheek and pulled away, smiling like a fool to my friends who we're rolling their eyes.
I pulled him into embrace as we swayed from side to side gently,like in those movies where people want to savor the moment. I whispered into his ear, "I missed you so much... How are you???"
"I'm better now that you came donsaeng. I missed you a lot." he replied back.
Junhyung was like the big brother I never had, when I needed to get back on my feet after a certain... Thing... Happened, he took me into his dorm and I lived with the rest of BEAST.  They were such nice people those guys.... It make my eyes water to think of how kind they were to me... XD
I pulled away and smiled, pulling Hikaoru and his tank out from under the booth we were sitting in.
"No Gikwang sweetie.... I don't have him with me NOW, but I had him shipped to your room. I brought Kaoruuuu."
Maggie and Christine looked at me in shock. I told them I wanted to bring Hikaoru with me, but they didn't think I would do it, much less find a way to sneak him in.
"Any of you guys haves a spare change of clothes he could borrow???"
G-Dragon stood up and pulled out a pair of leather skinnies and a faded gray and white graphic teeshirt that had a skull on it, tossed them into a backpack along with socks and sneakers, and some accessories, deodorant, a comb, and my favorite scent of cologne, which he always seemed to be wearing or have a bottle of. That stuff smelt like HEAVEN. OMFG THAT STUFF SMELLS LIKE PURE TIMES THIRTY... if I died, I want to spend my last moments of life smelling that cologne. X-X
I grabbed the bag, and took Hikaoru to the nearest bathroom, holding his turtle form in my hands and cradled him against me. I closed the bathroom door after placing him on the floor and setting the bag on a shelf. Five minutes later he came out looking FLY OH MY, .... DAYUM HE'S A Y , Y Y , DAYUM HE'S A Y , DAYUM GURL~!!! LOL, David Gueta quote. I gawked at him. He was wearing what G-Dragon had put into the bag, the skinnies, shirt which showed off his toned ab- SNAP OUT OF IT BRO OMFG OMO HE LOOKS SO EFFING Y THOUGH. I have to thank GD later... 0,0
He fixed the black beanie he was wearing, and his leather glove as the light reflected off his gladiator shades. He was wearing black sneakers, a studded belt hanging loosely at his hips over the hem of his shirt, and that OH-So-Amazing-Smelling cologne.
( )

"Like what you see?"
"Very much hottie. " I gave him a slight wink, being my flirty me again.
He suddenly looked through the hall to make sure no one saw as he pulled me into the bathroom with him and shut the door behind him. He captured me into a fiery, heated, intensely deep kiss, his arms resting in the curve of my lower back, pulling me closer as I ran my fingers through the back of his short, black hair. I felt him growl and nibble on my lip as he pushed me towards the counter, pressing my hips into the cold marble and I sat down on the edge of the counter. We're best friends, but we have a complicated relationship... Kind of like friends with benefits you could say??? But I haven't allowed him to do you know... 'it' with me, much less touch me in those areas... I don't know whether to reject him and cut off our relationship or one day eventually let him continue further into something more... Intimate you could say.
"Mmm, bro, stop," I pulled away from the lip-lock, "We have to get back." I grabbed his hand and bag as we headed towards cart 9 once again.





OHOHOHO. First real chapter. I hope this wasn't complete crap... orz
I bet you're confused with the relationship between Miku, Junhyung, G-Dragon, and Hikaoru, aren't you?
It will all be explained soon enough. ;)



Anyways, Kamsahamnida.



"May the odds always be in your favor."
-The Hunger Games





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Dongsaeng, where is oppa's update. >:c
AWESOME STORY! You must update! SOON! X)
I'm not going to comment on this one so I look like the only commenter.

Oh wait. //facepalm
Seems like another filler chapter to me.
That last quote. *dies of flailing around*
...erted thoughts are coming to my mind.
oops, imean forward...