
At the Expense of Love, Danger, and Secrets

-No One's POV-

"Ah! Hey!"




As the crowd paired out, the 7 friends were seperated by those who were on their way home from work. Even ~~~ and Yongguk whom were standing next to each other were cut through and forced apart.

"Hey! Watch it!" ~~~ exclaimed. to those that shoved her. She forced her way through the crown trying to get back to Yongguk, but was knocked down. Quickly, she scambled to her feet and headed for the train.

-Himchan's POV-

The mob of people darted off the train like a swarm of angry bees. Everyone was moving so quickly that I started to feel dizzy. I tried to keep moving, but everything was moving to fast. I closed my eyes.


When I opened them, everyone and everything had slowed down drastically.

^Much better.^

I smiled and walked to the train. After I got on, I snapped my fingers and time sped up again.

^Glad that's over...^

"Hyung! Somebody! HELP!!!"


"Hang tight Zelo!"

-Jongup's POV-

I stood in the middle of a stampeding crowd, scared out of my mind. Everyone was going every which way and the room started spinning. My heart was racing as people pushed me back and forth like a pinball. I started to panic and took out my string.

^Clam down Jongup.^

I looked around, trying not to break down.

^So many people...^

I closed my eyes, but that didn't work very well. My breathing grew heavy and uneven. I started to go into shock and began shaking.

^This is too much...^

I began to hear commotion around me. I looked again and saw people looking at me and at my feet. Looking down, my eyes went wide when I saw a wide circle of light under my feet with streams of it swirling around me.


I didn't know what to do. I panicked and flashed out.

-Your POV-

I finally made it to the train and was about to get on when I heard a familiar voice cry out.


I was in Korean, but I still understood what he was getting at.

"ZELO! I'm coming!"

I ran back into the sea of bystanders. This time, instead of them knocking me over, I forced my way through the crowd, not letting anyone get in my way. It was too long before I saw a patch of blonde through the crowd of people.


He looked up and around. He was on the ground, trying not to get rampled.

"~~~~! Where are you?! I'm scared!!!"

I pushed throught the remaining obstacles and crouched down beside him.

"I'm right here," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He turned to me, smiling brightly and hugged me tightly with his arms around my neck, shaking a bit.

"It's okay, big guy," I grinned, hugging him back.

"How are we gonna get to the train?" he asked looking at me.

Before I could answer, I felt two strong arms wrap around us. They lifted up both me and Zelo. Before I had time to comprehend what was going on, I found myself on the train with Zelo and I in Himchan's lap. He was breathing heavily, like he'd been running for miles. I looked up and around and saw that the rest of the gang was there too. We were the only ones in the car.

"You two alright?"

"Neh," Zelo and I said in unison.

We got off of him and helped him to a seat. He was like dead weight. What had he been doing that made him like this? I didn't think about for too long since after Zelo and I sat him down, I noticed Jongup further awa y from the rest of us. His hood was up and he was shaking, slightly rocking back and forth. I was worried and went over, crouching down in front of him.

"Jongup?" I said.

His hair covered his face as his head was limp.

"Jongup. Are you alright?"

I placed a hand on his knee and he flinched.

"It's okay. It's just me."

He hesitated, but with shaky hands, he set one of his on mine and looked at me. I gave him a warm smile and he smiled a bit too. I stood up and started to walk back, but he latched on to my hand stopping me.

"You want me to stay?" I asked, looking back.

He nodded with pleading eyes.

I smiled and complied to his wish. I sat down next to him.

"You gonna be okay?"

He again said yes without saying a word.

I kissed the back of his hand, then held it in both of mine.

His shaking subsided, but only a little as the seconds passed.

"It'll be alright, Jongup. I'm right here."

He sniffled and laid his head on my shoulder, burying his face into the crook of my neck and started to whimper and sob quietly.

"Shh~ Gwenchana, Jongup. Gwenchana..."

I sat there, keeping him at ease as the train whistle sounded and we sped off.

-Yongguk's POV-

Me and the others were shocked as we looked on to the scene of Jongup being soothed by ~~~~.

"No way..." Youngjae whispered.

"No one's ever been able to do that before," Zelo said.

"Not even one of us..." Daehyun added.

I grinned.

"She really is something," I unknowingly said aloud.

I sat back with my eyes closed.

^Unlike any other...^

-No One's POV-

The minutes passed.

