It's war

Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


Onew Pov

So,after I got out of the school,I went straight to my home,and threw myself on the bed.

I kept remembering Taemin’s stunned face as the jealousy was eating him alive~

``So cute~ So cute~ So cute~`` I kept rolling in my bed,with a silly smile on my face.I kept saying how cute was Taemin. Then I remembered his pretty and y face when I .

``Kya~~~`` Right in that moment I turned too abruptly and I hit the wall that was near my bed …with my head.

``Auuuch…`` I wrapped my hands around my head,slowly massaging the painful spot till I observed that my room’s door was open and someone was leaning against the door frame looking confusedly at me.

``H-Hey Jeong…`` I said quickly standing up from my bed and smiling shyly.

``Jinki…are you feeling alright?`` he asked out of nowhere and I just nodded. He furrowed his eyebrows,his eyes telling me that he didn’t believe me.

``Then…why you kept saying that someone or something was so cute?`` he asked and just then I realized what I was doing some time ago. I was squealing like a girl over Taemin’s cuteness.Gosh so….ing embarrassing…and how weird.

``O-Oh…I-I just remembered about something cute that I saw in a shop…`` I lied but Jeong brought his hands on his hips and he looked at me in disbelief.

``You thought about someone didn’t you? Tell me who.`` he said in a ordering tone and I so hated his ability to read my mind. He knew me very well. Dangerously well.

``That’s not tru-`` I started but…

``Taemin,right?`` he asked and I widened my eyes at his words. How the he knew?! He’s a monster ,I tell you…a freakin monster.

``N-No!`` I hardly shook my head but he just sighed.

``I just can’t believe it…how this happened?...How could you fall in l-``he started but then he suddenly stopped. He looked at me for a whole minute and I felt pretty intimidated by his stare.

``Jinki…what is Taemin for you?`` he asked seriously and I thought for a short time.

``Well…he’s my toy.`` I said and he just looked blankly at me.

``And…nothing more?`` he added. I tilted my head ,and grabbed my chin with my thumb and index finger and thought about an answer. Normally , he would be just a toy for me…but while I kept thinking about him , I felt something weird in my stomach and I felt my heart beating faster…

``So?`` he asked impatiently and my mouth opened ready to answer…without thinking.

``He’s just a toy. A really cute, y, pretty, sweet, attractive and stubborn toy. He’s just so perfect that I’m still amazed that someone like him exists. `` I said smiling widely till I  realized what I just said…

``Oh…I see.`` Jeong said with a shocked expression. I was shocked too! Never in my life I was so…obsessed with someone.

``Agh…I knew that this will gonna happen someday! But why so soon?! Aish! And Taemin?!`` Jeong said ruffling his hair then he quickly got out of my room,heading to his.

``Yah! What’s that supposed to mean?!`` I yelled back but I just heard his room’s door closing.

``What the hell is wrong with him…`` I murmured. But something is wrong with me too…why the heck I keep saying …how cute and bla bla is Tae? Really now…I think I got obsessed to him…or I’m really sick. Or both?

*ding dong*

``Yah Jinki,go see who’s at the door!`` Jeong yelled from his room and I lazily moved to the house door. I opened it and in the next second I found myself down on the floor with someone on me.


``Onew!~ Ah,I so missed you!`` Sungmin said cupping my face and pecking my lips. It felt a little different than the last time he kissed me…or hugged me. I wonder why…

``Hehe,I missed you too Sungminnie but please get off of me…I barely can breath.`` I said faking my non-rhythmical breath.

``I’m not so heavy…`` he pouted after he got off of me.

``I was just joking`` I patted his head and quickly stood up together with him just to hear a door opening and someone yelling.

``Yah Lee Jinki! Why the is this `thing` here?!`` Jeong yelled pointing to Sungmin. Ah…I so didn’t miss this.

``Who the hell you call a `thing`? You stupid !`` Sungmin yelled back,both of the glaring at each other.

``? Look at yourself first,you ing !`` Jeong yelled back,taking some steps forward with his fists prepared.

