The fight (MinHee's POV)

My Stupid Fiancee

"so how have you been?" yoochun politely asked, which irritate me. he shouldn't be so polite. it makes me feel more and more guilty.

"so-so" i reply coldly

we stay in silence for a moment and i asked him "so how about her?"

"hmm? we broke up after that incident" he smiled wryly

i just sighed, i'm not sorry for that oppa. really that girl . she don't deserve you.

the athmosphere is awkward. we don't even move or do anything.

suddenly he said "so.. how do you end up at the beach? how do you know minho by the way?"

"to much happened" i said shortly. don't start acting kind towards me.

"you are still mad at me aren't you?" he asked

"no, i'm not.. " i said without even looking at him

"come on, so don't be like this. look at me" he said

"you needn't have to be here, you can go outside and join the others to watch the match" i said coldly. it's really tiring to have you here

he sighed "come on minhee. i know you, you're angry if you act like this. Tell me what happened"

should i?

"i know there's a lot of things on your mind"

too much oppa

"let's talk about everything"

about everything? about our past? about me now?

i'm lost. thats all

he stared at me, waiting for me to say something, those gentle eyes.. i just can't resist

"look, i want to go home right now" i said. i wake up and about to take my hand bag but he held my hand

"why? you don't want to talk to me?"

"yes, i want you to quit from my life. it's tiring oppa, you don't know how hard i feel, how much the pain i got everytime i saw you"

"what do you mean by that?" he stand up

"i just want you to pretend like we are a stranger, you've been doing this since long time ago, and me too"

"i am not" he frowned

"yes you are" i pulled his hand from mine "try to remember that, maybe it's easy for you to come and leave all you want, but it's hard for me" i walk to the door

he held my hand once more "why are you talking like that? what do you mean by come and leave?"

i sighed "after that incident, you don't even appear in front of me, right? You don't even come to thank my grandma"

"i.. i know how felt about me, and i can't return that feeling, that's why.. i don't want to give you an empty hope"

"don't want to give me empty hope? i never rely myself to someone until i met you. you made me rely so much to you. remember?"

"yeah, and it was good for you, do you remember yourself before we met? alone. selfish, arrogant"

"oh.. so you think that i become better when you came to my life? if so why don't you stay?" i glared at him and try to prey his hand off mine, but he grip it tigher

"do you think it's easy to stay beside the person who destroy your relationship?"

"look.. whose being selfish now" i forced a smirk on my face. you don't know that girl oppa

he pinned me to the wall and he punched the wall "why are you talking like that? so what are you?"

i told my self not to cry, this is not the right time. but then tears started to form.

"i tried to protect you!"

"i don't need protection, i know her better than you!"

"you don't know her. she isn't that good!"

"so are you telling me that you better than her?"

Pang! it feels like a bullet ran through my heart. That's it. I can't handle the pain anymore.

"i never say that i am better than her, i just want to protect you thats all!" i can feel hot tears brimmed on my eyes.

"really? wasn't that your excuse?"

i widened my eyes "what? excuse for what? my ego? my selfishness? you don't know anything. you don't know how i felt, you don't know her, you don't even know me and now you are telling me that i am making an excuse? so what are you?"

"what am i?"

"yeah, you came and destroy everything, my life, my feeling, my friends, and even my self" i screamed

he stayed silent for a while "so why didn't you explain about her?"

i smirk "why didn't you ask her yourself? you won't believe me anyway, i'm just an excuse maker. right?"

"no, i would have believed you" he said. but i can't.. i'm too hurt to explain everything back then

"believe me? look what have you done a while ago! is that your definition of believe? huh? by defending her?" i wiped a stray tear from my cheek

"ARRGH" he release the grip and punch a mirror near me

the glass break, and his hand bleeds

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" i rushed to him and held his hand

"WHY DID YOU EVEN CARE?" he screamed and pushed me back, my hand was scratched by the broken glass

he hurriedly take my hand but snatch it back from him "no need to care about me".

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?" he roughly take my hand

"DON'T TOUCH ME" i said

he stopped for a while "STOP BEING LIKE THIS MIN HEE!" he yelled in sudden

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I already told you, no need care about me!"


"I DON'T KNOW! AND I DON'T WANT YOU TO CARE! YOU CAN JUST LEAVE ME" i know they are eavesdropping on us, but i don't care anymore


i become stunned. "i'll leave." i said shorty then headed to the door

when i open the door, jaejoong, minho, and junsu are eavesdropping on us and they act stupid. i just passed by them and run outside

the street is full of people, i run from their dorm but right now my head is ing hurt. i kept running not caring about the headache

i run to throw away all my anger. But i can't.. because it's not anger.. what i'm feeling is heartbreak, and sorrow.

i lost my energy. my body feel limp, and i know i will fall if i don't sit anywhere, but i'm to dizzy, too many people that i can't see clearly and make my head even more dizzy.

at the time I felt that i will fall, someone hold my body. big and warm arm. i turned to see his face

it's onew.

"are you okay? what happened?" his face looks really worried

i was touched by all his attention to me, his presence when i need someone to hold on, just the things that i really need.

he kept holding me with his warm hand, checking my temperature whereas it's hard to keep my body stand straight.

my tears suddenly fell down without warning. i don't know what am i crying for. my feeling is mixed.

i sobbed hardly, letting out all my sorrow.

"why? where does it hurt? is someone hurting you? who? tell me" he asked worriedly then he hugged me.

I shook my head, trying to calm down

"min hee" i heard jaejoong shouted

i wiped my tears and faced him

"are you okay?"

"from when did you listen to our conversation?"


"i know you eavesdropped"

"i-i didn't mean to eavesdrop, i..." i cut his word

" it's okay, i just want to know when did you started eavesdropping" i said, forcing a smile.

i don't want to start a fight or anything, but i need to know how far he knows about my feeling

"do you guys know each other?" onew frowned

"it's a long story" jaejoong replied him

onew nodded. i think he know that we didn't want to talk about it

onew suddenly interruped with his stupid face "ah, should i leave?"

"no, just stay here" i said

i wait for jaejoong to start talking but he stayed silent

"if you heard something unpleasant, or unimportant, just forget it". i said

Suddenly the headache is back, i started to see black spots, then i leaned on Onew's shoulder

"Hey, you okay?" onew said then he checked my temperature

". Jae hyung, can you drive us to my dorm?" Onew asked jaejoong

"uh? Oh sure" Jaejoong said

Yo~ Another updateeee~!

Our final exam is done! hahahah

It means that we can work on the next chappie asap ^^

Btw hello new subscriber~ ♥ ♥ ♥

We're waiting for your comments and subs :D

xoxo -  tine96 and crazzier

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
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Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
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Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
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Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
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breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
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