Surprise, Surprise

It Hurts So Good


Donghae's P.O.V. 
Surprise, surprise... 
I was watching Finding Nemo when the doorbell rang. So I hit the pause button then got off the bed and went to open the door. "Good evening, Mr. Lee. There is a package for you", the bellboy said. Then he handed me a box. "W-who is it from?" I asked. "I'm sorry to say sir, but he didn't inform us who he was", he said. "Oh? Alright then. Thank you." Then I closed the door. I looked at the big brown box. What's this? I walked to the living room and opened it there. First thing I saw in the box was a letter. The words 'To my dearest love' were written on the envelope. Oh god... I opened it and it read: 
'Dear Fishy, 
I am deeply sorry for all the pains I've caused you. I'm so sorry that I failed you. Not once, but twice. I want you know that I regret everything I did. I loathe myself for being such a fool and for hurting you. I wish and pray that you accept my apology. Not today nor tomorrow, but maybe someday... I am giving you all the time and space that you need. Time to think things over and time to decide if I am worthy of your forgiveness. I am giving you space to let you free and to breathe. I know I've been too possessive towards you and didn't let you to be yourself when we were together. So, I will stay out of your life for a moment. I am leaving tonight. I break away and help you forget all the vicious acts and my other sins. I promise to strive hard to change my monstrous personality. I will miss you terribly, my love... I hope you find peace and serenity in my absence. I will look forward to the day I see your beautiful smile again. But for now, I say goodbye to you as we take on our seperate lives. I love you, Lee Donghae. Always have, always will. 
Siwonnie... Why do you have to do this? My heart is aching and all I want to do now is to cradle back in your arms. Tears kept flowing. His words made me feel vulnerable. Every word made a mark in my mind and in my heart. I want to scream that, I love you too Choi Siwon... more than I have ever felt for anyone. Is this it? Is this the end us? I feel nauseous every time I think of what's going to happen to us. I don't know... But right now, our future doesn't look so good. 
Also in the box was a thick black book. I opened it and on the first page a phrase was written. 'Happiest moments of my life'. I turned the page and found out that it was the photo album Siwon showed me when he first took me to his apartment. He intricately made this for us. Each page was filled with pictures of Siwon and I together. From our pre-debut training days to our last date in his old treehouse. Oh Siwon... I wish you I could tell you that these were the happiest and most memorable moments of my life as well. The last picture was the one we took in his car the night I met his parents. I was smiling and looking at the camera whereas Siwon had his eyes on me. He's looking at me like how a groom stares at his bride. This photo is heart-melting. I took it out and decided to put it on a frame. Then I placed it on the side table beside my bed. That night, I fell asleep gazing on that photo and reminiscing our captivating memories. 
Next morning, I got a call from Sungmin-hyung. He asked me to have lunch with him and Ryeowook. Since I have nothing to do, I agreed to go. I met them at a Western cafe near SMent. Both of them were seated already when I got there. "Tsk tsk... Donghae-sshi. We've been waiting for you for an hour already", Sungmin said his face a bit pissed off. "Hehe! Sorry, Sungminnie. It's uh... it's a bit traffic" then I gave him a convincing smile. I had a hard time picking which shoes to wear. "Okay okay, whatever. But you're paying for this" he said. "Woah! But... But---" But they were the one who invited me! "Yeah, you kept us waiting. We're starving already", Ryeowook cut in. Two against one, I don't stand a chance. Fine! "Aish! Alright alright..." We ate and talked about some random stuffs. Like Ryeowook's favorite dramas, their experiences in Sukira Kiss the Radio and finally Siwon. "I heard Siwon left last night... Where did he go?" Ryeowook asked. "Leeteuk-hyung said he headed off to Taiwan." Sungmin replied. I kept my eyes on my food and pretended to be busy eating. "Ah... when is he coming back?" Ryeowook asked again. "Uhh... I have no idea. You know Siwon. He likes keeping things to himself", Sungmin said. "Ah! Speaking of Siwon. Do you know he paid for all the hospital fees of Hyukkie?" Ryeowook exclaimed. "He what?!" I said and looked up at them. "Yeah, he gave me the cheque worth 2,000,000 won!" Ryewook called out. "Woah! Isn't that too much? Really that guy..." Sungmin said. Siwon... you just never run out of surprises. "Well anyway. You guys wanna go visit Hyukkie after this?" Sungmin asked us. "Okay, sure." Ryeowook said while I just nodded. Still shocked with what I just found out. How come he didn't mention this to me? Did he plan on telling anyone?
Eunhyuk was watching TV when we got to his room. Looking bored and impatient. He saw us and his mood suddenly changed. "Hey you guys! Finally! I thought no one would visit me today" he said. "Well, it's a free day, so why not spend it here" Sungmin told him. I sat on the chair beside the bed. A key on place on top of the side table caught my eye. I took it and saw the logo of Lambhorgini. Could it be... "Uh. Hyukkie? What's this?" I asked. "Oh that!" he grabbed it from my hand and showed it to the guys. "Siwon dropped by yesterday before he flew off, and look at what he left for me!" he said. Sungmin stepped closer to check it out. "Aigoo! It's a Lambhorgini!" he said in amazement. "May I see? May I see?" Ryeowook said and Eunhyuk threw the key to him. "Oh wow!!! Siwon gave this to you?!" Ryeowook said with his eyes wide as a dime. I remained silent. I couldn't believe this... "Well... not really. He said it belonged to a kid he knows" Eunhyuk said. My head turned to him and said, "A kid?!" A kid huh... "Yeah. Weird right? How could a kid have a luxury sports car?" he said. "And what else did he say?" I asked anxiously. "Hmm... he said that the kid will decide if he wants to keep his toy. If he doesn't, this car will be mine! Can you believe that? I've been dreaming to have a car like this since I was a little boy!" Eunhyuk delighted. His big smile got the better of his scars and bruises. I was pleased to see him this happy again. And it's all because of Siwon... Instead of selling or giving the car to someone else, he chose my bestfriend, Eunhyuk. It touched my heart. My eyes started to tear up. "And if I see that kid, Siwon told me to the kid that he loves and he will miss him" he continued. "Hmm. Wonder who that kid is?" Sungmin pondered. "Yeah. He doesn't have a brother right?" Ryeowook was puzzled. "No... He doesn't. I'm guessing it's a son", Eunhyuk joked and they all laughed. "Hyukkie... I'm sure that kid would be more than willing to give you that car." I said then I stood up. "Excuse me guys, I'll just use the bathroom", I went to the bathroom and shut the door. 
I rested my hand on the sink and I let my emotions out. I cried my heart out in happiness for Eunhyuk. I'm happy to see my bestfriend smiling again. I'm gratified for Siwon's deed. I never expected him to do all of this. Just to prove how sorry he was. I cried for my longingness to him. I miss him. I want to hug and kiss him. Will I ever get to do that once more? Please come back Siwon... I forgive you. I'm wanna be loved by you again. I want to be by your arms 'til the day that I die.
I love you and I need you, Siwon. I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'm yours forever...
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i've just posted the sequel, you guys! please check it out and tell me what you think :)