``Yah! I understand that you guys hate each other or something but please don’t fight. Last time a policeman was involved in your fight and poor him he got to the hospital and now he can’t walk anymore!`` I said quickly stopping their fight. They just rolled their eyes.

``It was his fault for interfering`` they both said in unison, the death glares still connecting them.

``Ok Ok…now Jeong go make some chicken and Sungmin will come to my room.`` I said and without waiting for another second to pass ,I lightly pushed Jeong to the kitchen and then I entered my room with Sungmin.

``Can’t you guys be friends…?`` I sighed sitting at my desk.

``No.`` Sungmin said sitting on my bed.

``Don’t you wanna tell me why you guys are fighting? I still don’t know the reason for your hatred towards my brother and vice versa.`` I said,showing him my puppy eyes.

``No.`` he said again,playing with his hair.

``Are you mad?``


``Are you happy?``


``Do you want to see me ?`` I said pretty amused by my question.

``Yes.`` he said with a sweet and bright smile on his face that appeared suddenly.

``.`` I chuckled. I stood up from the chair and sat down on the bed near him.

``How have you been?`` I asked but he suddenly hugged me.

``Bad…I was so lonely and bored without you around…`` he said pouting,burying his head on my chest while his hand made its way to my thigh and squeezed it lightly.

``And ually frustrated?`` I asked amused and he just nodded.He raised his head from my chest and he looked straight at me .

``I want you back Onew…`` he said huskily, circling his arms around my neck and closing the gap between our bodies,his lips quickly touching mine. He my lower lip asking for entrance but I rejected it and pushed him away. He looked pretty hurt and confused at me…

``Why Onew…`` he lowered his head and I felt a little guilty. I myself don’t know why I pushed him away. Normally ,I would let him do what he wants to me…

``Sorry but…I already made myself clear when I moved that our relation will end.`` I said a little coldly and his hands clutched my shirt and I managed to see his face for a second…and he was crying silently.

``Sungmin…``I drew invisible circles on his back trying to calm him down.

``I know we are…were just friends with benefits and I understand that you ended it because you moved out but now that I came here why can’t we start again?`` he asked looking at me,small tears crossing his bubby cheeks.

I wonder why too…Normally I would have ed him already…but something is restraining me…or someone in my mind. Taemin. I don’t know why but…from the moment I touched him, my body got addicted to him. It’s like…no one can fulfill my desires,no one except him. So that’s why Sungmin’s touch felt different…I don’t feel attracted to him anymore…and if I think a little more, I’m not attracted to anyone ,except from my Minnie. That’s weird…that’s so weird and annoying. It means ,I can’t play with someone else because Minnie is the only one that can make body burn in pleasure? Aish…and he’s the only thing I thought about for the past days…

I’m so sick…so sick. I wonder what’s wrong with me…

``You found someone else didn’t you?`` Sungmin asked,his tears already dried on his face. I snapped out of my daze,wondering how could he and Jeong read my mind.

I just nodded not knowing what exactly I could say in this situation…He bit his lips and pushed him back from me.

``Someone better than me?`` he said bitterly and I just nodded…it was the truth after all…I couldn't lie to him.

The tension in the room became suffocating till the door slammed open and Jeong appeared on the room.

``Sorry to interrupt but I have something to talk with `this`.`` he said looking at Sungmin and I just rolled my eyes. Treating humans like things it’s pretty annoying, but that’s not my business…at least not now.

``But Jeong…I have to talk with him too…`` I said despite the awkward atmosphere. I asked Sungmin to come to my house because I want him to help me with something…And if I leave Jeong and Sungmin together who knows what will happen…

``I don’t care,you can talk with him later.`` he said authoritatively like he was the older brother not me…

``But...Jeong!`` I gave him my puppy eyes but nothing affected him.

``Out.`` he said pointing to the door and I gave up and left the room,closing the door after me. I stood near the door,wanting to listen to them .

``Jinki leave already and go eat some chicken!`` Jeong yelled .

``Yes sir!`` I quickly went to the kitchen and in the moment I saw the chicken, my worries vanished.

No one Pov

`` Good he left.`` Jeong sighed. Sungmin kept looking down at the floor.

