Group Beginning

Together Again

Everyone was anxious as the plane touched ground. The group of friends went off on vacation every year together and this year was no different. However, each of them were currently in relationships so they were anxious to return home.

With a chime, the light for seat belts went off and many passengers stood up and started unloading. The five boys grabbed their backpacks and stood up in the aisle. Eventually they made their way off the plane and entered the airport.

Gongchan barely made it a few feet before turning to the others.

“Hyung, you’ll get my suitcase, right?”

He didn’t wait for a response before he turn and ran off. The others watched as he ran into the crowds disappearing. Shinwoo and Jinyoung both sighed before leading the other two towards luggage claim. Sandeul and Baro were whispering to each other which got the older two’s attention. Before Jinyoung could question them, Baro and Sandeul stopped in their tracks.

“Get our suitcases too!”

Then they took off.

Jinyoung’s eye twitched and Shinwoo let out another sigh. These boys were so impulsive. Shinwoo could have driven them to wherever they were headed but the three had just taken off and would waste money on cabs or bus fare. They understood though. Because they were younger, they thought only of themselves and went to go see their other halves. So, the two oldest would take care of them.

Jinyoung and Shinwoo walked to luggage claim and grabbed the five suitcases that belonged to the group. They struggled a little but they were able to carry all five to the parking garage where Shinwoo’s car was parked. It took a little maneuvering but they were able to fit all the luggage into the trunk. Shinwoo got into the driver’s seat while Jinyoung got in next to him, sitting in the front passenger seat. After making sure they absolutely had everything, Shinwoo started up the car and drove away from the airport.

Because of heavy traffic, the drive took a little less than two hours. There was a comfortable silence between the two friends. The five friends were more like brothers than friends who had met in high school. That’s why Shinwoo was able to tell that Jinyoung was slowly becoming anxious as they neared the large dorm the five shared.

“Do you want me to drop you off near her apartment?”

Jinyoung was thankful for Shinwoo’s understanding. Shinwoo dropped Jinyoung off at a nearby flower shop before heading home. He only felt slightly irked that he now had to drag up five suitcases and two backpacks by himself but he was used to doing things like this. He acted so motherly to the others that he often did things like this.

It was a little after dark when Shinwoo finished bringing up all the luggage into their dorm. Making sure to lock the door behind him, he left to do his own thing as well.

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shmur_itskurry #1
Chapter 6: Aww out of all of the scenes i loved CNU and Sandeuls' hehe daebak! :D
kpopfan_13 #2
They are sooo cute!!!!!!!!! You are such a good writer.
I like ALL of it!!!
especially the Jinyoung and Baro!
didzzz #4
it was really great!!!
i really like this ^____^ nice job