
Together Again

“It should be in Section F.”

You thanked the library assistant before heading to the section. Currently, you were working on a research paper for class. Normally, you would have just used online sources but your professor required you to use at least one paper source. So as much as you hated it, you were forced to do some old fashion research.

You made your way towards the back of the library where some of the study tables were located. Once you found a nice, isolated one, you set your bag and books down. The library was relatively empty today. You only saw maybe ten other students in the giant building. At least this way, you would be able to concentrate on the task on hand.

If only Sandeul was in town, you could have procrastinated and spent the day with him instead.

At least you had plans to hang out with your friends later. If you could just get through this stupid paper, you could have fun in a few hours. In fact, the moment you were done, you could go harass your friend who was currently in art class. With a newfound determination, you headed to where the library assistant told you where to find your book.

Scanning through the titles of the books, you finally found the book you were looking for. But of course, it was a few shelves above your head. So, standing on the tips of your toes and grabbing the shelf in front of you with one hand for support, you reached up and tried to grab the book. You stretched a little more than you were comfortable with but finally touched the spine of the book. You were only able to grip it before you went completely still.

A pair of arms had wrapped around your waist.

The only person you thought it could be was your friend playing a joke on you. However, when the person pulled you close to them and rested their head on your shoulder, you knew otherwise. Your friend was too short to do something like this. Luckily you had been able to grab the book off the shelf before you were pulled back and held it close to your chest as you stood flat on the floor again. You waited for them to make their move. If it was some kind of ert, you had a really heavy book that you could use as a weapon.

“I missed you.”

Your tense body immediately relaxed when you heard his voice.

“When did you get back?”

You enjoyed the warmth his body gave you. Sandeul loved skinship. And as much as it was embarrassing to admit, you liked being on the receiving end. You rather receive all his attention than to let him flirt with any other girl. Sandeul embraced you tighter and buried his nose in the junction of your neck and shoulder.

“I came straight here after the plane landed.”


The two of you just stood there, enjoying the quiet moment together. This was a rare occurrence and you made sure to appreciate it.

Of course, Sandeul had to ruin it.

“I’m hungry..”

You hit Sandeul on the head with your book and stepped out of his grasp when he recoiled in pain.

“Let’s go.”

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shmur_itskurry #1
Chapter 6: Aww out of all of the scenes i loved CNU and Sandeuls' hehe daebak! :D
kpopfan_13 #2
They are sooo cute!!!!!!!!! You are such a good writer.
I like ALL of it!!!
especially the Jinyoung and Baro!
didzzz #4
it was really great!!!
i really like this ^____^ nice job