Nothing Seems Right

At the Expense of Love, Danger, and Secrets

-Yongguk's POV-

I walked through the quiet corridors of the  station, feeling as though I was letting out my anger through my long, almost stomping strides.

^Himchan... I ing swear... when we get home...^

"You're dead..."

When I said it aloud my eyes widened and my pace slowed. I eventually stopped and thought to myself.

I sighed.

^I must be the worst leader ever...^

I was probably right. I made a vow that I wouldn't get involved in someone else's life other than our own. Now this random girl shows up and I've lashed out at the maknae, gotten into a fight with my best friend, threatened to kill him and my lose the guys' respect all together.

I put my hand  to my head unable to understand that my entire self was falling apart.


-Your POV-

I sat there waiting with the boys for Yongguk to return. I Himchan's hair as he took a power nap with his head in my lap. He wrapped his arms around my leg as if it were a teddy bear as well and it'd tickle whenever he'd shift in his sleep. Zelo laid his head on my shoulder. I laid mine on his as he drifted in and out of conciousness from exhaustion.  I let the two rest as I grinned a bit watching Jongup play with his string and listening to Daehyun and Youngjae speak in Korean about who knowa what. All was peaceful until the feeling was broken by a yell.


My head shot up at the sound, startling Zelo and waking Himchan from my sudden movements.

"~~~~! You scared me," Zelo whined.

"Mianhe," I apologized.

Himchan looked up rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a yawn.

"I heard a scream," i answered. " It sounded like Yongguk."

"Hyung?" Zelo asked.

"Neh. It sounded like he was in some kind of pain." I began to worry. "Maybe I should go check on him."

"You're kidding right?" Himchan sat up. "This place is empty except for a few workers. Hoodlums and thugs could be hiding anywhere around here!"

"Which is exactly why I'm gonna look for him."

I stood up and headed for the stairs. I then heard a set of footsteps behind me. Turning around, I saw a pink faced Jongup avoiding my eyes.

 "And what do you think you're doing?" I joked with a soft smile.

"Y-you'l need someone to watch- I mean protect!!! Uh, t-to protect you from any thugs."

"Aw, " I chuckled. "I'll be fine. Stay here and watch the others for me, okay?"

His face turned a slightly darker shade of pink as he nodded and went back.

^Such a sweet kid.^

I smiled to myself and continued on my search. I turned the corner and bumped into someone. I looked up only to see Yonguk's deep brown eyes.

"Yongguk," I tried not to sound ecstatic to see him as my heart raced. "Are you alright? I heard a scream."

"Mwo?" he said innocently. "I didn't hear anything and I'm fine."

I sighed in relief.

Yongguk chuckled at my near panic attack and held up 7 small pieces of paper.

"I got the tickets," he said with a smile.

I smiled back and the two of us headed back to the others.

-No One's POV-

The two headed back together in silence, but it wasn't awkward. Every once in a while they'd catch one another's glance and break out into giggle fits and hearty laughter. Yonnguk and ~~~~ didn't acknowledge it, but they really enjoyed each others time and they didn't have to say a word.

"Aww~ the lovebirds are bonding."

~~~~ and Yongguk heard one of the boys speak. The two looked up to see Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae smirking, Jongup smiling innocently and Zelo passed out on the ground.

"What?" Yongguk and ~~~~ asked in unison.

"We heard you two laughing and giggling from down the hall," Himchan said, his smirk growing wider.

The two turned red at their friend's statement , surprised that they didn't take into account the echo formed by the cavern like halls.

"W-we weere just talking. That's all," Yongguk said, trying to avert their suspicions.

"Well then," Himchan continued. "By the sound of it, you two hit it off pretty well."

"I see a wedding in your future," Youngjae smiled.

The two turned a deeper red."

"Yongguk, when is the train coming?" ~~~~ asked trying to change the subject.

-Yongguk's POV-

^Man these guys are annoying...^

"Yongguk," I heard~~~~ say. I looked down at her. "When is the train coming?"

I looked to the tickets and saw they said, "11:30pm". Looking at the clock, it was only "10:26pm. I looked to Himchan and he nodded, slightly raising his hand.

"Um, it should be coming," I began, than heard a snap and a train whistle sound, "Right about now."

-Your POV-

^It's about time.^

The train finally arrived at the station, but it seemed like it came faster than it should've.

I didn't care.

The train came to a stop and the doors opened. A wave of people then poured out of the locomotive, flooding the station.

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In progress~ Sorry I took so long


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Kiseoppie #1
....... UPDATE!.
LetsPaintTheSky #2
im already addicted, muh unnie made it, i didnt even start reading yet.. Love you unnie
kiseopismydrug #3
his girl ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
PrinceD #4
Nope. Nice try though ;)
wait.... is yongguk planning to get on the wrong train just to spend more time with her???? :O AWWWW
Ooooo!! This is gooooood!!
PrinceD #7
I'll be updating every few days if not sooner
kiseopismydrug #8
omo his soft spot~ update soon unnie!!
I love Yong Guk already ^^
kiseopismydrug #10
OMO!! I'm already in love with this~ OOOH BAD GUYS COMIN IN. update soon~