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Chapter 5: Just reading the foreword and description makes me excited!! Sihae Fighting!!^w^
Author-nim,you did a great job and please continue it!!^_^
I will forever support so Fighting and don't give up!!^^
eunsihae_ #2
Chapter 28: I love your story!
nice story (y)
Chapter 28: Re-reading this again.. And still loved it^^
Shixil90 #5
oh my GOD how COME lost my account made me also lost a best story like this?
i read all of them every single word, no word i can explain but crring hardly you are the best AUTHOR .
i love this, too much but so balance to the main story

run to the next ( anyway i've read chap 3, actually, hehe)
this is the most perfect story that i was read. I love they way your wrote. Too fantastic and nothing made me mad. I Love Siwon here.
hyungjulio #7
Chapter 16: Hey btw when I started reading this story I fell for it. Now I am falling in love with it again. Great mixture of angst and romance there my friend, I meant you author-nim. I'm not even halfway through cause I know there's two more stories for this like trilogy but your story is amazing.
Ah!.. so that's how they started?..
But siriously, Siwon is too....
Urm ... i don't know ..
Off to read sequel!..
hima_kawaii #9
Chapter 28: awwww finished already... okay go to the sequel :)
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 17: yah!!! what's wrong with siwon!!! cruel siwon back again.... T_T poor eunhae..