``Why you came here?`` Jeong asked straight forward,the hatred visible in his eyes. Sungmin looked up at him,his eyes sending the same sentiment.

``You know very well .`` he said smirking. Jeong just furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to Sungmin.

``I won’t let you to take him away. He’s not yours.`` Jeong looked down at him.

``Yet.`` Sungmin simply said,starting to play with his hair again.

``You brat…`` Jeong slapped Sungmin’s cheek angrily.

``Tsk…who are you calling a brat Jeong?`` Sungmin said standing up from the bed,his cheek getting painfully red.

``Did you forget that I’m still older than you?`` Sungmin said,slapping Jeong back,but harder. They both shared a dangerous look till Jeong threw Sungmin on the bed and Jeong being on the top.

``Listen to me. You should give up getting Jinki because you don’t have a ing chance.`` Jeong said.

``Eh~? Who says? I had him in my hands all this time and I won’t give up on him,not now that I discovered my real feelings for him.``

``Feelings? Everything you feel for him is lust! ``

``That was till he left me. I realized not long time ago that…I love him.`` Sungmin said and Jeong looked at him shocked.

``Love?`` Jeong said still shocked.

``Yeah,so get lost. He’ll be mine and you won’t stay in my way …again.`` Sungmin smirked.

``I won’t believe this …But even if it’s truth…you missed your chance of getting him. `` Jeong said smirking back.

``If you’re talking about this new that Onew found and replaced me then forget it. I’ll just make the disappear and tada~ Onew’s mine.`` Sungmin said earning come chuckles from Jeong.

``I pity you…`` Jeong said.

``What the hell you mean?``

``The cold-hearted Onew you knew all this time...disappeared. And the you are talking about will be a great adversar for you…do you know why?`` Jeong said smirking like a devil.Sungmin furrowed his eyebrows,glaring at Jeong.

Jeong leaned down to Sungmin’s ear,his smirk never fading.

``Because Onew fell in love…with the .`` Jeong whispered to Sungmin. Sungmin’s eyes widened and his mouth drop open not believing his ears.

``Yup,the ` I never fell in love` Onew actually fell in love and he still doesn't know it.`` Jeong said chuckling a little.

``So you,get lost and move your away from this place.`` Jeong said ready to get off from the bed but Sungmin flipped him over,now being the one that tops.

``So he doesn’t know about his feelings?`` Sungmin asked. Jeong just mentally slapped himself for unconsciously telling him that.

``The silence means I am right…`` Sungmin said and he smirked again.

``Meaning that I just have to make him fell for me before he will realize his feelings for that . This will be easy…Thanks for telling me Jengmin-ah~`` Sungmin smiled to himself and Jeong just bit his lips in irritation.

``Yah…what are you guys doing?`` Onew asked,entering the room. He started at the boys on the bed.

Sungmin just then observed the position they were in. He was pinning Jeong’s hand above his head and his leg was between Jeong’s leg,slightly touching the younger’s crotch.

``That’s not what it seems!`` Jeong yelled and he quickly pushed off Sungmin from him.

Onew Pov

``Riight…now Jeong please leave I have something to talk with Sungmin.`` I said and Jeong obeyed but not before sending another glare to Sungmin. Aish…those two.

``What happened with you two?`` I asked Sungmin,sitting on the bed near him.

``Nothing.`` he answered and honestly I didn’t even expect an answer.

``So what you want to talk about?`` he asked.

``Oh right. `` I grabbed his hands on mine and I looked at him.

``Can you do me a favor?`` I asked and he seemed pretty confused…

``Yeah sure….what it is?``

``Umm…how to say it…`` I tried to think about how to say it because I didn’t want to make it sound weird …after all it was a weird favor.

``C’mon Onew ,I’ll help you with anything you want.`` he said sitting on my lap and smiling cutely.

``Well… You know the person I talked about some time ago…`` I started,examining his every change of expression. I didn’t want to make him cry again…

``Yeah…the new you find.`` he said a little annoyed. In the moment he called Tae a I felt a burning flame in me…

``Don’t call him like that…`` I mumbled and he just looked surprised at me.

