The Love

Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


Flashback-yesterday at detention

Key Pov

I stood quietly on my seat as I looked sometimes with the corner of my eyes at Jjong that was sitting some steps away. The teacher was reading a book or something. Jjong didn’t talk to me yet and I understood him.After all I guess what he witnessed in bathroom this morning really disgusted him. So it’s not something surprising that he don’t even want to look at me.

I just sighed heavily,praying for those 2 hours of detention to pass fast.The awkward mood was killing me…

An hour passed but it felt like a year. I kept repeating to myself that I just have to endure one more hour and I can go home and sleep and forget about everything that happened today.Suddenly the teacher’s phone rang and I snapped out of my trance.

``Oh,ok.I’m coming right now.`` the teacher talked with the person from the phone then he ended the call. He started putting the books,the papers and all the things he owned in his bag and headed to the door. Me and Jjong were looking at him puzzled .

``I will leave for a short time so stay silent here till I come back.  I will lock the door so I’ll be sure that no one leaves.`` the teacher said and he quickly stepped out of the room and closed us inside. My eyes were widened in disbelief and Jjong mouth was  wide open probably still shocked about the teacher’s behavior. Anyway…now we were alone in a locked classroom…

I looked at Jjong and he was looking back at me with an expressionless face. I quickly turned my face away as a light color of pink spread on my cheeks. It was the first time in a long period of time that he didn’t look at me with anger. So…I was kind of happy. Even if it didn’t really mean something…

``Kibum`` Jjong said and I quickly tensed up as I couldn’t believe that he actually took the initiative and talked with me.I’m so happy~

Now I sound pretty stupid…He just called me and he didn’t even called me Key or yeobo ,just Kibum meaning that he was still angry at me. So why should I be happy? And what’s so good that he took the initiative and called my name?Probably he wants to say that I’m disgusting or something…because of this morning incident.

I turned my head to him and I was shocked by what I saw.Jjong was staring at me as his elbow was on the desk and with his hand was supporting his head.His angle was positioned in such a way that his eyes were fixed on me. In that moment I didn’t even know if I should’ve been happy that he was looking at me with a really non-angry expression or just surprised.

``Kibum don’t space out when I’m trying to talk with you.`` Jjong said sighing as he shook a little his head.

``Oh right,sorry.`` I said and I mentally slapped myself for spacing out when Jjong was trying to talk with me. I hesitantly looked him into the eyes as I was still embarrassed…

``About this morning…you was the one in the bathroom,right?`` Jjong asked and I quickly broke the eye contact and lowered my head in shame.

``Y-Yeah…`` I responded. It wasn’t any use to lie.

``And you was with Taemin,right?`` he asked again and I lowered my head again. I felt horrible.

``Ye-yeah…`` I answered.I heard him sighing and mumbling something about a brat.

`` Why are you still with him? Is he so good in bed or you just can’t resist his pleases?`` he asked and I turned around facing him,shocked about his words.

``What? If you don’t want to tell me then don’t.`` Jjong said as he rolled his eyes.

``It’s not that…but I’m a little shocked that you asked…and to be honest I’m more shocked that you’re actually talking with me.`` I said honestly .

``J-Just…tell me why and shut up.`` he murmured but loudly enough for me to hear.A small smile curled on my lips as I was hoping that we could start talking again in the next days too.

``It’s a long story…``

``Just say it already`` Jjong hissed at me and I just chuckled at his cuteness.Yeah he was cute.He always is.

``Well,everything started 2 years ago…`` I started saying but he interrupted me.

``Are you going to say a 30 minutes long and boring story filled with lots of unnecessary as you’re used to? Because it sounds like one and I don’t really feel sleepy right now and I surely don’t plan to take a nap.`` Jjong commented and crossed his arms, his eyes still glued to mine.

``Yeah, so shut up till I don’t smack you.`` I said glaring at him and Jjong just pouted.

In the next second we both realized what happened and we broke the eye contact. We just talked normally…it was like in the past.Those moments that Jjong would argue about something and I’ll nag and warn him that I’ll smack him if he don’t shut up...A really nice moment if you ask me now.

We both stood silent for some minutes till I decided to continue.

``So…two years ago,me and Taemin were watching a movie…a movie at his house because his parents left in Japan for a week that time. So…it was the first time that we both watched something like that together.And as expected we got hard.And that’s how we had from the first time.`` I said a little embarrassed to talk about something like that…to Jjong especially.

