
Together Again

You pursed your lips together in irritation as your schoolmates continued to ramble on about their boyfriends. You really didn’t care and they knew it. They kept going on and on purposely. The thing was that you had told them you had a boyfriend and none of them believed you. It was ridiculous.

What was so hard to believe about you having a boyfriend?

It didn’t help that Gongchan was currently out of town so you had no real proof. You tried showing them pictures but they kept saying you photoshopped them. It was so annoying! How did you even consider these people your friends? Okay. They were usually decent people but they just loved to tease you.

School ended and you left with your schoolmates. The plan was that you were going to talk with them for a little bit longer before going home. You had plans to meet with your older friends later tonight and you wanted to go home to get ready. So you went with the group to the front school gates where you met up with a few other schoolmates. You chatted with them happily and rolled your eyes when they told lame jokes. A typical high schooler’s conversation.

Suddenly you felt hands on your shoulders and you couldn’t even react when you were spun around quickly. You barely recognized Gongchan before he picked you and easily put over his shoulder. Your face immediately turned bright red and you squirmed trying to get out of his grip.

“Gongchan, put me down!”

Your screams got the attention of the whole group and everyone turned to see you flailing while your boyfriend just stood there laughing. When he saw the stares of your schoolmates, he just smiled at them and patted the back of your legs.

“Hello! I’m Gongchan and I’m going to take my girlfriend away now, okay?”

Your schoolmates could only nodded as they continued to stare. At least now they definitely had to believe you. Gongchan bid them goodbye then turned and left. You closed your eyes in embarrassment as you were carried away.

You were so incredibly embarrassed but you were actually really happy too. Finally, Gongchan was back. Your life got so much brighter with just his appearance.

The two of you were finally together again.

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shmur_itskurry #1
Chapter 6: Aww out of all of the scenes i loved CNU and Sandeuls' hehe daebak! :D
kpopfan_13 #2
They are sooo cute!!!!!!!!! You are such a good writer.
I like ALL of it!!!
especially the Jinyoung and Baro!
didzzz #4
it was really great!!!
i really like this ^____^ nice job