
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


Onew Pov



I made sure to lock the door after I entered my room,not wanting to risk having an angry Sungmin and an embarrassed Jeong here.


I quickly made my way to my bed and lazily leaned down, burying my head into my warm and fluffy chicken-pillow.I struggled to keep my heavy eyelids open but in the end I closed my eyes and let myself getting comfortable in the white sheets. I kept thinking about what happened not long ago and Tae’s pleading and face suddenly popped in my mind, making my eyes snap open.I stood a whole minute looking at my pillow with eyes wide open, the moments from the school replaying in my head.

I felt a wave of heat traveling down south and I quickly shook my head and rolled from right to left in my bed like a stupid kid.

I suddenly stopped and fisted the sheets under me with my hands.I stood up in a sitting position and threw the blanked off me. My eyes fell on my lap and I sighed deeply,letting myself fall down on the bed again. One of my hands tangled into my hair and I let out another depressed sigh.

``Aish Taemin…what are you doing with me?`` I said in a low voice looking up at the ceiling, lots of thoughts flashing into my mind.



After some long minutes of continuing to think about that little and y brat I lazily got up from the bed and went to take a cold shower that could calm down my problematic friend down there.


When I came out of the bathroom I walked back to my room and I found Jeongmin sitting on my bed. `Oh ,I forgot to lock my door when I left to the bathroom`

``Umm…can we talk about what you…umm…saw earlier?`` Jeongmin said biting his lower lip in embarrassment, his flushed face making him looked extremely adorable.But Taemin was the adorablest of the adorable.

``What I saw earlier…`` I brought my hand to my head,lightly scratching that scalp , making me look like I didn’t know what he was talking about. But duh, I was just teasing him.

Jeongmin looked at me with big eyes probably prayed for me to forget everything I witnessed. But how could I forget that~?

``Oh! You mean the fierce kiss between you and Sungmin?~`` I said excitedly- obviously faking it. I saw how Jeong blushed madly,his soft cheeks painted in a bright red color.

``I-It was just a peck!`` he defended and I just smirked evilly as I walked closer to him and sat down near him on the bed.

``So you admit that you guys kissed~`` I elbowed him with a teasing smile curled up on my lips.

`` It was just a peck!`` He said again but this time a little louder as his face became redder than I ever thought that it will be possible.

``That’s still a kiss~`` I sing-sunged and he brought up his hand and cupped his hot cheeks,pouting like a child.

``That’s not true…`` He murmured,still pouting and I tried hard to not laugh but…I failed miserably.

I laugh so hard that somehow I ended on the floor,curled into a weird position while I was hugging hard my stomach,that started to hurt as hell because of so much laughing.


Suddenly a pillow hit my head in a pretty brutal way and my laugh died. I looked up just to find an angry Jeongmin with his arms crossed and with his eyes firing lasers.

I’m doomed.

``You!`` he pointed at me and I felt myself stopping breathing.

``You’ll regret laughing at me!`` he said glaring at me. He walked to the door intentionally stepping hard on my hand. Just then I managed to register what he said and I started to panic.

``Wa-Wait Jeong!`` I yelled and I grabbed his leg before he left my room,stopping him from making another step forward. He turned his head and looked angrily down at me and I felt frightened. He was scary.Oh,so scary.

``What?!`` he snapped at me and I quickly brought together my thoughts.

``Please,please forgive me! I don’t want you to be angry at me! I-I don’t want to get ignored and die in a ing dark corner because of hunger!`` I shoot him my puppy eyes while I embraced tightly his leg,my head moving up and down along his leg to his foot like a little cat showing his affection to the owner.

``No.`` Jeong said blankly and he pulled out his leg from my hands and left the room, slamming hard the door after him.

I stared at the closed door for some moments till I realized what just happened. I was going to die.And this time I don’t think Jeong will forgive me easily.

I sighed and got up from the floor and grabbed my chicken-pillow from my bed.Then,I immediately  turned off the light and moved to a dark corner of the room. I sat down,leaning on the cold wall while I hugged tight my knees to my chest. In that moment I accepted my death sentence because I knew very well that making Jeong angry was like killing yourself ,of course ,just if you didn’t know how to cook.At all!

So I decided to pray to God to send someone to save me from dieing, in short,to send someone who knows how to cook.

``Good night,chicken-shi`` I murmured as I softly kissed my pillow and soon I fell asleep.

That night I had a really weird dream.With Taemin.And no…not a one,you s. But I can’t lie about it not because Taemin,in that dream was different …





The next morning.


I woke up as bright lights fills my vision as I open my eyes staring at the too bright bedroom. I yawned and brought my hand to my eyes rubbing away my sleepiness. I slowly managed to get up from the cold floor,feeling like someone just beat the outta me, because I slept in such uncomfortable place and way.

