Chapter 3 - #...

The Mysterious Boy

"Are you okay?" your aunt asked, while she was worried.

"I'm fine", you answered with a smile.

"omo. Your hand!", she said surprised and held it in to hers hands. *It hurts..*

"It was just an accident, that happen", you said and tried to get your hand out of your aunts hands.

"JUST AN ACCIDENT! How could the girls do that to you?!" she said loud and shook you twice. *Do she know, what happen?*

"I'll not let you go to that school again with those evil girls! I'll find you are new school you'll start on", she continued. 

"A new school!?", you said loud.

Your aunt nodded.

Then a nurse came in and walked towards you.

"The doctor said that your injuries are not really seriously, so you can go home now. We will discharge you now." she said and bowed once.

"Thank you for your help." your aunt said to the nurse.

Then the nurse walked out.

"Change your clothes and then we will go home.", your aunt said and clapped you once on your shoulder.

You nodded and your aunt walked out of the room, meanwhile she waited for you. 

You got changed and walked out to your aunt, who was waiting for you, and walked home. But when you waited in front of the door, while your aunt tried to find the key in her bag, you saw a letter hang on the door. There stood your name on it. You took the letter fast and putted it in your pocket, while your aunt still tried to find the key. She finally found the key and locked the door up.

"Go up and get some sleep.", your aunt said.

"I will.", you answered.

"I will ring to the school that you are not going to school tomorrow.", she said and walked over to the telephone.

"I have to get to school tomorrow!", you said and walked over to her.

"No! You are hurt, you can't go to school tomorrow, absolute not! And You are especially not going to that school anymore!", she said angry and pointes at you.

"But..", You said but got interrupted. *I have to find out who 'The Mysterious Boy' is?!*

"I will find you are new school you will start on soon, until then you are going to be at home or work at the restaurant.", she said and began to past the school telephone number.

You didn't say anything back and walked up at the stairs, up to your room.

You sat on your bed and took your right hand into your pocket and took the letter forward and opened it and read it.

''To: Choi ~~~~.
I was worried about you.. You could have gotten more hurt.. You could have died, if one of the glass shards cut into your artery.

Don't near those girls again, don't come to the school ever again, or else you will get hurt again. 
Move to another school, it's best for you. 
Be careful next time!

- The Mysterious Boy."

*Was it him who saved me? Why, is he worried about me? Or why does he even care about me? Only my family and Chanyeol and his family care about me. Then it is Chanyeol! But still.. I don't think he will write such of letter..*

You couldn't stop by thinking about who "The Mysterious Boy" is. You sat on your bed with the letter, about many minutes. Then your aunt came in and interrupted you. You quickly hid the letter. 

"Haven't you got to sleep yet?", she asked and stood in the door.

"Not yet.. I was thinking about.", you said with a smile.

"Thinking about what?", she continued to ask.

"Ah.. Nothing!", you answered fast and waved with your right hand.

Your aunt looked mysterious at you.

"Why haven't you sleep yet?", you asked and stood up from your bed and walked over to her.

"Because I just finished talked with inspector from your school and I wanted to talk with you about what they will do about what happen to you.", she answered.

"Can't we talk about it tomorrow or another day?", you asked.

"But..", she was going to say but you interrupted her.

"Just go and sleep for today.", you said with a smile and pulled her out of your room and down into hers.

After you have gotten your aunt into hers room, you walked back up to your room.

You sat on your bed again and took the card forward and read it again.

You still wondered about who "The Mysterious Boy". Then you fell in sleep.


Next Morning.


You woke up lying on your bed. You walked into the bathroom and brushed your teeth and washed your face. You walked down from the stairs and walked into the dining room and sat on a chair at the table. Your aunt walked in with a trolley full with food. You wondered about why she made so much food.

"We are going to have a guest soon", your aunt said with a smile. *A GUEST?!*

"Who? And why so early in the morning", you asked. "It's a secret. And it's not early in the morning, it's already passed over 12.", she said. *I hate secrets..*

"Already?! Did I really sleep so late?", you asked.

She didn't answer you. She concentrated about set the table.

Then your mobile rang from your room. You stood up and left the dining room and ran up at the stairs and into your room. You took your mobile without knowing who rang and said..


"Oh, ~~~~! Is your aunt home?", the boy in the mobile said.

"Yes, she is. But who are you?", you said and walked back to the dining room.

"Chanyeol...", he said with a sigh.

"Ahh.. It just you..", you said with a laugh.

"Yah-ahh!", he said angry.

"But why did you asked about my aunt?", you asked.

"I need to talk to her.", he said.

"Why didn't you ring to her then?", you continued to ask.

"I did. But she didn't pick it up, then I rang to you, because you are always picking it.", he answered.

Your aunt interrupted.

"Who is it?", she asked and looked at you.

