SM Building

My Stupid Fiancee

"here, take this" onew handed me two pills of cold medicine

"btw minhee-ah, why are you wearing a mask?" jjong approach me

"ah, it's because of the cold" *cough* i tried to lie to him

actually i'm wearing a mask because of the bruises on my face

it's not going to be nice if SHINee freak out after seeing my face, is it? =_=

he seems to think for a while then nods slowly

i sighed and go to take the pills that onew gave

"yah let me feel your heat" onew said and tried to touch my forehead but i grab his hand immediately

"i-i'm okay, it's not really bad, if it was really bad i won't get to catch your hand right?" well, we don't have much time, so taemin only can put make up on my cheeks, and eyes. So i cover my forehead with my fringe

"okay" onew said

"anyway, we're going to practice now, you can sit over there and watch us" key smiled to me and pointed to a bench at the corner of the room

"ok" i mumbled and drag myself towards the bench

i sat there and drank my milk while they're starting to practice

i'm a little bit curious about their job since it was little bit strange to see those boys dancing and singing

the music start *it was sherlock*

minho started to whisper "shinee's back"

then their hands start to move

and then jjong's part is amazing! i don't know that he can sing like that?

and then onew's part, his voice is still tender as usual

next, taemin.. well, he sings well but his face's really cute, kinda looks like a baby to me

and when jjong and key sings, they get along really well with those high notes

well i get my jaw dropped during the song and when they finished, i clap my hand spontaniously

"that's so cool!!" i said in excitement

"wait for the dance!" taemin hapily said

i smiled brightly and waited impatienly to see their move

the music start again, it was the same song, they're standing in one line till' the "back back back back"

well i don't really understand about dance but they look really cool, and their charisma flowed so much that it make me gape

so they still continue with another song, and yet still powerfull.

well, from now they change my point of view, they work really hard even at their ages, especially taemin.

for an hour i saw them in awe. but as the time by my eyes grew really tired and i started to nod off to sleep (?)

in the end, i can't handle the drowsiness..

i decided to sleep then, i put my empty box of banana milk and lay carefully on the bench

and starting to drift off to slee.. wait.

they might find my wounds! wait wait i can't just sleep like a buffalo and let my bangs open or let them remove this mask

wait wait! i said wait lazy eyes! just a little bit, let me think

well, i can wash my face in the bathroom and go to sleep there

or i can just wash my face in the bathroom, and buy a coffee!

okay i choose the second choice, luckily they are on their breaktime i signaled taemin that i want to go to the toilet, and he show me the way

i go by myself by following taemin's instruction and get there safely

i wash my face carefully, since i'm wearing make ups to cover the bruises

well, it worked a little, so i'm heading back to the practice room again, while looking for a vending machine i saw earlier

that's it, i buy a cup of coffe and about to take it to the practicing room when suddenly a group of girls headed towards me

"crap.. what to do?" i mumbled and pull my hoodie so it's covering half of my face,

wishing that they won't mind me

and they passed by me. i sighed and started to walk but suddenly

"hey! are you a staff here?" one of them asked, oh sheet.

i freeze a little and with a low tone i said "ne"

"good, please bring us 9 bottle of water to the practice room, it's almost our time".

crap! holy crap! what should i do!!

"hey! i want a cup of hot choco!" the other shouted

i nodded and continue walking, well i should go before they come to the practicing room

when they get lost from my sight i run as fast as i can to the practicing room, and open the door "YA! the girls are coming.. Water.. Me.. staff!" i said panickly

they frowned, and jonghyun come closer "what are you trying to say? calm down"

"they wil come, the girl group, after you finished right?"

he nodded

"i met them in a way here" i said panting hard

"what?!" jonghyun's eyes widened

"yeah, they told me to bring them water because they think i am a staff here" i finished my words, my head became so heavy after running too fast

"so where are they?" jonghyun asked again

"i don't know, they're still on the way, i must go before they come right? so.." i stopped because i felt my head was really heavy, and finally everything was black

Jonghyun POV's

"i don't know, they're still on the way, i must go before they come right? so.." she stopped and hold her head

"ya! wae?" i asked holding her wrist

and suddenly she fall, fortunately i grabbed her fast so she didn't fall to the floor

"what happen?" the other boys come and help me to put her to the bench

"i don't know suddenly she lost consciousness" i said

"what is she trying to say?" onew asked

"the other girls are coming right after us, we should hide her somewhere"

the other got panicked and said random things that pop out from their mind, trying to hide her in a box, behind the glass, under the sofa, even in the bag

suddenly the door was opened

"Jonghyun oppa~" sekyung run, and hug me

"sekyung?" i ask confused

"Oppa! are you suprised?!" she smiled

"h-how do you know i'm here?"

"well, sicca eonnie told me" she look at jessica

"ah i see, it's time to change right? well i have to go now" i said and grabing my stuff, while the other covering onew who is piggy backing min hee

sekyung suddenly holding my arms "oppa, please stay with me" and she pouted, well she's really cute that way, and make me want to stay with her

"ya, just stay with her, she already talking about you for an hour" jessica said to me

"just stay with her along the night" onew said a little bit angry and leave the room with the other

we got the gap for a moment and sunny asked "what's wrong with that guy?"

"i don't know, well i already left here, so lets walk baby" i smiled and hold her hand

"yaay! bye girls" she waved to snsd

"have fun!" they shouted back

we left the room and walked outside i hug her and talking along the park she really are the beautifull thing i've ever seen in my life

only for this girl i'll fall

only for this girl i will give my all

just for her.

after some hour we spent just walking and talking, finally i drove her home, i kissed her in her forehead before leaving and i go back to the dorm

i smiled all the way back home

"home sweet home!! i love you" i said while opening the door

the other was sitting in the living room they signaled me to join them

"what happen?" i asked curiously

"well, simply min hee's condition get worse" key said

"we can't leave her alone in here" taemin added

"and, we can't bring her to the building anymore, or manager hyung will caught her" minho said

i nodded "so the point is?"

"well, i think one of us should stay at the dorm to take care of her" onew adding

"really?! ah this girl" i shouted in frustation

"it's not her fault hyung! its a little bit yours too!" taemin said, frowned

"what do you mean?" onew pull taemin's shoulder till he face onew

taemin just give him bitter smile and looking back to me again, well i can't read onew expression and i don't really want to

i still mad at him because of what have happened yesterday

"yeah, so who will take care of her?" i asked

"well, it should be you since you are her fiancee" key said

"wait, wait manager hyung will find out!" i shook my head

"that's the problem"

"so let's take turn to take care her, how's about it?" i asked

"hyung! thats a good idea!" minho saying cheerfully and give me his 5

i give my 5 too, and get up "well, i'm tired now, let me sleep first"

"wait, who's first?" minho grab my hand

"me" onew quickly said and go to the bedroom

i brushed my teeth, and go to my room.. wait, she is sick right, what if i sleep beside her and i got sick too?

i took my pillow, and moved to my old room with the other member and sleep there

what a tiring day

Really really really sorry for making you guys waiting for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long (and this chapter was )


really sorry too if there are too much incorrect phrase, word or anything because Tine96 who usually editing this story was on her problem with her laptop >,<

but thanks for always waiting and supporting us, we will update later in a week maybe, "MAYBE"

we should pass this freakin' test from our school first ><

btw i have already see Dream Girl!! who's with me!!

they are AMAZING

good night all! it's time to bed :D

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
breeranisar #4
Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
breeranisar #5
Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
SHINee_flamer13 #8
breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
Excited to read this!