In the dorm

My Stupid Fiancee

i open the door slowly i take a peek inside, they still didn't come home yet, i sighed.

i took my blue cardigan and go out somewhere, looking for candy store :3 i walked in, suddenly i stunned

that... that vampire is here! that vampire who said want to my blood is here!

i wear my hoodie and hid my face, i hide behind the big lollipop there and stared at him, he is talking to someone, i think he is his master maybe.. wait wait, he come closer!! eottokhae?! did he sees me? should i hit him with this lollipop? no.. no it will pass him, he is a vampire, right?

ahh.. i shouldn't think too long he come closer eottokhae?

appa, what should i do? how about run? right now? don't think to long babo!!

nee.. ruunnnnnnnnnn, and then i run past them right to the cashier, i pay as fast as i can and run outside like a lighting.

"I'M SAFEE!!" i shouted, everyone looking at me now. but who cares?

suddenly someone touch my shoulder," you are min hee aren't you?"

i-i-it's vampire-ssi!!!

"n-n-no, i-i'm..." i looked at the kimchi banner "i'm park kim chi!"

his face come closer right in front of my face, he staring at my face "no, you are min hee aren't you? the girl who i met in the dorm?"

"no, no, no, you are wrong you strange vampire!" i said panickly

he smirking "yes you are min hee don't you? i promise i will your blood didn't i?"

i shook my head as fast as i can, when i'm about to runaway, he hold my hand

"ahh.. let me go, let me go, don't my blood, ok i'm min hee, and i'm now a good girl, let me goooo" i whinned while i try to pull my hand from him

he laugh, and bend down, i pull my hand immediately and run as fast as i can to the dorm, i lock the door and take my blanket and wrap my body with it

- 1 a.m-

"min hee-ah you still wake up? ehh.. wae so dark in here?" onew said in a small voice

i waken up i rush to the door "onew-ah"

he stepped back "hwaa.. ah, min hee! you scared me again"

"m-mian" i bowed in hurry

"it's ok, have you eat? you look pale" bowed to look closer to see my face

i think for a while," no i haven't eat yet, i don't think you'll be back this late, so i wait for you" i said innocently, i just realise i haven't eat yet, and too scared to sleep.

"how about we're all go to dinner?" minho asked smilling

i raised my hands up and yelling "YAY!! wait! i take my cap first!" i rush to my room without turn on the light i take my cap and go outside

"kaja!!" taemin push my back

i hid my long black hair inside my cap, it suppose to make me look like a man actually ._.

"so, where are we going?" i look at them while walking

"guess!" jonghyun asked smilling widely, hmm.. strange

i think for a while, a place who makes jonghyun smilling? "pub?"

"right!!" he chuckle, weirdo -_-

and the other widened their eyes "how did you find out?"

"easy, jonghyun is smilling all the way, he is too cheerfull, that mean one reason. girls?" i said

they are all laughed, even jonghyun didn't angry he is too happy i think whatever, i'm starving now.

"hey, is there any kind of food in there? i'm starving" i press my stomach

onew nodded and show his thumb

"ah, min hee-ah, if anyone asked you, just tell them you are jonghyun's cousin" minho stopped me before i walked in, i nodded

i walked in and follow them, we sit in a round table, i told onew to order me what he called 'good' in that place, i lay my body to the sofa and sighed, the lightning make my vision blurred. Jonghyun left  our table and move to another table with some guys and some girls too.

onew looking at me, and that was really annoying "wae?" i asked

"are you ok?" he asked

i nodded "i'm just starving"

he nodded but he still staring at me, i try to avoid it, pretend not to see but still it annoying me "wae?" i asked again

he shaking his head and smiled a bit, but still he staring..

"yaa!! stop staring at me, what's wrong with you?" i frowned

he still staring at me," you don't get nervous?" he asked finally

"no, why must i?"

"actually i'm curious about you, i think we're handsome enough" i chocked, and laugh

"jinjja? you think like that?" i said still laughing

he nodded, "seriously, why don't you got nervous living with us, seeing us topless"

"in my village there are so many guys topless, i don't like that 6 square in their body anyway"

finally the food came, and that was CHICKEN!! yaaay! i grab my fork, knife, and spoon and start to eat. Onew still staring but he is staring at my chicken now! no, i'm not gonna give you this delicious chicken! i eat it quickly, onew sometimes grab his fork and trying to eat my chicken but i succed to make him stop.

finally i finish! the chicken's taste like something different but still delicious, i drink a glass of.. i don't know what is this but it taste weird.

"you've done?" onew asked

i nodded and raised my thumb "ok, i'll go to there" he pointed to the crowd, "you wanna join?"

i shook my head and smiled

after it he left to the crowd, taemin was sitting beside me, suddenly i rememmber something

"taemin-ah, why did they bully you?" i asked in curious

he gulped "what bully?"

"this morning in the class, don't you rememmber?"

he sighed "it's nothing"

"so can i tell it to the others?"

"well, it has been happened to me since my freshman year, before i'm debuting i've already got that bullying. I thought when i'm debuting they will stop but i'm wrong"

"really?" i asked curiously

he nodded "it's even going worst, girls started to bullying me too, because i can't take the others idol's photo when they asked me to"

i shook my head "this is wrong"

he staring at me "don't do like today again"

i widened my eyes "what are you saying?"

"don't stop them again" he clearing his word

"mwoya! no i won't!"

"this isn't your business" he frowned

i think for a while "why i can do something that i want?"

he sighed "just don't do it!"

"tell me your reason so i will stop it"

suddenly he bang the table "Just stop it! it bother me!"

i widened my eyes "what are you saying? i'm bothering you?! they did! i've tried to save you!" i said angrily

"i don't ask for your help, do i?"