I felt my stomach growling and I headed to the kitchen,completely forgetting about what happened last night.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Jeongmin’s back as he cooking something and I also saw someone sitting at the table eating some biscuits. I rubbed again my sleepy and blurry eyes trying to recognize that person.

``Sungmin?`` I murmured looking confusedly at him.

``Good morning`` He gave me a small and I kind of apologetic smile.

I was still staying still on the place trying to knock out my sleepiness that was really hard, by the way.

``Why are you here?`` I asked him tilting my head in a cute way. I’m always cute in the morning,and no,I’m not acting.

``I came to see Jeong.`` he said looking at my little brother with such filled with love eyes. And just then…I remembered what happened last night when I came back home. I widened my eyes and I looked with fear at Jeong. 





``Umm…Jeong?`` I called his name but no reaction.He really was ignoring me.



I’m such a ing idiot.


``You really made him angry,eh?...I pity you.`` Sungmin said. I just turned around  ,facing one of the kitchen’s wall and without hesitation I banged hard my head on it.

``Stupid,stupid,stupid.`` I kept repeating these words while the pain crashed on my body like  hundreds of neddleswere prickling my forehead .

After a time…I finally stopped hitting my head against the wall and I looked back at the table and at Jeongmin who was still cooking.  Then my eyes fell on the packet of biscuits from the table and I heard my stomach growling again.I was hungry.

Making sure that Jeongmin was still turned with his back facing me,I slowly gathered my courage and tip-toed to the table and grabbed a biscuit. But just when the biscuits was a finger far from my mouth, I found myself scared to death ,my breathing completely stopping, and my eyes filling with fear. In front of my eyes was a ing sharp knife,just 2 ing inches away from my face! My biscuit automatically fell down as Jeongmin slapped my hand. He glared at me and I swear that if glares could kill…I was dead long ago.

I would’ve pissed in my pants if Jeong wouldn’t have taken the knife away from me. He went back to his cooking like nothing happened but not before looking for one last time at me with an if-you-dare-to-touch-anything-again-the-knife-will-ing-go-throught-your-useless-brain look.

I gulped and I quickly left the kitchen and went back in my room. My heart was still beating fast as hell from the shock I got because of that ing knife.

I looked at the clock and I saw that it was almost time to go to school,so I quickly took a shower and dressed up and left to school with an empty stomach growling endless.



I entered my classroom and I saw Taemin yawning cutely as he struggled to keep his eyes open.Aish,such a cute human being.


I sat down near him and he looked confusedly at me.

``This is Minho’s seat.`` he said and I just smirked.

``Not anymore`` I said leaning closer to him and pecking his nose. He flinched and he immediately blushed. I so loved seeing him so shy~

``Minnie~ About the pact from yesterday~ I know what you have to do if you lose.`` I said and he blinked furiously.


``If you lose, I will dress you into a short top,mini skirt and tight ~ `` I said smirking and I saw his shocked face.He was speechles.Crossdressing~ Ah ~ Taemin dressed as a girl~ Heaven on earth.

``Oh and I’ll also take you to a date so people can see my beautiful boy-…girlfriend~`` I said restraining myself from laughing hard because Taemin’s eyes were showing embarrassment,fear,anger, shyness ,and kind of every emotion a human can have.

``You must be joking!`` he snapped and I just shook my head.I was serious. I already had a very evil plan and it included y things~

``Then I’ll do everything possible to win and you senseless!`` He said a little too louder than necessary but it was a good thing that in the classroom was already too noisy. So I think no one heard us.



Oh wait. Minho is behind me.Damn.


I didn’t even hear him coming or see him entering the class and it seems like Taemin didn’t notice him ninja-frog.

`` Ugh…Did you hear-`` I tried to ask if he heard what we talked about cuz I didn’t have a ing idea for how long he was there but he interrupted me.

``I don’t even want to know,weirdos.`` he said passing near me and sitting in front of me,near Sungmin’s seat.

Me and Taemin exchanged looks , neither of us not knowing what we should say or do right now. But one thing we knew for sure,Minho already knew our true faces and he won’t talk about what he witnessed.

I sighed as the teacher entered the class. I looked again at Taemin that was looking at me too.

``I’ll win`` I whispered and he furrowed his eyes.

``You wish`` he whispered back. I just smirked and turned my attention back to the teacher.


This will be a loooong day.


So~~~ Onew will go on a date with a dressed up as a girl Taemin xD isn't is just so cute~. But oh well,we still don't know who will win O.O

The TaexOnew or Tae-girl are both something you will want to see~

And I already know who will win and what will happen next and I assure you,my dear readers, that you'll like it~

But still~~ I want to see who you think will win :



Luv chu~


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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~