
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


The Key's fans please read this!

In this chapter Key is pretty going to get hurt...and he'll cry...alot. So don't beat me to death,ne? T^T It's not like I wanted this to happen(even if I am the one that wrote it) I love Key,not as much as Onew but he's my 2rd please understand that I hurt him now so he can be happy later!...  D: 

Now back to the story:

Taemin Pov

I was heading to the school together with Key as I kept asking him how was the detention with Jjong.He said that everything was as he expected…not even a word spoken between them.Key is a very bad liar…so in the moment I looked in his eyes I knew something must have happened yesterday…and I’ll find out sooner or later,but for now I’ll leave him alone.

We entered the school’s gates and Key suddenly stopped moving.I looked confused at him and I realized that he was staring at something.Curious, I followed his gaze and my eyes stopped on…Jjong.Jjong probably felt 2 pairs of eyes watching him so he turned around and searched the ‘stalkers’. He saw Key first and I swear that I saw his cheeks turning red!But in the next second he looked at me and his expression quickly darkened,his eyes filled with hatred stabbed me for some good minutes.But I just ignored it…after all I was used to it.The Frog is looking in every moment at me in this way…so it’s nothing new. I looked back at Key and…he was blushing too.What the hell happened with those two?

``Key,move.We are going to be late.`` I said grabbing his hand and dragging him after me.Jjong kept watching us till we entered the building.

``You better tell me what happened between you and Jjong.`` I said harshly and Key tensed up and he didn’t even dared to look at me.So something really happened…I stopped walking and grabbed his both shoulders with my hands,squeezing them hard.Key’s head was still lowered and he didn’t say a word even if I was sure his shoulders hurt.

``Look at me!`` I ordered but he still didn’t move an inch.I got irritated by his annoying behavior and so I grabbed his arm and entered a bathroom with him.We were alone…as the other students were walking to their first class.Even if I have arts for first class…and that ert teacher will punish me somehow for being late because my aegyo really don’t work on him, I don’t really care. Key is more important right now. Normally I wouldn’t care so much for one of my s…it’s true that I don’t like other people to touch them,but I wouldn’t risk to get myself into trouble just because I suspect one of them cheating on me.But Key is an exception…he was my first and he’ll always have a special space in my heart.And I didn’t  separate those 2 for nothing…

I pinned his hands above his head with one of my hands as he was now squeezed between me and a wall. He still didn’t say a word and it started to get on my nerves.I grabbed his chin with my free hand and raised it  ,our eyes finally meeting.He quickly broke the eye-contact and looked somewhere else .And it just made me more angry as I was sure that he hided something…that something happened between him and that dino.

``Tell me what you did yesterday with him.`` I said severely raising more his chin as he didn’t have a chance anymore to look somewhere else.He looked at me for a minute and I could see in his eyes the fear.He was scared…of me.He was scared…to tell me.

``Say it already!`` I yelled,already losing my self-control.Key parted his lips and he struggled to say something but the words never left his throat. I was losing my temper…

``Key if you don’t ing say it in the next second I-`` I started to say but he cut me off.

``He kissed me!`` Key said, rather whispered. My eyes widened in surprise as I couldn’t believe what he just said.Anger started boiling in me as I tighten my grip on his hands. I was upset and he knew that because I kept glaring at him in such a way that someone would say that I was ready to murder him.

``Tae…I-I…`` he started but I put one of my fingers on his lips shutting him up.I tried to calm myself ,not wanting to hear more things from him.But then something kept bothering me…if Jjong kissed Key ,then did Key…

``I just want to ask you a question.And you better respond honestly because I’ll know if you lie.`` I said in a deep voice and I could feel Key tensing up. He was smart so I guess he already knew what I was going to ask.

``Did you kiss him back?`` I asked,looking at him carefully,examining every move and gesture he made.Key didn’t say a word for some minutes and I already got my answer,but I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted him to be aware about what he did.

``I won’t ask again,did you kiss him back?``  I said  more softly so Key could catch courage and confess. Even if I knew that in the moment I’ll hear his answer I’ll probably do something that I’ll regret later…

Key stood silent for a minute as he was having a fight in his little head about if he should tell me or not the truth.He realized that even if he was lying or telling the truth…everything won’t end in a nice way.So he gave up and prepared to say a single word that could cause him a lot of pain.

``Y-yes.`` the word finally slipped from his mouth,his eyes already getting teary,ready for the tears to fell on his soft and flawless skin.He was ready for the worst. He knew that he did wrong kissing Jjong…as I hates someone else to touch what it’s mine.But…Jjong initiated the kiss and Key never was so happy in his whole life,he just couldn’t stop himself from kissing back the man he loved.And now he has to suffer the consequences.