Daehyun and Youngjae were fading in and out of sleep. Himchan sat back with his arms and legs crossed, his eyes closed and head slightly down. Yongguk had fallen asleep laying down on the empty bench. Jongup had eventually calmed down, but had dry tear stains on his cheeks. He and ~~~~ played with his string as Zelo made his way iver to join them.

All was peaceful.

Until the train came to a stop...

Once the locomotive reached a halt, the sliding doors opened and three men walk into their car, looking as though they belonged to a gang. Two of them went and sat across from Zelo, ~~~~ and Jongup. The last one stared at ~~~~ with a grin then sat down. The atmsphere slowly became tense and erie and slowly the 7 began to notice.

-Your POV-

I kept Jongup occupied by playing with him and his string. Zelo joined us not long after Jongup calmed down. The three of us played hand games as the train slowly came to a stop. The doors opened and three greasy looking guys walked on. I looked up as I felt eyes on me. One of them stood at the door. He gave a erted grin when I looked at him. I glared back.

"~~~~, what's wrong," Zelo whispered to me.

"Go sit with Himchan," I didn't bother with his question, keeping my eyes on the man.

"Mwo? Wae?"

"Just do it! Please..."

Zelo looked to the man and understood my notion.

"Be careful," he said.

He stood up and sat next to Himchan as I'd instructed.

Looking back to Jongup. he was already looking back at me. I could see in his eyes that he'd already caught onto the situation. I was hoping he wouldn't, but I was a bit late for that now. I sighed and went close to his ear.

"I need you you to stay calm, okay?" I whispered.

He nodded.

Taking the string, I showed him different designs I cold make with it. We smiled and laughed as we played, pretending to not notice the men. It was a bit hard though, considering the fact that one of them wouldn't stop staring at me.

-No One's POV-

The car was silent.

Yongguk had woken up from his nap and lisened to his iPod. Daehyun and Youngjae finally passed out. Jongup started nodding off. ~~~~ laid him down on the bench half of her wanting to keep him awake, worried that the three men might try something. Zelo sat next to the stationary Himchan. He tried looking around to keep himself occupied, but he was nervous about the man staring at ~~~~.

"Hyung..." he whispered to Himchan.

He didn't answer.

"Hyung." He repeated nudging his friend.

Still no answer.


Himchan quietly groaned, opening one eye to look at Zelo.

"Mwo?" He asked a bit annoyed.

"See those three guys there?"

Himchan look behind Zelo with his one open eye still not moving.

"Yea," he closed his eye, "what about them?"

"Look at the one at the end closer to us."

Himchan looked again, noticing the man staring at something.

"See if you can pick out what he's looking at..."

Himchan followed the man's gaze and tensed a bit when he stopped at Jongup and ~~~~.

"I've got a bad feeling about him," Zelo continued. "What should we do?"

"I don't know. He hasn't done anything so we can't do anything in retaliation..."


"Keep an eye on him incase he does something funny."

"Oh... Neh."

-Yongguk's POV-

I had just awoken from my short nap and was listening to my iPod. The song "The Game Has Changed" by Daft Punk came on as I felt the atmosphere grow tense and uneasy. I looked up for a second and saw Himchan and Zelo talking. I was about to look back to my iPod when I saw Himchan take a peek to behind Zelo. It was the three guys that had been on the train with us. I questioned myself why he would be looking at them, then I noticed one of them with a smirk. I followed the man's gaze and nearly jumped with rage when I stopped at ~~~~. I felt my entire body heat up with anger.

^Take it easy, Yongguk..... You can't do anything for him looking at your girl......^ 

My eyes went wide.

 ^Wait.... WHAT?!?!?!?!^

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In progress~ Sorry I took so long


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Kiseoppie #1
....... UPDATE!.
LetsPaintTheSky #2
im already addicted, muh unnie made it, i didnt even start reading yet.. Love you unnie
kiseopismydrug #3
his girl ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
PrinceD #4
Nope. Nice try though ;)
wait.... is yongguk planning to get on the wrong train just to spend more time with her???? :O AWWWW
Ooooo!! This is gooooood!!
PrinceD #7
I'll be updating every few days if not sooner
kiseopismydrug #8
omo his soft spot~ update soon unnie!!
I love Yong Guk already ^^
kiseopismydrug #10
OMO!! I'm already in love with this~ OOOH BAD GUYS COMIN IN. update soon~