``Why? Isn’t he your ? `` he asked and …he was right. But the word sounds annoying…near Tae’s name. But then …what is Tae for me if I don’t want to call him a ? Why it feels like he’s more special than all the toys I had till now?

``Earth to Onew…`` Sungmin pinched my cheeks and I quickly snapped out of my daze.

``Oh sorry…`` I apologized and he just rolled his eyes.

``So tell me what’s this favor about.`` Sungmin said smiling .

``I want to make my… jealous.`` I said and it really made me angry calling Tae like this.

``He loves me and I want to make him confess his feelings so I need your help.`` I added and Sungmin’s smile drop dead.

``And I want you to flirt with me and I’ll do the same with you…till he’ll confess.`` I continued and he looked so pissed off. Maybe after all wasn’t such a good idea to-

``I’ll do it. I said I’ll help you with anything`` Sungmin said,his smile present on his face again.

``Really? Thanks!`` I hugged him tightly.

We broke the hug after a minute.

``I think I should go now…`` Sungmin said.

``Don’t you want to have dinner here or something?`` I asked but just then I saw that the door was slightly open and Jeong was peeking inside,glaring at Sungmin.

``No thanks…`` Sungmin said after he saw Jeong too.

I headed to the house’ door together with Sungmin. He put on his shoes and suddenly kissed my lips.

``You really have to make every you use to fall in love for you,eh~?`` he said and I just nodded.

``Yeah,except for you.`` I said and I swear I saw a glint of pain in his eyes.But then he quickly covered it with a smile.

``Yup. And yah,I wasn’t your . I was and I am your best friend!`` he said pouting.

``Yup yup, a friend that came some months ago to me and told me to have with him.`` I said amused.

``Yah! It wasn’t like that! I asked you if you wanted to became friends with benefits because you had a hot body and I was craving for you!`` Sungmin said and I just laughed.

``It’s the same thing. And I still have a hot body~`` I said lifting my shirt and showing my well built body.

``Yeah sure…I really love your fat belly~`` Sungmin said amused as he ticked me. We laughed a little more and I really missed those moments.

``See ya tomorrow~ I can’t wait to see the person that replaced me.`` Sungmin waved his hand and left. Replaced…eh…

Sungmin Pov

So Jeong was right…Onew loves his and the bad thing is that the loves him too.Aish…this will be hard but I won’t give up.

I’ll make him mine with any costs.

-The next day at school-

Onew Pov

I entered the classroom and I sat down near Taemin that didn’t say a word to me. Still shocked about yesterday,eh?

The teacher entered the classroom together with another person.

``Class we will have a new student from today on. Please introduce yourself.``

Taemin Pov

I looked at the new student,admiring his beauty. He really was cute,looking like a bunny. And he was wearing a pink top that suited him so well. But still…I was cuter than him.

``Annyeong,I’m Lee Sungmin imnida`` the cute body bowed and smiled. In the moment I heard his name I looked at Onew trying to believe that it wasn’t that Sungmin. But…Onew was smiling while looking at the new student.Then he turned his head around and looked at me.

``He’s the person I talked to the phone`` he said and I felt someone stabbing me right in the heart.

``Now let’s see who are you going to sit with…Hmm,the seat near Choi Minho is free...`` the teacher said looking behind me at the free seat near Minho. But then…Onew stood up from his chair.

``Sir,can Sungmin stay sit near me? Taemin can move near Minho.`` Onew said and I was looking in disbelief at him. Was he serious?!

``If Sungmin-ah is ok with it…`` the teacher said looking at Sungmin. Yah,stupid teacher! I should be the one that have to be ok with it!

``I’m fine with it`` Sungmin said.

I glared at Onew and he just ignored me. I moved near Minho and that Sungmin guy took my seat ,hugging Onew’s arm. you…

``Ah,so cute~ They look like two bunnies in love~`` a girl giggled,earning lots of approves from other girls. you too…

``Taemin you are going to break my pencil.`` Minho said pointing to my hand.I planned to let go of his pencil but then I saw Sungmin pecking Onew’s cheek and my fury increased...and the pencil broke in two.

``Yah! That was an expensive pencil!`` Minho glared at me and I glared back.

