Candle late dinner

My Stupid Fiancee

i wake up at mid-night this time, but my body is getting better. Onew is still sleeping beside me, i try to wake up and stand on my feet

i walk outside to get some water, my troath was so dry

i shut the door slowly, try to not disturb him

i walk to the kitchen and take a glass of water

Then i accidentally look at the mirror and notice the ugly bruises

Aish, i'm gonna slap those es when i'm healed

I sighed and headed to the couch to lay there

My butts feels hurting because of staying in bed all day, but being sick isn't that bad puhahaha

Onew took great care of me today

he was like my appa, caring, protacting. but he also a babo. and strange.

by the way where is jonghyun while i'm sick? ck.. that guy is really..

suddenly someone tap my shoulder, i was shocked

i close my eyes and pretend to sleep, i hope whoever tapped my shoulder isn't a ghost, i even wished that it is jonghyun

suddenly i feel a hot breath on my face oh God this is too scary

i knew it there must be a ghost here! i knew it from the start, suddenly please wake up and help me out of here!!

and suddenly a cold hand touch my leg, i was really afraid and my voice won't came out i still shut my eyes

a hand slipped behind my back and i was carried bridal style

where am i taken to?! i really wish to die this time, i should just scream, come on wake up guys!!

come on my voice!! i tried to said something but  nothing came out from my mouth

but then i feel a warm thing beside me, something fluffy and soft and warm.. someone's stomach

i pinch it "auch! ya! you aren't sleeping?!" onew's voice finally came out

"haaaaaaaahhh, it's you! i think you are a ghost just a minute before!" i sighed hard

he laughed, "it's okay, they will be afraid when they saw you"

"yah!" i punched his stomach

"ouch, ya! don't ruin my beautiful abs!

"ruin like what? like this?" i pinched his stomach again

"ya! i'm gonna drop you here!" he open the door

"who cares?" mehrong

"ya, this bad girl" he really throw me to the bed

"gyahhh" i screamed i thought he will throw me to the floor, but i landed safetly on the bed

"feel that" he smiled and pose. Derp pose

"what's that?" i laughed because of his derp pose

he ruffle my hair and said "why you screamed gyahh, it will be cute if you scream kyaa like the girls do"

"i don't want to! that's not my thing. screaming like a girls, make-up, shopping, dating, gossiping, that's girl stuff not mine"

he smiled "oh yeah? so what are your stuff?"

i put my thinking pose "hmm.. buying candies, walking with my mp3, listen to what i should listen, playing around, say what i wanna say, screaming like 'gyahh' not 'kyaa' but sometime i forget this thing, because it's spontaneus right?"

he smiled and my head with the back of his hand

"why?" i asked

"nothing, just wondering"

"wondering what?" i asked, frowning

"why you could be so different? how can you be like this" he give his tender smile

i got a little awkward "i-i don't know, maybe because all of my girlish friend are , and so i only had a boyish friend"

"tae ra? she is soo girlish for me"

"well, she used to be boyish at that time when the first i met her, even all the boy in my place said we are two gangster"

he gave me 'really?' looks

"it's really cute you know, when we pass them, they will akwardly smilling and run, i don't even had a chance to smile back to them"

"you really gonna smile to them?"

"yeah, why not? that's rude if someone smilling at you and you didn't smile back to them"

then he smiled brightly


"now smile back at me, i already smile at you"

then i gave him my sheepishly smile

"not that, smile like smilling not trolling"

so i just smile akwardly

"smile like when you get a candy"

then i smile brightly

he pinch my cheek "aww, that's hurt" i my cheek

"now go to sleep" he turned his back to me

"i can't i'm just awake" i whinned

"then don't sleep, but i'm already sleepy, and hungry. i'm gonna cook for us, you want to stay here or go with me?" he stand up and turn on the light

i use my hand to cover the light from my sight "i'll go with you, i don't want to be here alone at night"

he helped me to stand, and we walked together to the kitchen while he hold my arm and help me to walk

"what do you want to eat?" he asked while opening the refrigerator

"whatever you can cook" i said lazily

"chicken then" he smiled and putting rice on the both plates

"is there chicken in here?" i frowned, because i didn't see it the last time i check the refrigerator

"nope, so what do you want to eat?"

"Can you make omurice? (omelette rice)" i smiled and took some fork and spoon for us

he nodded and he cooked for us, i cant wait to taste his cooking

Finally the food came out, and the omelette's kind of burnt

I put on a straight face at him "you said you can make omurice"

"Yah, don't underestimate my cooking! i showered all my love on it while i'm cooking" he said proudly

"although it's kind of burnt" he smiled sheepishly

"nah, nevermind, i eat anything anyway and i'm hungry hahaha" i said and start to eat

well, the taste isn't that bad

we munched on our food happily

"AH, there's a football match today!" onew suddenly said

"Really? wanna watch?" i asked

"Yes. We should search for some snacks" Onew said and put the dishes away

"Nah, i'll skip the snacks. I'm full" i said

"Ok then" we headed to the living room and watched football

Onew was so epic during the match. He would dance crazily when his favorite team score a goal

I laughed hard watching him dance like that

We watched football match until dawn and then onew piggy back me to the bedroom

I can't sleep, so i gaze at the window and think about a lot of things until i'm tired and sleepy


Yo~ another update

Sorry for the slow updates T_T

Our school activities didn't let us to update fastly

We hope that you like this chappie!

Subs and comments are waited ^^

Ciao~ ♥

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
breeranisar #4
Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
breeranisar #5
Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
SHINee_flamer13 #8
breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
Excited to read this!