
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


 If you start reading the chapter and something like ` Gosh! MinKey ?!`came in your mind, you shouldn't worry because...there won't be any minkey . Just some...teasing becouse some people really loves MinKey ^-^ And I kinda love it too...but still JongKey<3
And yeah,after the minkey part will come the ontae just keep reading...but it isn't something naughty...just Tae starting to get attracted to Onew. Gome xD you have to wait for the next chapter for more OnTae~
Minho Pov


``You should call his parents and tell them to come here and take him home. `` the nurse said and I just sighed deeply looking at the sleepy beauty in bed.
``But his parents are out of the city right now…so he’s alone at home .`` I said scratching the back of my neck.
``Then just take him home…I’ll talk with your teacher so you can skip school today.Just go and take care of him.`` the nurse said smiling and I thanked her with all my heart.
Without wasting anymore time I called a cab and I took the sleepy Kibum in my arms and walked out of the school’s gates waiting the car.
When the cab came we quickly got at Kibum’s house even if at first I wanted to go at my home, because anyway,I was planning to stay the whole time with him so it don’t really matter at who’s house we went.
As we got in his bedroom I laid him on the bed and I putted my hand on his forehead to check if his temperature went down .
``Aish,you still burn.`` I murmured irritated and I was ready to take my hand away but Kibum suddenly grabbed my hand and pressed it against his forehead.
``Kibum?`` I called his name to see if he’s awake or he did it sleep.
``Your hands are cold`` he said opening his eyes a little and smiling shyly.
``Oh sorry`` I apologized and I wanted to pull away my hand thinking that it bothered him but his grip on my hand tighten. Kibum frowned and I didn’t have an idea what I did wrong…
``You pabo,stop pulling your hand, It’s nod a bad thing that your hands are cold because I’m feeling like I’m going to burn and your hand on my skin is feeling good and refreshing.`` Kibum sighed and closed his eyes again. I stood some seconds to register what he said cuz I didn’t really understand what he meant…but the -your hand on my skin is feeling good -part kinda made me think of something else…Yah!How can I think like that! Aish,I’m such a ert. But maybe he meant that in that way…The hell he did!But…While I kept fighting in my head with my own thoughts, I completely omitted he fact that when you have a fever you should have a cold or hot compresses on your face or skin.
``Minho…I want to sleep but…`` Kibum said,rather whispered.
``But? You need something?`` I said when I snapped out of my trance.
``…can you go and get my pajamas? I can’t sleep in this clothes,it’s uncomfortable.`` he said pointing to his wardrobe. I quickly nodded and went to get his pj.
``Here.`` I putted the clothes on the bed near him. Kibum stood up and he was now in a sitting position on the bed.He took the pajama in his hand but in the next second he dropped it in the bed and he putted his hands on his face. He seemed in pain…
``Kibum what is wrong?`` I asked concerned and he just shook his head.He grabbed the pajama again but his hands trembled.
  ``I just got dizzy…but now I’m ok.`` He murmured and he tried to smile a little but I could see in his brown and deep eyes that he was far from being ok.
``Kibum you just relax and I’ll take care of everything.`` I said grabbing his pajamas from his hands and pushing him down on the bed. He nodded and whispered a `thank you`.He really was tired and I understand him. Besides that he has a fever,he cried a lot this morning,his puffy eyes still visible and he is hurt too because of that brat. I think he is exhausted physically and mentally too.
