Chapter 7

Is That Really You, My Childhood Friend?

[YiJae's POV]


Atleast I felt so much more relieved. That jerk needed to know what he was saying, that immatur-

"OW" I rubbed my head.

"Sorry about that, I should have watched where I was going." he continued, "Are you new here? I'm Park YooJae, I'm a trainee!" he smiled cheesily. 

I bowed and replied "Ah..Ahnyeong, Kim Yijae imnida, I'm in charge of- uhm-" 

I can't even carry out a conversation properly.

I sighed.

He was tall and had an impression which made me believe he was a good guy. 

"Why you looking so down? I could be your friend? Gay best friend maybe?" he pouted, "GURLLLL, YOU CUTE, TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN." He strut a pose.

I found myself laughing at his silliness. 

"MISSION SUCCESSSS. You have a really nice laugh, it's cute." he softly whispered the last few words, hoping that I wouldn't hear it, but I did. 

My heart skipped a beat. "We-ell, I ha-ave to g-go" I stuttered and slapped myself mentally.


I found myself rushing out.

[Seung-hyun/TOP's POV]

"Aishhhh" I pulled my hair out of frustration. "Should I apologise?" 

I found myself walking towards the direction she walked off, and I stopped. ALREADY TALKING TO ANOTHER GUY? I thought she was mad. 

She was laughing. I've never seen her so happy, she has a really prett- NO, SEUNGHYUN. YOU'RE THE GUY THAT THOUSANDS WOULD FALL FOR. She? Pshhh. Can't even compared, she was below average. 

You know you're only lying to yourself right? Okay listen up brain, I'm so sick of you going against everything I live for. 


I've resorted to talking to myself.

[Seungri's POV]

I flopped onto the couch after I came back from private promotions.

I turned right and left, "Where's Seung-hyun hyung?" 

"Probably stalking our make up coordinator." Yongbae responded.

"Again." Jiyong added.

"I swear, he's obsessed with her." Daesung concluded.

Hyung better not get in trouble, or hurt her.


[YiJae's POV]

It finally came. The time to leave this, hell place. 

"Kim YiJae." 

I flinched when I heard the tone of the voice. Disdain, anger, annoyance, all evident in my name. And who does that voice belong to? No one other than Lee Chae Rin. WHY NOW? Give me a break. 

"What do you want?" 

She scoffed, "Acting all tough now? Where's your respect?" She kicked the bag I was holding, "Ottoke, mianhae." 

All my make-up supplies scattered on the ground.

"YAH. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I shouted in disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

"Chae Rin-shi. I have other things to do, so if you may excuse me because I'm done listening to your childish insults." I said, gathering my supplied and stuffing it back in my bag. 

"Excuse you." She muttered, pulling me by my collar. "Listen kid, first of all I'm older than you. Secondly, don't expect any respect from me anymore, I warned you about Seunghyun and you didn't correct your mistakes." 

She slapped me, scratching me while she was at it. 

"You bit-" I started as the pain seeped in but I stopped when she rose her hand again. Eyes closed, I waited for her slap but it never came.

"Yoo-jae, what are you doing?" Chae Rin said it more of a statement than a question.

It was like a stereotypical scene in a stereotypical movie. He had caught her hand mid-air.

He shoved her hand away. "You're our sunbae. Act like it." He stated, grabbing my hand and leaving.


"What got the Almighty Chae Rin in such a bother?" Yoojae bumped into me slightly, smiling.

I decided to play around and twist my words. "So, I swooned Big Bang's rapper and I have him all wrapped up around my little finger and Chae Rin's jealous as hell because man, have you seen the way she throws herself at him? Then she started this whole thing about getting revenge-"

"Oh my God YiJae, be serious!" He chuckled.

I scoffed and faked disbelief and hurt. "Are you implying I'm not good enough to sway an idol?"

He stared at me. "Yes."

"Thanks." I said dropping my facade and proceeded to tell him the truth and about how I thought he looked like my bestfriend and how he has the same name too.

"Did I really just spill my whole life story to a stranger." I muttered to myself.

"What can I say?" YooJae smirked, looking abnormally good looking. "I'm charming," He struck a pose, "I'm easy going," He lowered his voice and winked at me. "And I know you're completely enamored of me."

I burst out laughing, "You're so dumb." I said as I left without him.

"HEY DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" He screamed dramatically and ran to me, draping his arm over my shoulders.

We small talked and had small banter until we reached out parting. He stopped and softly punched me. 

"Let's go for breakfast tomorrow. At nine. See you at the entrance!" He suggested as he waved goodbye.

Park Yoo Jae's pretty cool.


HI GUYS! thanks for the subs and comments, it really encouraged us to keep writing. We really love procrastinating. IF ONLY IT WAS A TALENT. anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Yoo Jae and Yi Jae ehh? DEM JAESS. ALSO WE HAVE NOTHING AGAINST CL AND TOP. THIS IS JUST FICTIONAL. Cya guys next update C: 


S & K

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The way we write our stories have like definitely changed in the last eon when we were gone so, sorry if you don't like it :)


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Delylah03 #1
Chapter 11: Plz update soon
Gabriellie87 #2
Chapter 11: Please update!!! :) soon
flubberonline #3
Chapter 9: been following for 3 years mate rlly love it!1!11!!!!!1 omg yoo jae is rlly hawt and dong is cute as well <3

- flubber online dubber on out
xemily27 #4
Chapter 8: make her end up with top please!!!
EmiChan13 #5
Chapter 8: TOP!!! Please. :3 And wonderful story, I thought I wouldn't be seeing anymore after the first year of no updates. :D Thanks so much for this wonderfulness!!
Chapter 7: Woah woah woah.... Where is more ;A;

I didn't know too and CL were such es and douches. I mean top is so cute and dorky. While CL seems so funny and nice. Lol great story tho
Roesia_13 #7
Chapter 7: O3o ooo he gettin' jealous now huh. X3 hehe n.n can't wait. n.n
Roesia_13 #8
Chapter 6: O.o such temper o.o kinda runs shivers down ones spine o.o oi. n.n love it!! :3 I will subscribe for updates n.n hehe.
LittleJr #9
Chapter 6: aigoo author-nim,what is Seunghyun real problem?
i'm a new reader and palli update more
Lolza_77 #10
Chapter 4: Authornim I'm a new reader and I liked your story!!! Can you please please please update?