Our New Friend

At the Expense of Love, Danger, and Secrets

-No One's POV-

The minutes went by slowly as the train ride continued. Youngjae and Daehyun had woken up and were soon informed about the men whom accompanied them on the train. The air was thick with tension and it slowly grew worse as ~~~~ grew more and more weary of the situation.

-Your POV-

I sat there in my seat wanting to disappear and I felt the unknown man's gaze pierced through my soul. It was hard to avoid eye contact. Looking down the whole time didn't help either with my neck starting to get sore. I looked to Jongup and grinned as I saw him laying on my lap. I decided to mess with him and poked his cheek. My heart dropped when he didn't react.


I felt eyes on me again and glanced at the men in front of me. the same that was eyeing me before was smirking and whispering to his friend, not taking his eyes off of me. I was nervous and kinda scared with the feeling that if Jongup was asleep, the man would come onto me.

I had to get out of there.

I gently shook Jongup to wake him from his slumber.

^Come on PLEASE wake up!^

“Mmm…” Jongup stirred.

I sighed in relief, ^Thank goodness.^

“Jongup~” I cooed softly.

“Mmm… Neh?”

“Lets go by the others so you can sleep, neh?”


He slowly sat up slouching as he rubbed his eye with a sleeve-covered hand.

^He looks like a puppy~^

I had helped him to a seat and sat him down when I noticed his string was gone. I turned to go get it, but Jongup grabbed my hand making me smile. I looked back to him and went to eye level with him.

“I’ll be back in one sec, okay?” I said reassuringly.

He nodded and reluctantly let go.

I shot him a cutesy smile making him blush and went to get his string. When I retrieved the small rope, I felt an ominous presence behind me. I turned and saw the greasy man that had been staring at me the whole time.

“Hey, Beautiful,” he said kinda like a pimp. “Where you goin’?”

“Back to my friend,” I answered as calmly as I could. “Excuse me.”

I began walking back to rejoin with Jongup when the man grabbed my arm. I looked back at him.

“What?” I nearly snapped.

“You’re not leaving me are you?” the man asked innocently.

“Yes I am. Now, please, release me.”

I began to walk again when his grip tightened.

“I don’t think so,” he angered.

“Ow! Let go!!!”

“Hey, buddy. Hands off.”

-Yongguk’s POV-

I was sitting up on the bench listening to the TRON: Legacy soundtrack when I saw ~~~~ walk by me with an exhausted Jongup. I thought it was cute how much she cared for him and how he followed her like a lost puppy. None of us were really able to sooth or cope with Jongup’s condition, but we did our best without much success. Maybe now we’ll have a pacifier for his outbreaks.

I smiled to myself at the thought when I saw ~~~~ begin to leave. Jongup grabbed her hand making me tense a little, but grinned seeing how trusting and comfortable he was with her. I watched as she went back to their original seat across from the supposed gang members. I still didn’t like how the same one was looking at her. ~~~~ picked up Jongup’s string and begin to head back to Jongup.

My heart stopped when he got close to her.

^That bastard better not touch her…^

I looked on, unable to intervene for I could be the one in trouble for a random act of kicking. I started to relax when ~~~~ finally broke away from the conversation with him and walked away.

Then he grabbed her.

I immediately got up from my seat and approached the two almost putting holes in the floor from my stomping footsteps.

“Ow! Let go!!!” I heard her say, only making the heat of my rage rise.

“Hey, buddy,” I said. “Hands off.”

“What do you want?“ he sighed.

“The girl.”

“Get in line,” he said, bringing his attention back to ~~~~.

“You know… I’m just gonna take her from you.”

The two men he was traveling with stood up and waited behind him like silent warriors… Ready to strike.

He scoffed, “You and what army?”

-No one’s POV-

The air was tense. All eyes were glued to he scene in from of them. There was no question as to what was going on or what Yongguk would be willing to do…

The train car was now a battle field. Two sides sizing each other up. Unfortunately, our hero’s side was out numbered 1 to 3.

“You know I’m just gonna take her from you.”

“You and what army?”

“This one.”

A hand rested firmly on the shoulder of the gangster holding ~~~~ captive. He turned and saw an angry Himchan as he gripped the man’s shoulder tighter.He took in a sharp breath and pulled away bringing ~~~~ closer to him.

Yongguk and Himchan stood before the man with glares that could kill. The three men merely chuckled at the two.

“Who are you anyway?” Yongguk asked with rage in his voice.

