A Surprise Feat

At the Expense of Love, Danger, and Secrets

-Yongguk's POV-

It was dark out. I could barely see 5 feet in front of me, but I kept going.


I ran into something and was dazed, then felt something heavy on me from my chest down.

"Ugh, what hit me?" I groaned.

I looked down and my eyes went wide.

^Oh crap.^

-Your POV-

I'd just crashed into something and went down with it. My breathing was heavy and my senses were a bit fuzzy from the sudden activity. When I finally calmed down, I noticed that I wasn't on the ground. A chill shot up my spine as whatever I was laying on started to move.

^I'm so dead.^

Slowly I lifeted my head and got a look at what I was of top of.

"Ugh, what hit me?" I heard a deep male voice say.

I froze when I matched the voice to a name.

^It can't be...^

Obviously, it then hit me that I was on top of a person, a guy to be specific. Reluctantly, I brought m hand up to his chest to support myself and looked up.

^Why me?^

"H-hi, Yongguk."

I got a stupid sheepish smile on my face when we made eye contact. The only thing I could really see was his eyes and the out line of his face. That was all it took to get get my face to go completely red. Thankfully it was dark enough for him not to see.

^Wow his eyes are really... pretty.^

"Hi ~~~~," he said.

I smiled a little at the sound of his low and husky voice.

^From this angle Yongguk is kinda- No. Wait, WHAT??? I-I-I can't be thinking that. I mean, I just met him! But he's just so...^

I started mentally slapping myself, shaking off the thoughts. As I was in my daze, Yongguk began to shift under me a little. He sat up and I proceeded to get off but he stopped me.

"No wait," he said. "Hold still."

Unable to control my actions at the moment, I unwillingly did as he said.


Yongguk didn't say anything. He just got really close to my face.

^Damn! I knew I shouldn't have gone with these guys! They probably jus want-!^

Before I could finish my thought, Yongguk held my chin.

^This is it...^

Just then he turned my head to the side.


"I-I went to get the frisbee," I stuttered a bit.

"Then where'd all the scratches come from?"

"It was in a thorn bush..."

I saw him smile a little bit and stater to laugh as well. I didn't know wh, but I started to laugh with him.

"What's so funny?"

A piercing and eerie chill shot like a rocket up my spine when I heard that voice.

"~~~~?" Yongguk asked as his laughing died down.




I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up to his feet. He almost tripped, not being able to react very quickly.

"~~~~! What's going on???"


I pushed him to the side and jumped out of the way of the man following us.

^You again?!?!?!^

-Yongguk's POV-


~~~~ just pushed me back, knocking me to the ground. I saw her jump back and a creep old guy appear out of nowhere.

^Where the heck did ou come from?^

"Yo! Over here!" I heard ~~~~ shout. I looked her way and saw that she was in a read stance like she was about to fight.

^What is she doing?^

"No use for fighting back little girl," the man said stepping closer to ~~~~.

"Stay away from her!" I shouted.

"Yongguk, stay back," she said firmly.

^She's crazy! What's she going to fight with?^

Just then I noticed a slight smirk on her face. I also saw her holding something behind her back.

^Maybe she does know what she's doing.^

I was a but impressed until I saw what she was armed with... a frisbee.

^I got the loon... Perfect...^

"What do you plan on doing with that?" the man asked, a bit amused.

"Not much," she said plainly. "Just wanna see if I can hit that target behind you."


The idiot turned around to get a look at the imaginary target. ~~~~ then threw the disc at the back of his head, disorienting him.

^Not bad.^

I grinned a little at her success.

"Come on!" ~~~~ shouted to me.

She ran over to me and pulled me up by my jackt. As we ran back to the others I couldn't help but to think about...

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In progress~ Sorry I took so long


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Kiseoppie #1
....... UPDATE!.
LetsPaintTheSky #2
im already addicted, muh unnie made it, i didnt even start reading yet.. Love you unnie
kiseopismydrug #3
his girl ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
PrinceD #4
Nope. Nice try though ;)
wait.... is yongguk planning to get on the wrong train just to spend more time with her???? :O AWWWW
Ooooo!! This is gooooood!!
PrinceD #7
I'll be updating every few days if not sooner
kiseopismydrug #8
omo his soft spot~ update soon unnie!!
I love Yong Guk already ^^
kiseopismydrug #10
OMO!! I'm already in love with this~ OOOH BAD GUYS COMIN IN. update soon~