``How dare you…`` I murmured,gnashing my teeth in anger and frustration.Key betrayed me…the only person I ever cared betrayed me…Without knowing my hand was raised above my head and with an amazing force and speed it crashed on Key’s cheek,turning his head some inches on the left side as the contact was too strong.

When I finally realized what I did,Key was already crying and his cheek turned a painful red color. For a moment I regretted what I did,but then I remembered about his betrayal and the regret vanished in a slip of a second.

``It seems that marking your body wasn’t enough…Now I have to mark your lips too.`` I said,the fury presence in my tone.I grabbed his chin again and threw his head on the wall not caring if it hurt him. As expected Key groaned in pain and without wasting another second I smashed my lips on his,pushing my tongue in his wet cavern as I started to his tongue while with my other hand traveled down his back till they found what they searched.I squeezed his cheeks claiming everything that belonged to me.His tears kept flowing from his eyes as I kept ravishing his mouth and Key moaned in the kiss, proving that my touch was still arousing him.Even if he’s mind would want to push me away,his body still craved after me.

Not forgetting about marking his lips,I roughly bit his bottom cherry lip,the blood mixing with the saliva in our heated kiss.I quickly broke the kiss to see my mark and I smirked proudly as Key whimpered in pain.His lip had a deep cut that bleed severely.Now I was sure that everyone would see that he was taken.

``T-that was cruel T-Tae,`` he said between his sobs as he tried to stop his bleeding with a tissue.

`` I was cruel?!  What you did was cruel!`` I yelled hitting the wall near Key’s head. He stood silent ,his tears never stopping.

`` You having useless feelings for someone else is cruel. ``  I whispered as I leaned closer to his ear.We stood like that,body glued,till I finally broke the silence.

``I want you to look at me,only at me. Just forget him…`` I whispered again and kissed his milky neck.

``But I love him…`` Key said  and in the next second I exploded. I putted my hands on his both shoulders and pressed him harder on the cold wall. I was looking at him with dangerous eyes as he disobeyed  me again and de dared to say that he still wanted Jjong.

``Love,love and love.What the is with this useless feeling!? I’ll never understand this thing and I don’t even want to! `` I yelled squeezing his shoulders harder.

``You remember what you promised me? That you’ll be with me till I find my true love? Please Key…keep your promise. D-Don’t leave me…`` I said…almost sounding as I begged. I was scared. I was scared for him leaving me for Jjong or other person. I wanted him to be mine forever,he is the only one that understand me and accept me for what I am.Well that’s what I think because he never distanced himself from me,he always helped me when I needed…he is a good friend,my only real friend. And I don’t want to lose him.

``Key…`` I said again as he kept silent and his head lowered.

``No…I can’t…`` Key said barely audible as he raised his head now looking straight in my eyes.His eyes were red and puffy from all that crying. Hearing his words was like hundreds arrows piercing my heart.

``W-what are you saying Key?You must be joking…you promised me!`` I yelled again as I felt my heart breaking into pieces. My hands started trembling as I tighten my grip on his shoulders.Key’s eyes started forming new tears that soon rolled down his cheeks. I watched in disbelief as I wanted to convince myself that everything is just a dream,a nightmare. But Key suddenly lifted his hand and touched my cheek…whipping my tears. I didn’t even know that I was crying…I never knew that losing Key could have such an impact for me.

``I’m sorry…`` he whispered . But I just can’t accept this…I just can’t . He is mine…just mine. He-He’s my ,he doesn’t have the right to leave me,I’m the only one that can leave him.

``I won’t accept it.`` I yelled smacking his hand off my face.`` I won’t let you go to him,you are just mine. I don’t care if you love him. If you will try to run away from me I’ll just use force and you till you learn who you belong to!`` I said harshly as I loosen my grip on his shoulders and grabbed his chin and tilted his head.I leaned closer to him and connected our lips.He groaned as I his wound and I quickly slipped my tongue inside his mouth. He tried to push me away with his hands and it just irritated me more. I bit hard on his already bitten lip and he screamed in pain as the wound started bleeding again.I broke the kiss and my lips still covered in blood. I wasn’t in my right mind in that moment…it was to much for me to lose him…

Key started crying again as the blood was rolling down his fingers as he touched his lip.Just in that moment I realized what I did…I hurt him again.

``I-I hate you Taemin!`` he yelled as he fell on the floor.

Hate…That’s right.How could he not hate me? I-I hurt him in all this years. I him lots of times leaving him with an agonizing pains everytime. Even now he still has marks on his body because of me…I-I was torturing him…in every second we were together. How stupid can I be to not realize that just now? I’m really a monster…and I deserve to be hated. I’m shocked that Key kept supporting all those things till now…but I guess he was scared to tell me that I was hurting him very bad because…he will end with more wounds.Exactly like now. I-I even bit him till he bleed…and slapped him…and-

``Kibum!`` a voice yelled from outside the bathroom.Was it…Minho?