"you can't do anything, don't you?"

he clench his fist "stop bothering me! do your own bussiness!" he shoted before leave to the crowd. Finally i can breath again, i don't even realize that i hold my breath along his word. Well it was my first time seeing taemin angry, i thought he can't be that angry.

my whole body feels so languid today. i even can't breath easily

"what are you doing here" a creepy voice come from my back, i looked back lazily. it was Vampire-ssi, but i don't have any energy more to screaming or run from him, so i just staring at him and begging him not to my blood with my puppy eyes

he chuckled and sit beside me "are you ok?"

i nodded lazily "i just feel so sleepy"

he smirked "so, what are you doing here?" he drank my drink

"eating" i said shortly

"how can you get here?"

"by car"

"with who you come here?"

"why are you interrogate me?"

"just answer it"

i sighed "with my friends"

"who are they?" he smirked, i know he enjoying this


"what kind of relationship do you guys have?"

i think for a while and rememmber minho's word "ahh.. i'm jonghyun cousin!"

he raised his eyebrow "you are a girl don't you?"

"a-ani" i shook my hands

"don't lie to me, or i'll your blood"

"yes i'm a girl" i said immediately with a bright smile on my face

he laugh a bit "so, what kind of relationship did you have?"

"i'm his niece" i said smilling

he only looked at me and touch my neck, and open his mouth

"okay, okay i'll tell you but don't tell anybody ok?" i give him my pinkie

he look at my pinkie and hook his pinkie to mine

"well, the story started when my father made a promise with jonghyun's dad to wed their children when we grew up. And now i'm on the engagement, and luckly i'll be his fiancee only for 3 months, after that my step sister will replace me"

"you're now live in their dorm?" he frowned

i nodded "but we don't sleep on the same bed!" i quickly replied

"why don't you live in the different place? you just an fiancee don't you?"

"my step mother want to live far from me i think"

"and your dad allow it?"

i keep silent for a while "can we stop talking about this"

"no" he quickly said

i sighed hard (again! too much sighed isn't good for your health :D) "my dad had joined my mom in the heaven" i smiled softly
he become silent for a while "you love them so much don't you?"

i nodded "very much" and we keep silent for a moment

"i'm sorry" he said finally

"that's alright" i smiled again

"when did they left you?"

"mom passed away since i was born, everyone keep telling me that i'm the reason why mom died, and my father passed away since i'm 6"

"what happen to your dad?"

i kept silent for a moment "can we stop talking about this?" i held my head up to prevent my tears from falling, but still stares at him because.. yeah you know i'm short

"sorry" he my head

"so, tell me about yourself" i said smilling

he smirking " well, when i'm still alive, i was well known as a talented idol named cho kyuhyun, as you can see i'm handsome, tall and charming. i died because of playing game too much"

i widened my eyes "how can that happen?"

he chuckled "my eye balls explode when i stared at the game"

"EEH!! that thing can even happen?!" i ask innocently

he laughed hard and nodded

"Kyuhyun-ah, why don't you join us?" his master come to our table, he bowed first to me and of course i bowed back

kyuhyun looked up and smiled "no, i prefer stay here, the crowd only make my head dizzy"

"eo, i'll go there first" he bowed before leave

"is he your master?" i look at his master

he look at me "you can call him like that"

"so what are you doing in the dorm?"

"i keep my master safe"

"can you go to heaven? or hell?"

"yeah, but i only can go to hell, because i'm vampire"

"can you find my mom or my dad's there?"

he stunned for a while and said "no. Your parents must be gone to heaven"

i smilled " that's good!"

"kyuhyun hyung, what are you doing here? you know him?" minho suddenly stand beside me

i gasped "minho! you can see him too?"

minho frowned "what are you talking about?"

"i'm talking to her as you can see" kyuhyun cut, smilling

"her? hyung, you know this girl?"

kyuhyun nodded


"about 3 or 2 days ago"

minho thinks for a while "hyung, please don't tell anyone about her" and he pleased, i coppied him too

"it's ok, she is interesting anyway" kyuhyun smirked

we smilled feeling reliefed

i whispered to minho "i wanna go home, i must go to school tomorrow"

"eh?" minho become suprised

"what?" kyuhyun asked

"she wanna go home" minho said

i nodded

"so?" kyuhyun raised his eyebrow

minho sighed "i don't think jonghyun hyung want to go home now"

"i'll go home by my self, can i?" i said while taking my cardigan

minho think for a while "it's late night, it's dangerous outside"

"it's ok, i still have enough energy to fight them back" i said smilling

"no, wait i'll call the other" minho stopped me quickly

when he about walk to his hyung kyuhyun stop him "let me drove her home"

"is that okay?" minho asked still worrying but he looks more relieved

he nodded and take my cardigan

"actually i can go home alone" i said mumbling

he smirked "minho-ah, tell the other i go home first"

after that we went to vampire-ssi car, he unlock the car, and i get in. It was so comfortable i smilled to my self

"why are you smilling?" vampire-ssi asked with weird looks

i smilled widely "it's so comfortable"

"don't sleep here" he said quickly

i closed my eyes "i can't promise"

"yah! don't you dare! i won't carry you"

"just wake me up when we're arrived, i'm sleepy already"

"you must wake up when i waking you" he started to start the engine

"i will wake up when you call my name"

he sighed "ok"

i don't know there is a vampire can drive a car, more than that his car was so comfortable.

hey! it's us! Tine96 and Crazzier!

i wanna say sorry, really sorry for not updating this long, its all about school stuff and i've just got a job from my brother so it's kinda hard to update this chapter, really sory guys ;_;

By The Way, how about this?? tell me tell me!! hahaha..

comments are recommended, Big thanks to my subscriber!!

thanks for reading this fanfics! i love you all

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
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Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
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Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
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breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
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