Hurt ( back to MinHee's POV)

My Stupid Fiancee

I smiled sadly and walk along the beach

I take a lot of photos, starting from the scenery, selcas, the kids playing with sand, etc

I started to get bored and puffed my cheeks

"Aigoo, what took him so long?" i mumbled and making circles on the sand using my toe

Suddenly a little girl approach me

"Unnie" she said

"Ye?" i stoop down to her level and smiled kindly

"Do you mind helping me making a sand castle?" She puffed her cheeks

"Of course. What's your name?" I her head

"Lauren" She answered

"Let's go, lauren" i take her hand and she led me to a boy

"Leo! This unnie want to help us make the castle" lauren said to the boy

"Really? Yay" he jumped happily

I laughed seeing the cute kids

We made a big sancastle. The andkids were very happy when iist was done

I took a selca with them and our sand castle, of course.

Not long after that, their parents ask them to go home, and they thanked me for playing with their kids

The sun started to hide behind the horizon, exchanged by the moon

It was a beautiful scenery. I sat beside the sand castle, enjoying the sunset

Suddenly my phone rings "Hello?" i said

"MinHee-ah, is it ok for you to go home by yourself? I.. have some matters to handle" Jjong said on the other line

"Should i call Onew or Key or the other member to fetch you?" he continued.

I feel a pang of dissapointment in my heart. I tough we can fix our (really-bad-relationship) to an usuall relationship

"Ah.. ok, i get it. No, no need to call the other members, i can get the bus" i answered then sighed deeply

"Ok then, be careful. I'm sorry" he said, and i can feel that he's guilty from his tone

"Nae, it's ok." i said and end the call

I sighed again, feeling so dissapointed and tired... and hungry.

I check the time, it's still 7pm. The next bus will be on 8.30 pm

I walked around the beach and decided to head back to the field and search for any restaurant

my little tummy started to ask for food.

Then i spotted a little cafe on the other side of the path that led to the beach

I decided to fill my stomach before going back home, and i entered the cafe happily

"Welcome" A waitress smiled at me

I smiled to her and sit near the corner of the room, ordering a cup of hot milk and some toast with an egg on the top of it

I turn my ipod on, listening to classical music while observing my surroundings

the door opened and closed a million time, people came and left like crazy people, a lot of couple walked in making me wondering how this day will be if he didn't left me alone today.

The couple made me feel envy. They looked so happy, holding hands and laughing freely

I sighed. Thinking of jjong leaving me alone here again.

My mood of listening to music gone in an instant, so i unplug my earphones and pouted

not long after it, the waitress came with a bright smile, put my orders on the table. i thanked her, and smilled back brightly.

i quickly grab my fork and spoon, and started to munch on my food

then suddenly i heard someone voice, it's absolutely jjong's voice, i'm good at recognizing people by their voice.

I turn to the minibar, where the voice came from.

And the sight doesn't please me. at all.

Anger boiled inside of me

I feel betrayed. I see jonghyun talking and laughing with a girl.

He said he has something important to do. so why is he staying here with that girl? i don't have any idea who that girl is.

My mood is ruined.

My appetite is gone too, i don't even think i can eat that delicious toast anymore, so i drink the milk then left

I glance at my watch. Sigh. It's still 7.30. There's still 1 hour before the next bus come

I decided to wait at the bus stop. i don't want to spend my time there, holding back my anger or maybe i will lost my mind and just explode there.

Nobody's there. I sit at the empty bench, leaning my back at the glass wall.

The silence seems to comfort me, i started to calm down

i suddenly remember the last time i exploded in public place, which made my crush left me alone.

i poured  juice on his head, and made people stared at him with a pity face and laughed.

rather than being mad, i felt guilty.

i was too much back then. i can't even think clearly and i ended up hurting him.

i take a deep sigh. I started to feel cold, i opened my bag to search for my sweater.

Shoot! i left my sweater in my room

i decided to wrap my arms around my legs to warm my body.

I feel my vision blurred and my energy drained

Oh no, am i getting the fever again?

i just lean weakly, hoping that someone will help me and slightly hoping that 'that someone' is jjong

if he really does, i will just forgive him.

i start to lose my mind. i can't even get up from my place.

i hate how weak i am when i was sick. i couldn't take the cold anymore, it's making me dizzy. it feels like its go through my skin to my bone.

i'm at the verge of losing my consciousness when i hear a warm voice.

A very familiar voice. Am i having hallucinations?

No, i feel his breath on my face. He called me repeatedly

But i can't even open my eyes. I feel him carrying me somewhere

Then i lost my consciousness.


Another chappie~

Who's that someone?

Wait for the next chappie to find out ;)

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
breeranisar #4
Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
breeranisar #5
Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
SHINee_flamer13 #8
breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
Excited to read this!