
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


 Onew Pov



 I left the bathroom and I headed to the arts class.When I entered the classroom I spotted Taemin and he didn’t even try to look at me.The teacher kept blabbering something about detention but I didn’t really listen to him till I heard something that made me smirk.

``…so you and Taemin will get detention two days. `` the teacher said and I just nodded.

``And Mr. Lee…why you made Taemin cry?`` he asked glaring at me and I was completely confused. But then I saw the smirk on Tae’s face and I realized that probably he blamed me when the teacher asked him why his eyes were puffy when he came in classroom.

``Tsk,you devil.`` I murmured and the teacher smacked me probably thinking that I was addressing to him. But duh…

``Go sit down till I don’t smack you again for making my angel cry.`` he hissed and I just rolled my eyes.

Anyway,I sat down near Taemin but he just turned his head in the opposite way of me. ` Wanna play you little evil?Then let’s play~` I thought. When the teacher was with his back at the class,writing something on the blackboard and all the students were paying attention to him,I decided to make my first move.

I leaned closer to him but he didn’t see me as his head was still turned around,looking out of the window.I was some inches away from his ear and I suddenly blew some air on his ear.He quickly turned around and looked at me.His hand was covering his ear and his face was a light shade of pink.

``What the heck you think you’re doing?`` Taemin whispered as he didn’t want to be heard by the teacher.He kept glaring at me with some ` I’ll kill you ` eyes. But I just ignored it.

``I’m ually assaulting you.`` I said blankly as it was the most normal thing in the word.

``You better keep your hands off of me or you’ll regret it.`` Taemin said and he turned around again. He was so cute…and weak~ It would be easy to get him. Easier than I thought.Maybe because he is in a complicated situation with Key right now…and he must feel horrible right now. But I won’t lose my chance of him being so powerless~

After some minutes of silence I decided to more. Annoying him was the funniest thing I ever did~

I slipped my hand on his thighs and he quickly tensed up and smacked my hand off.But I quickly putted it back on his thighs but now a little closer to his clothed manhood. This time he turned around and looked at me. I felt shivers in my whole body as his cold eyes were piercing my soul. I think I was the last thing he wanted to take care of.

``Take your hand off right now`` he ordered in a really deep voice but I just shook my head in a cute way. He frowned his eyebrows and he smacked my hand away…again.But as stubborn I was I putted it again on him,but this time directly on his crotch and I gave it a light squeeze. Taemin widened his eyes and I just smiled brightly at him. His expression quickly darkened ,anger visible in his eyes. He took my hand from his crotch and he suddenly placed it on the desk,in front of him.

I looked confused at his very move and gesture trying to guess what was he thinking. Then with one of his hands he tighten his grip on my wrist,like trying to keep my hand steady on the desk while with the other hand he took a pencil. I widened my eyes as I understood what he was trying to do. ` You must be joking..` I thought. I tried to pull away my hand but his grip was to stronger and before I could to anything else to save myself…his pen stabbed my middle finger. I groaned in pain but I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to stop my cries because I didn’t want more detention…

Taemin just chuckled,admiring my angered and grieving face. Oh I so wanted to slap him right in that moment and torture him till he apologize…

``You really are a sadist, aren’t you Minnie?`` I asked and he just nodded cutely.

``Well,I’m one too. So be sure that I’ll get my revenge when I’ll you senseless.`` I said with a deep and cold tone but Taemin just rolled his eyes and turned back to his window.

Some minutes passed again and I keep staring at my pencil…a pencil…a pencil…OH! Then an idea popped up on my head. I snickered and I glanced at Taemin that didn’t even felt my evil glances.`Well,bad for him,cuz I’m gonna use that pencil too. If he wants war then war will be.` I thought.

I `accidentally` dropped my pencil on the floor,between our seats but Taemin didn’t even bother to pay attention to it.As I bend down to take it ,I put my hand on his thigh to keep myself up.Taemin glared at me once but then he looked away probably not suspecting anything…I was just touching his thigh to keep myself up so I wouldn’t risk to fall and hit my head on something.

` Yeah…like I’ll be so stupid to fall…` I thought but Taemin was still too naïve so I just continued my plan.

I trailed my hand up to his thigh as I bent down lower to get the pencil and Taemin flinched this time at my touch.

``Take that pencil faster you ert.`` Taemin whined and glared at me. But then he quickly moved his attention to the teacher that explained something.

I smirked seeing that my plan was working as I thought. I quickly picked the pencil and lifted it up. When I started lifting my head too, I stopped when I was right above his crotch.He didn’t seem to observe it and so, I opened my mouth and I quickly engulfed a part of his crotch on my mouth,covering it with my saliva. Taemin froze on his place as he was looking surprised at me.I bit it some times and Taemin let out a small moan but he quickly covered his mouth with his sleeve to stop those dirty sounds.

Before he would hit my head or something I lifted my head and sat up,leaving a wet spot on his pants. I looked at Taemin and chuckled seeing that his face was bright red.

``Something wrong,dear~?`` I said my lips seductively and I saw how he gulped, biting his lip and blushed hard. ` Oh,he wants me so badly~` I thought.

`` If you dare to do one more time something like that,I promise you that I’ll be the one that will your ,you ert!`` he whispered to me and turned his head away but not before moving his chair some inches away from mine. I just chucked at his little attempt of getting away from me~ He really was so cute~ But still so naïve.

I decided to leave him alone the rest of the hour but not before warning him.And so,I leaned closer to him and whispered:

``I can’t wait to spend the whole two hours together with you at detention~ I’ll make sure that you’ll moan my name and beg to be ed senseless in your pretty .`` I whispered hungrily to him and then I quickly moved away from him,sitting peacefully on my seat enjoying the death glares he was giving me.

Just then I realized that Minho wasn’t in the classroom…but I didn’t bother with it very much.I was elaborating my plan for the detention and I smirked just thinking what I’ll do to this innocent boy.

`Oh Taeminnie~ I’ll make you enjoy your first time`


Well...I'm speechless xD The chapter was really short...and it isn't so grea as I I kinda failed writing it. Anyway...the `all the way scene` will come soon...and yeah,the detention room :3 but I'll probably tease Taemin a little x3

Anyway,the MinKey thing...will still be an one-sided love >.< sorry...but I ship JongKey more. But I'll try to pair Minho with someone...^o^ maybe Onew's brother <3


Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter...


Till the next time,Luv chu~

I just adore this pic <33

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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~