You didn't answer her.

"Her talk to my aunt.", you said to Chanyeol in the mobile and headed it toward your aunt.

You walked into the living room and sat on the sofa and the TV. *Why, do Chanyeol want to talk to my aunt? Is he the guest or?... Hmmm.. Actually I think so. But what are they talking about now?*

Your aunt headed out to you to give your mobile back.

"What did you guys talked about?", you asked.

"Ahh.. Nothing much", she answered.

"Really? But is Chanyeol the guest?", you continued to ask.

"Yes, he is.", she answered. *I knew it!*

"Ahh..", you sighed.

"Go up and change your clothes.", she said.

"No need, if it Chanyeol.", you said with a laugh.

"He said he is coming with a friend.", she said with a smile.

"A friend? And you allowed it?!", you yelled and stood up from the sofa.

"Yes.", she said and dragged you out of the living room, over to the front of the stairs.

You walked up at the stairs and into your room and changed your clothes.

Then it rang on the door. Your aunt opened the door and you walked down as well after you changed your clothes. Your aunt greets them.

"Hi! Aunt-tie and ~~~~!", Chanyeol said and walked into the dining room.

"Hi!", a boy said and bowed twice and followed Chanyeol to the dining room. *~~~~, looks really cute.*

You and your aunt greeted back. Your aunt showed them way to the table. Chanyeol and his friend sat on a chair. *Who is that guy? And why did Chanyeol took him to my house? But he is good looking and have a cute smile and beautiful eyes* - You blushed.

Your aunt gone into the kitchen again and took the last dish. You sat on a chair in front of Chanyeol.

"Are your hand getting better?", Chanyeol asked.

"Yes, I think, it's fine now.", you answered with a smile. *What a relief.*

"Ahh.. Have you found out who the mysterious boy is?", he asked with a ''evil'' laugh.

- The boy coughed twice. *YAH!*

You ignored him. Then his friend poked him and coughed once.

"Ahh.. I forgot..", he said. *Forgot what?*  *How can he forget me?*

"This is Chen", Chanyeol said and pointed at him. *I have heard that name before..*

Then your mom came in with the last dish.

"Your name is Chen?", she asked.

"No, my real name is, Kim Jongdae. But you can call me Chen, since everyone is calling me that.", he answered. *For sure I have heard his name before.*

"And?..", she said and sat on a chair.

"And I'm at the same aged as Chanyeol and goes in the same class as him.", he said. *Ah! I remember! Chanyeol have told me about him before!*

You started to eat, when your aunt said that you could begin to eat. There were silence, but then Chanyeol broke it.

"The food is really delicious as always.", he said and smiled, while Chen enjoyed his food. *JJANG!!*

- You finished the food and went to the bathroom, while your aunt, Chanyeol and Chen still sat at the table and talked.

"Chanyeol-ah, thank you again for helping and taken care of ~~~~.", your aunt said and bowed once.

"I'll always be there for you both.", he said and bowed once.

"Chanyeol have told me that you want ~~~~ to change school, because of the accident she have been in.", Chen said.

"Yes, but I haven't found one yet..", she said with  a sigh.

''My father is a teacher on that school me and Chanyeol is going on, and I can ask him about he would try to get your daughter in Seoul Arts High School? Or else you can talk with him.'', he said and gave her a card with his father number on.

''Ah. Thank you. Since you both are going at that school, then it would be safe for her to start on it? Right? And yesterday I actually said to the inspector on Seoul High School, that I report her out of the school..'', she continued.

''Yes, we'll take care of her.'', Chanyeol said.

''Start where?'', you interrupted.

''On Seoul Arts High School, same school as me and Chen!'', Chanyeol answered with a smile. *Seoul Arts High School?!*

''Ohh!.. And Suho, your ex-boyfriend!'', he continued and clapped once. *SUHO?! THAT !* *Is Suho her ex-boyfriend? That playboy?*

''Suho! Is he going in the same school as yours?!'', your aunt said loud.

''Yes.'', Chanyeol answered.

''I'm not moving to Seoul Arts High School!'', you said and crossed your arms.

''Just because of Suho?'', Chen asked.

''I'll not see him again! Absolute not!'', you said. *Actually I miss him a little bit..* *Liar*

''Chill. I know that you want to see him, just once or more. But you can just stay a little bit away from him, and I don't think he will do something to you, because he already has a girlfriend right now. If he do something, we will try to protect you?'', Chanyeol said. *I knew it.. Suho is big playboy.*

''Fine, I'll call your father now, then you guys can go upstairs.'', your aunt said and walked over to the telephone.

You, Chanyeol and Chen walked upstairs into your room. Chanyeol walked in your room and jumped towards your bed and lain there and fell asleep, but then he noticed, that he lay on something. It was a letter. You quickly ran towards him and took it, and hid it in your pocket.

