
So...Do you think it's fate?

Your P.O.V.

      I knew that on the wedding day itself,nobody proclaiming that he was appa's son made a toast,or even made himself known.I shrugged,simply making my way down the stairs and outside the house.

      "Anyonghaseyo!"I greeted them,bowing as I did so.

     I heard them greet me in return before I looked up to face them.

      "Omo!"I blurted out when I saw the person beside my stepfather.

      I saw his eyes bulging out when he saw me.

      "Haha!I can see that you're surprised!_____-ah,this is my son,Hong Ki-ah.Call him oppa!"My stepfather said,laughing heartily.

      Ani!Him?My brother?

Hong Ki's P.O.V.

      I swore that my eyeballs were popping out of their sockets.I could feel my cheeks heating up as I took in her rosy appearance.Her dark hair falling perfectly down her back.I turned,prepared to flee,but my father managed to grab the back of my neck.

      "Yah,boy,you're afraid of a little Primadonna?"He hissed.

      Ah!She doesn't even know who I was in the first place!Obviously Appa thought that the girl's surprised because I am the LEE HONG KI of F.T. Island! How could somebody listen to our songs and not know who we are?Without realising it-I was pouting. Appa smacked the back of my head.Hard.And told me to behave myself as we entered the house. Where we're going to stay in for the rest of our lives. OMONA! Live.With THAT girl...

Your P.O.V.

      I sniggered when my new oppa was smacked on the head.He looked so cute.No,wait,scratch that.I did not just think that.                                                


      We were all innocently eating lunch... When I found myself touching my lips,remembering the kiss-I caught Hong Ki-oppa's eyes by accident.He had been eating like a glutton, his mouth full of kimchi fried rice,when he looked at where my fingertips were.

Hong Ki's P.O.V.


      The food I was trying to swallow got stuck in my throat as I stared at the plump lips.I began coughing non-stop,beating at my chest._____ slid a glass of water across the table in my direction.I grabbed the glass,chugging down water.I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Ah!So embarassing.I struggled to keep my mouth shut and not let out an expletive.I hissed,facing the other direction. Appa then saved me by clearing his throat.

      "Ah,as you all know,your Umma and I have not gone for our honeymoon because of my working overseas this past few months.So we're going off to Malibu this evening!"He said suddenly.

     So this was what Appa meant earlier by doing him a favour?I have to take care of ... This brat?I rolled my eyes but other than letting out a small 'huh',I did nothing else.Even though it wasn't my fault that the bus broke down on Appa's wedding,I still felt guilty because of the fact that I was unable to attend the event.It may be nothing to me,but it meant a lot to Appa. But really,I'm gonna have to put up with THIS girl?Out of the many in the world...


Your P.O.V.

      I looked on in despair as my new Appa babbled about Hong Ki...Hong Ki-oppa being able to take care of me for a few weeks when they're gone because of his break from band activities. Oooooh.....He has a band?I wonder if he plays the guitar.Or the drums.Or whateverchamallit.I observed him more closely as my stepfather babbled on.Hong Ki-oppa really looks like Mir-ah!Though he's cuter and chubbier.And dumb.HUH!How dare he knock me down!He didn't even say sorry to me!I guess I could forgive the kiss(because it's my fault,yes,i admit it).I could feel my eyes turn to slits as I recalled his impudence.I shut the door as Appa and Umma drove off into the sunset.

Hong Ki's P.O.V.

      "Yah,what's your problem?"I asked when I saw her slitty eyes.

     What did I do?

      "Ahem,oppa?Say sorry.You know,because of what happened on THAT day!"She said,merciless.

      Fine,if an apology's what she wants,then so be it!

      I yelled,frowning,"Aish!I'm so so so so sorry.I won't ever kiss you again,that I can assure you.Is that enough of an apology for you?"

Your P.O.V.

      Startled,I answered,"Uh,oppa?I'd wanted you to apologise for knocking me UNCONSCIOUS on that day.Remember?"

      I lifted an eyebrow,trying to stare him down even I'm like,much shorter than him- It worked.His cheeks turned tomato red.I puffed up my cheeks,trying to stifle my laughter.

      "Ah,as appa had said,you must wake me up early tomorrow for school.Goodnight oppa!"I blurted out awkwardly,uncomfortable and unused to his presence.

Hong Ki's P.O.V.

      I clenched my teeth.At that moment,my phone happened to be ringing.

      "Yah?"I muttered grumpily.

      "Yah!Hyung,why so grumpy?"Minhwan asked.

      "Mianhae...What did you want to talk about?"


Your P.O.V.

      I woke up suddenly,only to be greeted by the bright sunshine.Wait...WHAT?Hong Ki-oppa didn't wake me up early!I'm freakin' running late for school!


SO...You're gonna be late for school.What are you gonna do?Stay tuned to find out!

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Update soon!!! I wonder what happened down there. Lol. Hwaiting, so update!!!!
Yay! You got the lab rat part right! Most people don't know it!!! I'm so OMO HAPPY!!!!!!
thx for the update...keep on writing...Fighting...:)
update ur fic..
Yes,i know right!im thinking of an interesting happening!but sorry but i think i have to e on hiatus for awhile!im too busy with school and chorale!LOVE U GUYS!pls be patient dearies! <3
atheovia #6
Eiih? It's really good but Mir is nearly all missing in this story. T 3T;; But I really like it so update soon, ne? :3
update soon~~
srysry.tot its saved only,nt published :C
ehhhh? cliff hanger??? wae wae wae??? TT,TT LOL