So, I started ing his shirt and slowly his chest was revealed,I gulped seeing his milky and flawless skin and I so wanted to touch it but I restrained my sinful desires.It wasn’t the time to think of something like that,not now that Kibum was so powerless.
When his shirt was completely ed I got off his shirt and tossed it near the bed.Kibum arched his back a little as the cold air crashed on his hot skin. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cute s and I unconsciously my lips. I so wanted to jump on him and kiss every part of his body. I knew that I said I wanted just his heart but…it seems that I changed my mind. His body is arousing me to much.
``Minho…?`` I quickly snapped out of my daze as I heard his sweet voice.Kibum was looking at me a little confused.Probably he caught me staring…,that’s so embarrassing. I smiled at him and I moved my hands on his hips and he squeezed his eyes close as I touched his skin.My hands are really cold,eh…
I moved to his pants and I ped them.I was ready to take them off but Kibum suddenly tensed up and stood up smacking my hands away.I looked puzzled at him not knowing what I did wrong…I thought it was ok to take his pants off because he didn’t say anything about them but now he is blushing madly…or just his face is red because of the fever. Could it be that he’s embarrassed? It’s true that I didn’t saw him for the past year but we used to take baths together when we were little…but maybe my confession scared him? He is scared that I might do something to him? Well…I almost lost my self control when I saw his chest but…I won’t do anything to him if he doesn’t want to. I hope.
``M-Minho?`` Kibum said and I quickly came back to this world and raised one of my eyebrows.
``C-Can you turn around till I change my clothes?`` he said looking down at his lap. Why was he behaving like that?I’m really confused…
``Ok…`` I turned around and sighed deeply.
``No peeking, ne?``
``Ne…`` Why was he behaving like a shy girl? Even if he knows about my feelings I’m sure he wouldn’t make me turn around just to not see him. He isn’t like that…Once ,when my family went to his house to have a nice conversation with his parents in the living room,he just walked in front of them and greeted them wearing just a pair of boxers. So I really don’t get why he is like that right now…
I heard him struggling on the bed and I really wanted to turn around…but I said I wouldn’t so…I kept staring ahead…at his desk,door,mirror…wait.Mirror? I looked carefully at the mirror and I saw my reflection…and Kibum’s. I widened my eyes in disbelief when I saw how he pulled off his pants and how he was left in a pair of boxe- wait…he didn’t wear boxers…what the heck he is wearing?Something pink…
My mouth dropped open when I realized what was that thing…Without caring about my promise of not peeking ,I turned around and looked at his lower part in disbelief.Kibum yelled in a high pitch voice and he hugged his knees,trying to hide his little dirty secret.But I still could see his cheeks and that pink material that curved his pretty nice.
``Stop staring!`` Kibum yelled and buried his head on his knees.
``Kibum…why are you wearing ?`` I asked in a voice barely above a whisper. I was completely shocked and he could feel that in my voice.
``Taemin forced me…`` he mumbled and he raised his head a little to look at me. I was speechless…but I don’t really know why. Because that brat made Kibum wear that or because Kibum looked so ing hot in that.Maybe both.
``Stop staring at me with those…lustful eyes.`` Kibum said grabbing the blanket and slowly covering himself.But I grabbed the blanket from his hands and threw it away from his body.I stared at his body with some hungrily eyes and I could feel the blood boiling in me.
I pushed Kibum down on the bed and I climbed in the bed,now being above him.
``Wh-What are y-you doing, Min-Minho?`` Kibum stuttered and I could see the fear in his eyes…
``Sorry…but I can’t control myself anymore``
Taemin Pov

