Different person

My Stupid Fiancee

The next morning i wake up feeling thristy. i headed to the kitchen to grab some drinks

I gulped down the water and glanced at the clock, which almost made me choke to death

Its already 6 o'clock, MAN IT'S 6 O'CLOCK! i rushed to the cupboard and take some cereals. and pour it in 6 different bowl, back to the fridge and take a box of milk and hurriedly pour it.

"whoa, hectic morning you got there" jjong murmured while yawning beside me. i get a goosebump by his husky voice

"good morning too you too" i said sarcastically. he walked closer towards me which made me even more nervous

he inched his face a little too close towards me that i have to step back

"hey, this isn't the necklace that i gave you" he hold my necklace to examine it

"y-yeah, yoochun gave me this necklace last night, and he removed your necklace" i said stammering " yours is in my accessories box"

he slightly frowned "it's okay, this one is also nice"  then headed to the fridge to get some drink and closed the refrigerator harshly

"are you mad?" i encouraged myself to ask him

he shook his head while gulping down the drink "why should i?". i can sense he was a bit mad, but i can't really tell since his word was true. why should he mad about that? and i can't understand why i feel a little bit hurt.

-yawn- i jumped a little hearing onew yawned right beside my ear. i punched his shoulder lightly, he grinned

"cereal?" he frowned

i grinned awkwardly "i just woke up" he ruffled my hair "aiyo~ this sleepy head". i grinned

finally the other woke up and eat their breakfast with -ofcourse- some grumbles about the breakfast menu. i only grinned feeling guilty while onew keeps comforting me by patting my back everytime the members grumbled. i thanked him silently.

jjong was staring at me all the time, but when i decide to stare him back, he averted his gaze. this guy must be mad. "yah minhee! you're not going to school?" taemin shouted since i haven't prepared yet. i lazily looked at the clock.

it's 7 o'clock. okay i have.. no time. i'm already late. i widened my eyes after realizing the time. "I AM LATE!!" i rushed to the bathroom and take a short shower and rushed to the bus stop. it has gone. the bus has gone when i reached there. i ran to school for about an half hour? and still get punished to clean the bathroom. sigh

i sweep the floor. i don't understand why on earth are female so...ew?! tissues everywhere, even can't pass the sanitary napkin. urgh.. can't you just put it into the toilet and flushed it? why you have to put it on the floor, or behind the toilet?! urgh.. and you guys still dare to walk in and laughed at me? well.. curse you.

finally i finished. i do really care about the lesson because i'm the listener type. and i have passed the killer teacher's lesson without hearing all of her word and the lesson gets harder everytime she teach us. i put my bag on the desk and lay my head on it. "ya! min hee" i heard tae ra shouted

"you cannot disturb me right now. just right now" i said not even looking at her, sorry tae, but today surely

instead of leaving she pulled a chair and sit beside me "yah!" she nudge me

"ya! where have you been?" she keep nudging me. finally i give up and pulled my head from the bag "bed" i said shortly. just when i want to put my head on my bag, i feel a pair of eyes were staring at me. i looked at those eyes, in front of me and jumped a little

"yah! you scared me!" i yelled as i was really scared at first. it's suho. wait he was sitting right in front of me all the time?

he chuckled "you don't realize i was in front of you all the time right?" i frowned. how can he read my mind? wait. i am sure he didn't sit in front of me. i am pretty sure he sat in front of the teacher's desk.

"you're right. i just moved here because the girl who sat here wanted me to change seat with her, complaining that you grumbeld over things all the time" he said as if he can read my mind

i nodded. tae ra poke my hands. i look at her, she was wiggling her eyebrows. i give her -what?- looks and she just smile slyly. i laughed at her face which make her laugh too. then we talked about the necklace that jjong's given to me, but i keep it instead of wearing it, and wear yoochun's necklace

she flicked my forehead "you shouldn't have done that. he made an effort to build  a relationship between you two, and you broke it because of yoochun? why don't you keep this one too?" she pointed to yoochun's necklace

"i am too lazy to put it off" i stick my tongue out

she flicked my forehead again. i groaned in pain "this kid is really" she hurriedly asked me to turn around and unchain the necklace, and handed it to me. "here, keep it, and wear jonghyun's necklace! so you won't ruin your relationship with him". i put yoochun's necklace into my pocket.

the class ended and we went to the gate together with suho. since tae ra thinks that suho kind of like me, she leave us alone.

i cleared my throat and try to start a conversation between us "so.. umm, where do you live?" i asked, not looking at him

"i live back there" he pointed at the opposite way we were heading to. i frowned

"so, where are you going now?" he tilt his head

"walk you home" he grinned. i widened my eyes

"i can go home by myself, anyway, i take the bus" i pointed at the bus station in front of us

"it's okay then, i'll just accompany you till the bus stop" he smiled softly

my mind was distracted by tae ra's word about he liking me.. it was obvious there's something strange about him, but i can't really tell

"why'd you burden yourself by escorting me to the bus stop" i stopped as i asked him

he stopped too and made a thinking face "well, maybe i'm interested in you?" he said, looking at my eyes

i choked on my own saliva "i-inter... what? what do you mean by interested?" i crossed my arm in front of my chest, feeling a little bit impatient

"yeah.. i don't really know too" he blushed. wow man this is strange. "let's talk while walking" he dragged me. i followed him.

"you know, i felt a bit interested because of the quarrel you got with the girls. you were really calm in front of those girls when usually the other girls were scared of them" i can't see his face, but he fastened his pace.