''What is it?'', he asked.

''Nothing..'', you answered and walked towards Chen, who was looking at a picture, but then Chanyeol grabbed your hand.

You screamed. He grabbed the hand there was injured. Chen reacted quickly and walked towards you. You began to cry.

''SORRY!'', Chanyeol said and looked upset. *I didn't mean to do this!..*

Then your aunt yelled downstairs.

''What happen?''

''Nothing!'', Chanyeol yelled. *What are we going to do?!*

Chen took your bandage of. Your hand was bleeding. *What is he doing?*

''Get two bowls with water, one with cold and one with warm water and a first aid kit.'', he said to Chanyeol.

''In the bathroom.'', you said to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol ran out to the bathroom and filled two bowls up with water and ran back with it.

''And a hand towel.'', Chen said.

Chanyeol ran back to the bathroom and took a first aid kit and a hand towel and ran back to your bedroom. *Do he know what he is doing?*

Chen took your injured hand and putted it in the warm water first, mean while he took a paper and putted some detergent on. He took your hand up from the warm water and took the hand towel and dried your hand gently. He took the paper with detergent and cleaned the places you were bleeding. You were about to scream again, but Chen quickly told Chanyeol to take a pillow and put it into your mouth. You bitten the pillow, while you screamed and cried because of the pain you had, when he cleaned your hand. He putted your hand into the cold water after he had cleaned it. He took your hand up from the cold water and took the hand towel and dried your hand gently. Then he asked Chanyeol to dry it, while he took a new bandage from the first aid kit. He took your hand again and gentle band bandage around your hand. Your hand was good as before. But your face was full with tears. Chen took his hand up to your face and wiped some of your tears away. You looked at him and was about to move his hand from your face, but then he started to talk and moved his hand away from your face. *This is a strange feeling, I don't even know him for real yet.* *I'm doing this for helping you, but this feeling is...*

''Take her with you into the bathroom and wash her face with cold water. I will clean this up and wash the blood of the hand towel.'', he said to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol took you with him to the bathroom. Chen cleaned it all and washed the hand towel and took it all with him in the bathroom, where you and Chanyeol stood and washed your face.

''I'll go down to your aunt and talk with her about the school. You guys can come down, when you're finish.'', Chen said to you both and walked down to your aunt.

''Where did he learn all this from?'', Chanyeol said.

''Learn what?'', you asked.

''That he just did!'', he said.

''Dunno? But he is good at it.'', you said.

Chanyeol sighed.

You and Chanyeol walked down to Chen and your aunt. They were sitting and talking together.

''Your aunt told me that you are starting on Seoul Arts High School in ours class next week.'', Chen said with a smile and stood up.

You sighed. *What about 'The Mysterious Boy'?*

''That good!'', Chanyeol said with a big smile.

''But the clock is many, I have to go now.'', Chen said and bowed twice.

''I have to go also.'', Chanyeol said and scratched a little in his hair.

''Already?'', your aunt asked.

''Yes.'', Chanyeol said, while he and Chen took their shoes on.

''Goodbye! Seeing you again.'', Chen said, while he waved with his hand and walked out of the door. *See you soon, ~~~~!*

''Goodbye!'', Chanyeol said and followed Chen.

You and your aunt stood and waved to them.

I finally finished chapter 3! No title..
- Sorry for late update again, near a month, OTL.

I'm trying to not making it all to a long cenversation! But it's really hard..
Hope you like it anyway!

 But Chen finally appeared! Gif and picture time!



Thanks to those people, who have subscribed to my fanfic.~



- If you haven't subscribed yet, then do it! And enjoy reading!

PS. It's my birthday soon! YEAA! On 9th June. I'm turning fourteen! :3' 


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[TMB] But hopefully I'll update again, when I come home! And sorry for not updating in so long time! I couldn't because of my exams..


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apurba #1
Chapter 10: Update
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 10: Update!!!!!!
Haeysoo #3
Chapter 10: Baekhyun..please..
ktenzin101 #4
Chapter 10: plzzzzzzz let her be with baek in the end...plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Chapter 8: annyeong author-nim...just started reading your fic and i like it so far ^_^
okay....i demand an update to cleared up what is happening right now,author nim..!
just kidding..take ur time....=)
update soon!
yeah~ i think the guy that helping her must be Baekhyun...
urmm..the mysterious guy.....
i guess it's Chanyeol though..
keke...update soon!
Megustapanda589 #8
I'm guessing that guy who helped her out must be BaekHyun. x33333

I really like this update too, so cute and sweet. <3 <3

Update soon~ :))))

Oh, and happy birthday Author-nim!
Lol, I'm turning 13 on Monday. xD
Please...Chanyeol please. I hope it's him!
oh hi~! New reader here ^^ :D