Minho Pov-some minutes ago

I was running like a manioc on the corridors trying to get on my first class even if I was so late.But I saw someone standing in front of a bathroom door.I stopped,curious for his reason of standing there.

``Onew…why are you here?`` I asked him tilting my head in confusion.He just glared at me and then he sighed.

``Nothing…just go to your class…quickly.`` he answered a little irritated.

``Ne...But really,why are you-`` I started saying but I was cut off when I heard someone yelling.

``I hate you Taemin!``

I looked shocked at Onew and he just sighed again.

``Onew move.`` I said as I was pushing him out of my way.

``You shouldn’t go there…`` he said but I quickly punched him and knocked him down on the floor as I heard Kibum crying.

``Kibum!`` I yelled as I entered in the bathroom. The first person I saw was Taemin. I quickly ignored him and looked around till I finally spotted Kibum.He was sitting on the floor,hugging his knees as he was crying hard.I saw blood on his white shirt and I knew that the brat was responsible for that. My anger boiled the blood in my veins as I clenched my fists and punched Taemin hard in the face.He fell on the floor with his lips already covered in blood. I wanted to go and beat him to death but I restrained myself as Kibum came first from all.

I quickly lifted Key on my arms and rushed out of the bathroom. Jinki was still there,standing near the door.I glared at him for a second and then I left with Kibum to the infirmary.

Onew Pov

I watched as Minho and Key left and then I made my way in the bathroom. I saw Taemin sitting on the floor as the blood kept flowing from his lips.Probably Minho was the cause of this but anyway.I walked closer to him and grabbed his arm,putting him up on his feet. I stared at him till I saw the sheer pain in his eyes.He was crying.

``It’s surprising to see you crying. The boy with the sweetest smile on the school and with the rude attitude that can knock dead everyone is crying.`` I said ,a cocky smile curling on my lips.

``Shut up.`` Taemin said not even trying to look me in the eyes.

``You know…you really are cruel. The way you treat your s…it’s a little to mean.`` I said again and he looked for a second at me with a really annoyed glance.I knew I was just making the situation worse but someone have to teach him a lesson.

`` You know how much you hurt Key? You marked him for life. He is probably having nightmares because of you. And you don’t even let him fall in love and be happy. You’re the cruelest person I ever met.`` I said with a really cold and harsh voice.

``I know! I-I hurt him…a-and I regret it!`` he said as more tears fell from his red eyes. I just smirked and got closer to him.

``You don’t have from where to know…you never felt how he feels right now. And don’t you think it’s to late to regret it? You should have stopped long ago…you monster!`` I said the smirk never leaving my face as everything went as planned.With every step I went closer to him he took a step back, till he hit the wall.

``Should I show you how you made him feel all those years?`` I said huskily as I leaned closer to his face and pinned his hands above his head. He looked confused at me till I pressed my lips on his. As expected his lips were as soft and kissable as they seemed. I tried to push my tongue in but he refused it. Annoyed,I slid my hand under his shirt touching with my cold hand his warm and flawless skin.He gasped at the sudden contact and I used the chance to slip my tongue in. Our tongues fought for dominance as he didn’t want to give up and be dominated. But it was the same for me. Our tongues kept playing in the rough kiss till I heard him moan.I smirked as I finally made him moan but he widened his eyes in shock probably not believing that he was actually enjoying the kiss.Then suddenly he bit my tongue and I broke the kiss as I cringed in pain. I glared at him not believing that he just bit me.

``Don’t even dare to touch me again you bastard!`` Taemin yelled and ran out of the bathroom with a flushed face.

``I will dare…and the next time I’ll go further than a kiss.`` I murmured to myself , the smirk never disappearing from my face.


So yeah...I know this chapter was a little too...cruel?=]  But look at the good part xD Taemin finally realized that he hurt Key and he probably plans to give up on key. And our boys finally kissed xD even if tae bit onew...well at first is always like that x3 Taemin is a seme in this story so is normal that he don't want to be dominated,especially in that situation. But anyway...Minho made his appearence again...and yeah the next ch will have a little MinKey. The JongKey'll find out more in the next ch as I'll make a flashback ^o^

The OnTae dirty parts are finally coming~~~ and...don't kill me if Taemin will get at first...he have to be at first so he can fall in love later!That's how my brain works! So bear with

Anyway hope you enjoyed the kinda short and bloody~(yeah I kind of made them bit each other to much) chapter. 

Till next time~ I luv chu~

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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~