
Together Again

You tapped your pencil against the blank page of your sketch book.

Around you, your peers were diligently working on their own sketches for their projects. Normally, you would be doing the same but you just didn’t have any energy or inspiration.

Baro had left with his friends for their annual vacation. They were a close knit group so you understood why they went. But you were unprepared for the loneliness you felt when he left. Out of the group, you and Baro had been dating the longest. You were the first to meet and the first to date. You were a little prideful of the fact, you had introduced the other couples to each other.

You and Baro had a playful relationship. You missed playing and joking with him. He had only been gone for a little over a week but it felt forever.

You let out a sigh and set down your pencil.

Why are you even in class? Your mind wasn’t here at all. You rested your head in your hand and looked out the nearby window.

Your heart stopped when you saw a familiar face grinning at you from the other side of the window.

Baro began to make faces at you, showing off his hamster teeth and fail aegyo. Normally, you would have been rolling in laughter but you were in shock. The boys hadn’t actually said when they would come home. So seeing his face made you kind of…

You abandoned your desk, your sketch book, your class, and immediately ran out of the classroom and building.

When you got to where Baro had been, he was already gone and running across campus.

“Yah! Get back here!”

You began screaming at him as you ran after him. Baro loved running so you knew that you wouldn’t catch him unless he wanted you to. But that didn’t mean that you weren’t going to try your hardest. You sprinted and slowly began to get closer to him.

Suddenly, he stopped and you ran right into him. The two of you fell to the ground hard. There was a silence that hung in the air. It was nice though. Underneath you, Baro tried to move but you just hit him on the back.


You rested your head on his upper back and closed your eyes.

“I missed you.”

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shmur_itskurry #1
Chapter 6: Aww out of all of the scenes i loved CNU and Sandeuls' hehe daebak! :D
kpopfan_13 #2
They are sooo cute!!!!!!!!! You are such a good writer.
I like ALL of it!!!
especially the Jinyoung and Baro!
didzzz #4
it was really great!!!
i really like this ^____^ nice job