"now here we are, guess i have to go now, see you later!" he waved. i waved back. i blushed a little after remembering his word, did he really fell for me? i cupped my face with my palm.

the bus arrived and i get on it. it was pretty full compared to the usual, but my favourite spot's still empty. i make my way to the seat and sit there. i zoned out for a while, not even aware that there's someone sitting beside me.

i finally went back to reality when the bus stopped suddenly, making me almost hit the bench infront of me, before stopped by a strong arm

i bowed to thank the person, but my eyes almost popped out when i saw the man. it's yoochun.

he chuckled softly "suprised much?" i punched his shoulder, he groaned as if it was really hurt. i rolled my eyes

"why are you here anyway?" i asked

"hmm.. to look after you" he grinned, then his smile fadded. i frowned

he examined my neck. darn. right.. his necklace

"hey, why don't you wear the necklace i gave to you?" he looked at me. i got stunned for a while. Dang, think of something minhee!

"urm.. that's because.." he waited patiently

i bite my lower lips. he immediately pulled my chin down "don't bite your lips" he worriedly said, still waiting for my answer

i sighed in frustate "i was confused okay? the necklace you unchained before was jonghyun's gift. and you give me a necklace too, so i was confused whether i should wear your necklace or jonghyun's" i hid my face in my palm

he laughed "okay i understand" he said and ruffled my hair. i smiled relieved he understood what i mean. this is why i like him so much.

Finally we arrived at SHINee's dorm. We make our way to get off from the bus when suddenly someone snatched yoochun's mask and reveal his face.

Then all the girls started to scream and took a photo of him. The situation become more chaotic when a group of uniformed girls found the crowd. We were seperated naturally by the crowd. His eyes were searching for mine. Since i was a little bit short he finds it pretty dificult for him to found me.

Finally our eyes meet. He ordered me to leave first by his eyes. I nodded as suddenly a girl bumped into me, and i almost lost my balance. Yoochun's eyes grew wider. I closed my eyes and wait for my bottom to reach the floor, but instead of falling, someone was holding me from behind by back hugging me. I looked up to see who it is. It was jonghyun

Before i could talk he puts his finger infront of his mouth. Signaling me to shut up. Then out of nowhere a group of guards came and shut the crowd. They sent yoochun back by their car. I sigh in relieve. the i notice he was still back hugging me while staring at the fans. My heart skip a beat, and my face blushed. i tried my best to not make any movement so we still can stay in this position.

When the crowd left, jonghyun released the hug which make me feeling kind of sad.. Why am i feelin this anyway? Stupid feels. He dragged me to the dorm.

He slammed the door as we reached the dorm. I jumped a little

"explain to me. What is that?" he forced me to step back with his glare

"i.." i stepped back until my back hit the wall

"i met yoochun in the bus. And someone snatched his mask, and everything become chaotic" i said almost whispering

He closed his eyes tightly and breath heavily, and he punched the wall beside me. I stunned. What the heck is wrong with him?

"you scared me" he said, i frowned at his word. Shouldn't it be me who's supposed to be scared rigt now?

"i thought you were there in the crowd because they found out our relationship" he put his head on my shoulder. His voice softened. 

"we don't even have a clear statement that i am your fiancee" i said. he laughed sarcastically

"they don't care with that" he smirked, and examined my face closely which make me a bit nervous

"come here" he said and pulled my body into a hug. He patted my head. His breathe was right in front of my ear. I blushed madly, but i awkwardly hugged him back, i patted his back. Still couldn't understand about his concern.

we stayed in that position for a while. then he break the hug. "okay, because you scared me, now you have to treat me"

i frowned "what?"

he shrugged "treat.me" he ordered me. i sighed "well whatever"

i change my uniform and put my hair into a bun. when i open the door jonghyun was waiting in the couch with this puppy eyes on. when he sees me came out from the room, he hurriedly run to me

"now we should eat cake!!" he said almost yelling. i laughed, how can he change his mood in this instant

we walked outside, he wore his mask and cap. while i wear this

(ignore the cute pose and the kitchen. it's just a cardigan, t-shirt, and short)

he hold my hands "so you won't go missing" he smiled, all i can see from him was only his eyes, but his face was drawn clearly in my mind.

"s-so where are we going?" i asked. then i saw from afar, there's someone i known. i squinted my eyes to see clearer while jonghyun was looking at me, questioning.

"hey what's happening?" he nudge me. i shut him. i walk slowly to the guy who's standing in front of the mini mart, reading a magazine without paying. it was mr. vampire!

i hurriedly run into him, and bump into him when suddenly he turned around

i rub my forehead "vampire-ssi!" i greeted him with a wide smile

he looked suprised "m-min hee?" he smiled "what are you doing in here again?" he asked, pinching my cheek. this is where we meet when i still scared of him.

"treat jonghyun a cake" i said pushing away his hand. jonghyun run to my place

"what's going on in here?" he asked panting hard. and his eyes widened hard when see mr. vampire "ah! hyung!" he bowed

i frowned "you know this guy too jjong?" i asked

"of course! he is our sunbaenim!" he explained. "sunbaenim?" i asked, looking back at vampire-ssi, he tried so hard to signal jonghyun by blinking and shut him. then he noticed me staring at him.

"good, you got me" he sighed

"what is this?" i frowned

"what's going on?" jonghyun frowned. we both look at vampire-ssi

"let's go and get cake, then i will explain"


New chappie is here! ^^

Sorry for making you wait

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xoxo, crazzier and tine96

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
breeranisar #4
Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
breeranisar #5
Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
SHINee_flamer13 #8
breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
Excited to read this!