Um... our party? uh.... What party??? o.0''

rial Love.

Chapter 2;

We sat down in the cart, Hikaoru on the small amount of booth that was left after a few more friends coming  in, and I sat in the floor, my back up against the wall underneath the closed shade to the window sill that was covered to block out all the sunlight. We were worse than vampires, all of us HATED light most of the time, we were effing nocturnal bishes. :3
We were gonna party all the way until the train docked in the station across the country. Literally, all of us had brought something to contribute to the fun. I had brought my ultimate sound system, which was disguised as an old fashioned microphone, except there was a removable cord do I could plug it into an electric outlet, or let it run on the charged battery. I has spent a good week making it over the summer, I had made a lot of things actually... Like, a flying bike, a mini helicopter made from scrap metal from the junkyard that I had cleaned until it was almost chrome... I had made a LOT. Give me two days and I could make a car for you probably, or a shed, or a boat... I'll do anything to keep away the boredness. ~w~

Maggie had brought some decorations like neon and glow-in-the-dark stuff, and confetti that disintegrated when she recited a custom spell that she bought at some new magic shop somewhere... Christine brought a mini lighting system I had fixed up after finding some spare parts at the junkyard and given her for her birthday, G-Dragon brought Silly String and ductape (don't ask..) that we would need for later, and Junhyung had brought... his stripper pole. Of course. -___- it was basically a small metal rod that he had stuck to a chain he wore around his neck next to a dog tag that worked like a mini-IPhone, and he just had to remove it from the chain, say a carefully pronounced string of Latin that he had charmed the pole with, and it would immediately grow to fit the environment and basically fit any room, so you could always have " ... One of the most important essentials to having a 'good time'." or as the himself said. We always used our magic for the most... unique... things.
A few more of our friends walked in, so we now had all of Big Bang, LONR, and BEAST crammed into the car as we all quickly got to work to set up the room. Its quite a sight to see actually... About 15 people crammed into one small room...


The room was dark, filled with splashes of glow-in-the-dark-neon, ductape  held the blinds down on the window, and a metal contraption in the door kept it locked from the inside. The sound and lighting systems hung from the ceiling, and while 'Fantastic Baby' played, Seunghyun and Jiyong  worked the pole while rapping in some y British accents, as Christine slipped some cash into the waistband of G-Dragon's visible boxers, seeming a light lavender from the black light, standing bright against his not-so-skinny skinny jeans and shirtless torso. When us people party.... It's full-out, no matter where, when, or why. ;)


In two minutes, we were all chanting for YoSeob to give a randomly chosen guy in the room a full out . HOW had we gotten to this position you may ask? None of us knew at the time. It was all a blur once the bass started pumping.
YoSeob agreed after some heavy persuasion. I wish he didn't though.... Oh god, how I wish he didn't. What he was about to do would change the way I saw that innocent face.... >~<''
We blindfolded him, and had the guys stand in a group near eachother. We watched timidly as he walked through the group, and into the corner of the room where that 'clever' guy was hiding, pushing him into the leather cushioned booth, and taking off his blindfold, and rolled his hips as     I had just so happened to have had a suiting track play. The bass thumped in time of my heartbeat as I learned over everyone, holding my professional camera in hands. I doubled in video and photography, lucky me. I was gonna tape the whole thing and have everyone else watch it later as a little meme of what was goin down right down.

YoSeob's POV;
"Little Donsaeng should listen to his hyung, after all, he has been behaving, haven't you? Or have you been a bad boy?" I breathed smoothly into his ear, words still crystal clear over everything happening around us. I lay shirtless, straddling his lap as I leant down into his ear. I had money shoved into my pockets, persuading me to keep going if I wanted some cash. I let a hand lace its fingers through his dampening hair, a thin film of perspiration making my shirtless tophalf glisten in the flashing lights. If what they wanted was a , a they would get. And it sure as hell is gonna be the best yet.


Anyone guess who YoSeobbie's giving a too? ;D (I don't either... HELP MEH CHOOOSE~ some one who's in BEAST or Big Bang please. Kamsa!)


I just taunt you by only posting short updates dont I? I'm gonna be out and busy for the next couple days do I figured updating was now or never... So, better than nothing. :3

Sorry it's just a filler at the moment, I'll try to up my writing in a bit. <3


"I'll be back."
-The Terminator



"May the odds always be in your favor."
-The Hunger Games

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Dongsaeng, where is oppa's update. >:c
AWESOME STORY! You must update! SOON! X)
I'm not going to comment on this one so I look like the only commenter.

Oh wait. //facepalm
Seems like another filler chapter to me.
That last quote. *dies of flailing around*
...erted thoughts are coming to my mind.
oops, imean forward...