`` you and your pencil.`` I said and he just blinked furiously.

``What wrong with you today,brat?`` he asked and I just ignored him and continued glaring at those stupid bunnies the whole lesson.

When the bell rang,signaling the end of the lesson I saw the bunnies sitting up and smiling at each other.

``Taemin do you mind if I go to Sungmin to show him around the school?`` Onew asked and the answer was obviously no…but…I didn't want to show him that I was jealous.

``I don’t mind,why I would?`` I said faking a bright smile and they just smiled back and left.

``Then why are you angry again?`` Minho asked looking at me.

``I’m not.`` I said still smiling and he just rolled his eyes.

``Then please let go of that pencil…this one was expensive too.`` he said pointing to my hand and again,I was squeezing to death a poor ,little pencil.

``Oh,just shut up!`` I said throwing his pencil down on the floor and it ended breaking again.

``Yah! If you are angry then please go break something else,not my things!`` Minho said annoyed but I ignored him again.

``Come with me.`` I grabbed his arm and dragged him with me out of the classroom.

``Yah! Let me go! Where are we going?`` he asked.

``I’m gonna see what are those two doing.`` I said and he looked confused at me. I know I was behaving strangely but it drove me insane. I was so ing jealous that I could even kill that bastard that keeps hugging Onew.

Finally,I saw them on a hall laughing and talking.

Onew Pov

``He is following us`` Sungmin said and I just nodded.

``What should we do now~`` I tried to think about another way to make him jealous because till now it worked extremely well. But I pity Minho a little…and his pencils…

``I think we have to get a little more serious.`` Sungmin said and before I could register what he said he pushed me in an empty classroom . He pushed me against a wall and closed the gap between us,slamming his lips on mine.

I was shocked about his action and I wanted to pull away but just then I saw that Taemin was looking at us through the classroom’s open window. And so…even if I didn’t like it ,I let Sungmin to push his tongue inside and kiss me deeply.

Taemin Pov

I was speechless and stunned. In front of me Onew and Sungmin were kissing.And Onew was responding to the kiss. I’m so gonna kill someone…

I saw Sungmin looking at me with the corner of his eyes. He was smirking…He ing knew that I was watching them!

I don’t know if he’s doing intentionality but if he wants war then I’ll give him war.

I won’t let him take Onew away from me,not after all those thing that pabo did to me. I’ll make him mine,you heard me ?!

I won’t back off,not after that pabo made me fall in love with him. I won’t let him go even if he'll kiss my feet!



``Taemin you are going to break the window…`` Minho said looking at my fingers that were scratching the glass.

``Come.`` I said grabbing Minho arm again and I left those two alone.

``You are going to help me with something.`` I said and Minho just shook his head.

``Why should I?`` he said and I stopped walking.

``Because if you won’t ,I will tell Key that you are stalking him.`` I said and he looked shocked at me,the fear mixed with worries in his eyes.

``How the hell you know that? And it isn’t stalking,is helping out!`` he said and I just rolled my eyes.

``I know everything that’s happening in this school and with the students learning here,froggie.`` I said and he just looked panicked. But it’s still a mystery how Onew has the keys to every room in this school. Actually,Onew himself is a mystery to me.

``Fine I’ll help you,but if I find out that you told Key…`` Minho started but I just pressed my  index finger on his lips to shut him up.

``Yeah yeah. Now come with me, I have an important job for you.`` I said smirking.

I won’t let someone to take my stupid Onew away from me. Lee Sungmin,prepare yourself because I will make you regret that you came in this school and annoyed me.


Yeah...the chapter kinda >.< And I didn't updated for a long time...sorry...

Taemin is starting to get jealous and the fight between Sungmin and Tae will start! Who will get Onew in the end?(such a stupid question,eh?=])

Sungmin loves Onew...well he think he loves him...but you will see that...he will fall in love with someone else. Now the question is who?


And btw...who loves Suju?xD

And EunHae and KyuMin?~ I adore them~

And really now...I heard that some people are calling Hyukkie ugly...How stupid can a person be, to not see how beautiful and cute and y Hyukkie is?!


Till next time~ Luv chu~


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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~