The main man passed on ~~~~ to one of his cronies and stepped up to Yongguk. He was significantly shorter than Yongguk by a few inches. It almost made him chuckle having to look down at the little man.

“The name… is Donghyun. Not like it’s gonna matter whether you know me or not. My guys will beat you so hard that you won’t even remember your own names.”

Donghyun turned to his men and took ~~~~ back.

“Deal with those them would ya? There‘s only two.”

-Yongguk’s POV-

^I kills me to see ~~~~ being man handled like that. This douche bag has no respect for women. I’ll be sure to clear that up.^

“The name… is Donghyun,” the little man said. “Not like it’s gonna matter whether you know me or not. My guys will beat you so hard that you won’t even remember your own names.”

^If Himchan and I can get through these two…^

“You deal with them. There’s only two.”


I got a confused look on my face hearing the voice. Looking to my right, my expression turned to shock.

“You’ll have to take on the THREE of us, to get her.”

Looking back to the enemy, the leader was starting to lose control. It was obvious seeing that it was written all over his face.

“S-so what?” Donghyun stuttered. “We can take on you three.”


Daehyun appeared out from behind Youngjae. Soon after, Zelo ran up net to me.



I was more than surprised to hear the last voice. I looked back and so did the others. Standing there was the little mouse, Jongup. It’s the first time he was ever willing to fight for someone. For anything really. I grinned and put my arm around his shoulder pulling him next to me. As I looked back to Napoleon Bonaparte, the train slowly came to a stop.

“So…” I smirked. “Still want me to get in line?”

“Give ‘em the girl.”

-Your POV-

“So… Still want me to get in line?”

“…Give ‘em the girl.”

I was pushed hard into Himchan’s arms. As he held me close, I could feel the heat from his raging body go down. I held onto his jacket refusing to let go, for I still felt the stare of Donghyun’s eyes boring through me. The car opened and the gang walked out without another word.

We’d taken the bus after we steeped off the train to the stop in front of my home.

“Thank you guys so much,” I said to them with a smile.

They all smiled.

“No problem,” Himchan said.

“That’s the most action we’ve seen in a long time,” Yongguk added. “We had fun.”

“So did I.”

“~~~~! I’m so happy I met you~,” Zelo said like a child. “Promise you won’t forget us? Please~?”

I chuckled, “Neh, I promise.”

“Hey ~~~~,” Daehyun said. “Not that this is important, but how old are you?”



“Neh, why?”

“Well… That makes you his--”

“Noona!!” Zelo exclaimed attacking me with a hug.

I couldn’t help, but to laugh and hug him back. I’d never met someone that was so sweet and forward with their feelings. It felt great to know he felt this way about me.

He took my hand and walked me up the stairs to the front door and looked to me with a serious face.

“You promise you won’t forget me?” he said holding up his pinky.

I grinned softly and locked mine with his.

“Pinky promise.”

He smiled wide and I hugged him for the last time.

Thank you for helping me…”

I kissed his cheek and pulling back, I saw his cheeks turn red, while his eyes widened.

“Your hyung are waiting for you,” I smiled.

He nodded without a word and went back down to them. I waved to them a farewell and went inside.

-Yongguk’s POV-

After dropping off ~~~~, we all waited for the next bus back home. As we conversed, Zelo tugged on my sleeve.

“Hyung?” Zelo beckoned.

“Neh, dongsaeng?” I answered.

“Will we ever see her again?”

I stopped to think for a second. I didn’t want o hurt him, but I didn’t want to get his hopes up either.


“Of course we’ll see her again,” I smiled.

Zelo smiled back and went back to his conversation with Jongup.

^Please, don’t let this make me a liar….^


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In progress~ Sorry I took so long


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Kiseoppie #1
....... UPDATE!.
LetsPaintTheSky #2
im already addicted, muh unnie made it, i didnt even start reading yet.. Love you unnie
kiseopismydrug #3
his girl ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
PrinceD #4
Nope. Nice try though ;)
wait.... is yongguk planning to get on the wrong train just to spend more time with her???? :O AWWWW
Ooooo!! This is gooooood!!
PrinceD #7
I'll be updating every few days if not sooner
kiseopismydrug #8
omo his soft spot~ update soon unnie!!
I love Yong Guk already ^^
kiseopismydrug #10
OMO!! I'm already in love with this~ OOOH BAD GUYS COMIN IN. update soon~