I walked out of the classroom when the bell rang. I wanted to be as far apart from that ert. I don’t know what happened to that sweet and innocent Onew but I completely hate this one. He even dared to touch my crotch nor to say that he it and bit it. I almost got hard in the classroom,for sake. How the heck I should spend 2 hours today alone with him? And yeah,alone! The teacher is a ing retard and he close the door of the detention room and leaves to do his bussines and just after 2 hours he comes back and let us leave home. That bastard warned me that he will f- me! ME! I never gave my to someone and I’ll never give it. He can keep dreaming. Maybe I should him because he dared to to me.

Anyway,I headed to Key’s classroom.I wanted to apologize even if he probably doesn’t want to see me.He hates me…and I deserve to be hated…but I just want to tell him how sorry I am for torturing him all those years. I-I just want to tell him that I won’t touch him anymore.But I still want to be friends to him…I-I…
``Taemin-ah,why are you here?`` a student asked.Just then I realized that I was in front of Key’s class.
``Is Key here?`` I asked and I looked around the classroom but I didn’t see him.
``Key?...He isn’t. The teacher said that he went home because he suddenly got a fever.`` the student said.Fever? I hope he is ok…
``He went home alone?`` I asked because I knew that his parents won’t be home for some days.I’m really worried about him…
``I heard that a student named Minho went with him.`` the students said .Minho? Aish…What if he does something to Key? He is so in love with Key and don’t ask me from where I know. It was very obvious. I never saw someone caring so much for a person…he even gave me a just for Key.
`` I understand…thanks.`` I said and I started to walk away deeply in thoughts but someone grabbed my shoulder.I turned around and I met an angry Jonghyun.
``What you did to him?`` he asked squeezing hard my shoulder.I hissed in pain and I pushed him away.
``Why you care? `` I rubbed my shoulder as it started to hurt but Jjong suddenly grabbed my collar and pushed me against a wall.
``Listen you brat-`` he started but I interrupted him not wanting to hear him.
``You listen to me.You rejected him three weeks ago. Now you dare to kiss him? Aren’t you a little to selfish?`` I said frowning my eyebrows.
``I might be. But I realized that I still love him. I always did but the anger just took dominance of my mind and body and that’s why I was such an with him. But now I want him back and this time I won’t let you interfere.`` Jjong said pushing me harder on the wall.
``You love him…he loves you…but I’m the only one that stays in your way.`` I thought but it came out loud.
``Yeah!So you should off and give him to me!`` Jjong exclaimed but I just sighed deeply. He saw that I wasn’t myself and he loosened his grip and looked at me confused.
``Taemin?`` he asked and he waved his hand in front of me.
``I’m sorry…`` I whispered and his eyes widened in surprise. I’m not the type of person that apologize even if I know that I was wrong.But now…I was very sorry,I was sorry for everything I did.
``I’m sorry for hurting Key and making him cry. I realized just now that I tortured him all those years…and I’m very sorry. I know that apologizing won’t change a thing but…but…``I started to say but soon the tears started falling and I couldn’t end my sentence.
Jonghyun took a step away from me and he watched me in disbelief. The people started gathering around me and Jjong and they kept whispering. Jjong was a little panicked because everyone thought that he made me cry…and probably that’s what he thought too.But I couldn’t say a word…I just kept crying and crying…till someone grabbed my arm and dragged me with him.
I rubbed my eyes with my free hand and I tried to look at the person who `saved` me from that situation. But my vision was still blurry and I couldn’t recognize him.My words were still stuck in my throat so I couldn’t ask him who he was.
I just kept following him till he suddenly stopped and I bumped into him.Then he opened a door and threw me inside a dark room.He entered the room and locked the door after him.Now it was completely dark.I stood still not knowing what I should do…I felt weak and the tears kept flowing from my eyes.I could hear my sobs that echoed in the room.
Suddenly I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist from the back and pulling me into a hug. That person rested his chin on my shoulder and buried his face on my neck.I shivered a little as I felt the warm breath hitting my skin.My tears kept rolling down my already drowned cheeks.That person started kissing my neck but it felt good.The kisses were gentle and soft and they calmed me down. I completely forgot for some minutes that a stranger was kissing me in a locked room…but my tears stopped slowly from falling and I felt my whole body relaxing on his arms.To be honest I was very grateful to this ert or what would he be.
