New School For Donghae Part 2

The Beauty And The Beast


“Okay, so you’ve got your locker number and combination, your timetable and a map of the school.” Mi Young said as she handed the 3 sheets of paper to Donghae. “Your first class is Math with me. Come on.” Mi Young then led the way to room 207 in the Math block of the school and knocked on the door. “Sorry fro being late Mrs. Bae.” Mi Young bowed 90 degree’s respectfully.


“Hurry up and take your seat. I’ll talk to after class.” Mrs. Bae eyed Mi Young as she rushed to her seat with Donghae following closely behind. “And who is this man in my classroom? A cousin of yours Mi Young?” Mi Young quickly turned around flowed by Donghae who clutched onto his timetable and map in his hands.


“Oh. This is the new student, Lee Donghae.” Mi Young explained as everyone in the class looked at her.


“Ah yes! Mr. Tan told me that I was getting a new student. But I don’t understand why you were so late to my class.” Mrs. Bae stepped away from the board and faced Mi Young and Donghae with her arms crossed over her chest and one eyebrow arched.


“We were just getting everything settled with him.” Donghae nodded furiously with his lips pursed.


“I’ll talk to you both after class. Now take your seat and hurry up.” She faced the board again and began to write.


“You’ll have to sit at the back. There aren’t any seats here.” Mi Young nodded towards the empty seat t the back right corner of the class.


“Okay.” Donghae sighed and went to the back of the classroom. Little did he know that the whole time he was in the classroom a certain cute looking, black haired man was eyeing him with curiosity. The man didn’t know what it was but every instinct in his body told him that Donghae was bad news for everyone; most of all Mi Young. He had to keep an eye on him.





After class had finished Mi Young and Donghae went to the teacher’s desk with their bags slung over their shoulders and a solemn expression. “Now, Mi Young. I see that you are class president and it is your duty to take care of the new people in this year but being late for class is unacceptable. You should’ve gotten everything settled yesterday.” Mrs. Bae began with her hands clamped together on the table. “Please be more mindful in the future.”


“Yes miss.” Mi Young answered with a slight bow of her head. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”


“So it shouldn’t.” Mrs. Bae looked back down at her papers. “And Donghae.” Donghae lifted his head and smiled a little. “Consider this your first warning. If you’re late again, I’m going to have to give you a detention.” Donghae nodded and his smile disappeared. “That will be all. Go to your next class.” Mi Young and Donghae bowed their heads and ran tot heir next class.


“Just in time.” Mi Young said as she took her seat and the bell rang. Donghae took the spare seat at the back of the class again and took out a new exercise book and a blue pen and listened to the teacher speak and copied down the notes she put on the board.


“Who’s that guy?” Sooyoung whispered to Mi Young.


“Knew kid. ‘Coz I’m class president and he’s in our homeroom I have to be his guide. He’s my responsibility.” MI Young explained.


“Is he nice? ‘Coz he looks so cute and nice. He must be.”


“Yeah, he’s like a kid.” Mi Young giggled and the teacher turned around.


“Who is disturbing my class?” The science teacher turned around and arched a big bushy eyebrow. The whole class fell silent. “Okay, then everyone will stay after class until the person owns up.” He turned back around and went on with the lesson.


“This guy is unbelievable.” Sunny whispered to Yuri, who are part of Mi Young’s group.


“It was me, sir.” Mi Young sighed and stood up.


“Good. Someone owned up. I thought it might have been you.” He turned around a mocked her. Donghae and Sungmin’s blood was boiling. Sungmin hated when the teacher talked to her like that and Donghae, even though he’d only known her for 2 days, was feeling the same. The teacher was always like that. He always mocked people and made them feel bad.


“You’ll be having detention after school.” He said with a smirk.


“I was talking too, sir.” Donghae stood up and Mi young turned around in shock.


“Sit down.” She mouthed but he ignored her.


“Okay, you’ll have detention too.”


“I was talking too.” Sungmin then stood up and Mi Young turned to him.


“What are you doing?” She mouthed. “Sit down.” But he ignored her too.


Guys are impossible I swear. She thought.






“Meet me in here after school. Don’t be late.” The teacher said and they left.


“Why did you guys do that? You weren’t even talking!” Mi Young yelled at them both.


“I wanted to experience detention for the first time.” Donghae smiled earning him a scoff from Sungmin.


“And you!” She poked Sungmin’s chest in anger.


“What? I thought I’d join in.” He smiled coolly.


“Okay you three! Hurry up!” The science teacher yelled from the door of his classroom.


“Come on guys.” Mi Young dragged her feet towards detention followed by Sungmin and Donghae.



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OMOO~~ Minnie what were you thinking?? (;
Kekekeke ...
Ame-chan #2
I think Donghae is already attracted to her^^ Sungmin is nice to Mi young but he didn't say anything in front of her ennemy, it's a shame. I'm sure donghae will be different^^ The detention is going to be interesting.
Sungmin ... Are you J-E-A-L-O-U-S?
Kekeke , well Donghae's dad was weird...Ahh he called her beautiful! :3
Can't wait till you update again! ^~^
Yay I guessed right ~ Donghae is so kyuutee!
According to the forward... Donghae is gonna change ?? /:
AWH , Sungmin wants to get closer ~~ (;
I'm guessing the new student is Donghae?
WOOOAAHH I'm hooked already xD ~~
-starts kicking Jandi-
New subscriber ^^ Update soon.
dk8691 #7
yeahhh ! another donghae's FF <3