`` He toped?`` Jjong asked suddenly and I just nodded…

``Tsk,that brat.`` Jjong murmured but I heard him…He really was weird today…

``And so…we agreed to forget what happened but a week later we had a sleepover at my house.At 5 am he woke me up and I saw a big bulge in his pants. He told me that he kept having dreams about us…and so…`` I said but the next words were stuck in my throat and I suddenly stopped talking…

``You felt guilty for giving him such dreams so you had with him again,right?`` Jjong said and I just nodded. He really knew what I was thinking.

``And so…it became something monthly then weekly and now probably daily. Just because of the guilt…after all it was my fault for watching that stupid movie. `` I said sighing and cupped my face in my hands.

`` I see…`` Jjong said then a long time of silence came.

``Do he mark you when…you know…`` Jjong suddenly said and I looked shocked at him not believing my ears. What was wrong with him…what was with those questions…

``I mean…I never saw hickeys or something on your neck…`` he said .

``Well…I told him to not mark him on my neck because I won’t dress in god know what cloths just to cover my hickeys. But in rest…he does mark me.`` I said not wanting to be specific about the places.

`` I see…``

Another time filled with silence…But now it was me that took the initiative.

``Do it bother you that I confess every day?`` I asked already knowing the answer...but I wanted to hear it from him…because I thought of giving up on him. If I was just a bother then I prefer to give up and move on with the life. I still love him but he hates me…

``Yes.`` he said not looking at me. It really hurt much more than I thought…but now at least I got my answer and I can move on.

``I see…that’s all I wanted to know.`` I said softly and cupped my face again with my hands.

``W-what you mean by t-that?`` he asked stuttering a little,a slight concern present in his voice. But I just kept looking on the front not wanting to meet his eyes when I’ll say it.

``I’m going to give up on you. I don’t want to be a bother to you and I already know that you don’t love me anymore,probably you hate me.Don’t get me wrong,I still love you but I just hurt myself being rejected everytime and that’s how I end on Taemin’s arms for comfort…So I just plan to move on…seeing that I don’t have a chance with you.`` I said all in one breath and sighed deeply. Jjong gasped and he suddenly stood up from his chair. I looked confused at him as he was getting closer to me. ` He is going to laugh in my face or dance of happiness …or what?` I thought.

But he suddenly grabbed my collar and lifted me a little from the chair just to meet with his…lips.Our lips touched and without knowing his tongue was already inside my mouth exploring my cavern.He my tongue and a small moan left my throat.It was to much for me…to resist.I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed myself closer to him to deepen the kiss.Our tongues were playing with each other as the kiss was going more and more passionate.We broke the kiss as the air became a need.

We both stared at each other,not a word spoken for a minute.He then suddenly hugged me and I almost forgot how to breath for some seconds.

``Just…don’t.Don’t give up yet. I-I still don’t know if I still love you so please give me some more time,please Key.`` he said in a cracking voice. I hugged him back as a big smile appeared on my face.

``Ne…I’ll wait for you…forever.``

End of flashback

Key Pov

I was in the infirmary alone with Minho as he was treating my wound. I kept sobbing for some more minutes but he hugged me and told me that everything will be okey and that he’ll always protect me from now on.He really was a good friend.

``Does it still hurts?`` he asked as he finally finished with my wound. I just shook my head in no,even if it actually still hurt,but I didn’t want him more worried about me. He was already to worried about me…

``I’m really sorry…I’m always late when something is happening.I’m sorry Key.`` he said looking at me apologetic.

``You don’t have for what to be sorry Minho. It just happened…`` I said patting his head and smiled cutely. He took my hands in his hands and squeezed them gently.

``That’s not true…If I was there I could prevent it from happening. I could prevent you from getting hurt and crying…`` he said small tears appearing in his eyes. I was really feeling bad for making him worry so much about me…he really is to good to me.

``I hate to see the person I love crying.`` He said squeezing harder my hands as the tears finally fell on his cheeks. I looked confused at him trying to understand what he just said.

``The person you what?``


xD wow,I actually updated pretty fast~ 

anyway...that;s what happened with JongKey...and about'll find more in the next chapter=]]...probably I'll add some dirty scene...but dunno.But I'll surely add a dirty part with OnTae in class! x3(Ah...I think I'll have a nice dream this night...I should go to sleep)

Hope you like the chapter ^-^ I'll update again later...I hope. Or I'll just update another fic...or I won't update because I have lots of homeworks and my holiday is going to end in some days and I didn't even bother to open a book~ and bla bla ~ ^o^

Until next time~ Luv chu~( yeah...I love purple <3)



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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~