``Good,you stopped crying.`` a husky voice whispered in my ear and I quickly tensed up recognizing the voice.It really was a ert…
``Onew! What the hell are you-`` I started to say but he quickly turned me around, facing him and soon his lips crashed on mines. I felt my body numb,as I couldn’t move an inch.He nibbled my lip ,and for god knows what reason I parted my lips and his tongue quickly slipped inside my wet cavern and explored every inch,making me moan softly.I could feel him smirking and I mentally slapped myself for .He lightly my tongue,easily dominating me. A small moan left my throat again and I cursed myself for enjoying the kiss.I just wanted to push him away, slap him and ran away.However my body didn’t listen to my mind and I found myself circling my arms around his neck and kissing him back. I ran my fingers through his hair and pushed myself closer to him ,deepening the kiss. I don’t know what was wrong to me.Maybe I just wanted to be comforted but I found myself thinking how a good kisser he was…
I was melting in the kiss but I felt my throat burning and we quickly pulled away from the kiss in need of air. We both panted heavily and even if I couldn’t see him in this darkness I knew that he was smirking now.
I don’t know how he find my chin,but he grabbed it and raised it.He pushed me closer against his chest and I felt his lips brushing against mine.I thought he was going to kiss me again but he just leaned his forehead on mine and stared at me.
``I never thought that you’ll enjoy so much being kissed by me.`` he teased and I rolled my eyes .
`` I just wanted to be comforted…so don’t think that I’ll let you kiss me again.`` I said and I pushed him away.I walked to the door and I found the keys in the lock.I quickly opened the door and I was ready to step out of the room but Onew grabbed my wrist and stopped me.He walked closer to me and he leaned closer to my ear.
``Then I’ll comfort you more after school.`` he whispered and my ear.I felt shivers going up and down my spine and I quickly pulled my hand away from him.
``I don’t need it so don’t even dare to touch me again.`` I said but he just smirked,the light covering his awesome face.
``But I’ll still you~ and you’ll beg for my touch.`` he said in a seductive voice and he bit his lips.
``You wish.`` that’s all I said and I ran away. I don’t know why but I felt myself attracted to him for a moment…and I felt weak when he touched me.
While I kept running without looking ahead I bumped into someone.I looked to see who it was and there he was Jjong that looked at me a little…worried?
``Taemin…umm…are you alright? I’m sorry for making you cry…`` he said scratching the back of his neck and looking at the floor.Eh,so he was worried? Some minutes ago he was looking at me with some murder eyes,ready to kill me and now he is worried about me?Wow. But I don’t need his worries…Without knowing I became very weak because of the incident with Key. But I can’t let my guard down again…or something like Onew could happen again.
``I’m fine. And I didn’t cried because of you.`` I said coldly.
``Oh…ok. I was a little worried and-`` he started to say but I chuckled.He looked at me confused and I smirked.
``Jjong ,if I was you I wouldn’t be worried about me right now. Key is home with Minho.`` I said and he just nodded still not getting what I was trying to say.
``And Key is very weak right now…`` I continued but still nothing from him…He really is stupid.
``And Minho is in love with Key.`` I said rolling my eyes and I saw how he widened his eyes in surprise.
``He w-wh-what?!``he yelled and I just smiled sweetly.
``If you have so much free time you should go to Key’s home and prevent something naughty to happen .`` I said and in the next second he ran away. I kept walking down the corridors and I suddenly grinned remembering that Key was probably wearing some pink that I gave him yesterday.
``I wonder what is going to happen~ Will Minho get Key or Jjong will save the situation?~`` I murmured to myself.
``And will Taemin get ed by Onew or he will get away from him?~`` someone said from behind. I turned around and I saw Onew smirking. Oh damn you Lee Jinki…


Hello~ ^-^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter...and I won't update very soon...the school is starting and I won't have very much time the next months >.< sorry~ but I'll stull twice per weekends I think.

Anyway,The MinKey thing...some people really want minkey but some don't=]] so...I'll give some MinKey...but don't cha worry >.< there won't be any scene. (Jjong the superman~) 

The just because of a naughty dream I had >.< sorry~ :D

And the ontae thing...I think I'm gonna write  the scene pretty soon...maybe the next chapter...probably the next chapter...I'm 99% sure that the next chapter will have =]]

So till next time,I luv chu~


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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~