Chance Encounter

So...Do you think it's fate?

Your P.O.V.

      After strapping on my gladiator sandals,I stepped out of the house and into the bright outdoors.For some reason,I was feeling very happy as I put on my headphones,listening to a new song Mir had just downloaded for me the day before.I was skipping along the streets,on the way to meet Mir.Yep,that's him.My best friend. The beautiful voice singing into my ears and the brush of my skirts against my legs drew me into another world. *BUMP* "Ow!"I yelled as a bulky figure knocked me to the ground. I could feel the pain hurtling up my spine as my back met the cemented pavement.My brain then managed to register the pain.That's when it seemed like the streets were closing in on me.My last thought before I out:Why the hell is the dude still not getting off me?

Hong Ki's P.O.V.

      My disguise was effective.Until I made the mistake of looking out for any psycho paparazzis behind me and collided into a body. "Aishh!"I blurted out as my long dark wig escaped my head and my round glasses were knocked off the bridge of my nose. I was too busy trying not to get people to notice me,keeping my head down,when I realised that the girl beneath me was suffocating.,I just knocked the wind out of her!I reached for my fugly wig and dumped it on my head before running in a circle around her,forcing passers-by away from her.I could feel the speculative stares on me.I knew that I was turning red;the back of my neck was burning and my scalp was getting itchier by the second. I carried the girl and sped off to find the nearest alley in the area. Upon reaching a secluded alley,I laid the seemingly lifeless girl against the wall.I had a hard time beating down her skirts before I could take out my handphone to contact Jong Hoon.Ah-I almost ruined my image by saving this girl?

      "Yoboseyo?"I heard a voice calling out from my phone.

      "Yah,Jong Hoon-ah?I need help!"


      In Jong Hoon's car,I took off the girl's headphones,laying her against the car seat.Jong Hoon and I glanced at each other when we heard our song blasting from the headphones.I took out her iPod from her bag,switching it off,before rummaging her bag for her wallet.Should we just send her home?Or to the clinic?I stopped my search for her wallet and took her face in my hands.

      "Ah,lady!Wake up!"I urged,slapping her lightly on the cheek with a palm.

     Jong Hoon suddenly stopped the car.

      "Yah!Don't slap her!"He yelled from the front of the car.

      Suddenly,I heard a voice,husky and feminine.A sparkling set of eyes stared at me.



      Your P.O.V.

      I woke up to find Mir's face a few centimetres away from mine.

      "Mir-ah,what are you doing?"I asked,pinching his cheeks while giving him the usual brief peck on the lips.

      I felt drunk.Is it just me,or does he taste different than usual?Nicer.Yes,nicer.Without noticing,I was deepening the kiss,with my eyes closed.


 Hong Ki's P.O.V.

      I could only stare when the girl gave me a little smooch.I could sense her hesitation and that she'd already found that I'm not who she thought I was.Before I could move away,she kissed me harder.Her luscious lips were moving sensuously over mine that I could not help but respond.I let out a moan,closemouthed.

      "Hong Ki-ah,what are-"Jong Hoon started,glancing back when the traffic light turned red.

     The car came to a sudden halt. I was flung away from those tempting lips as I landed on the floor. The girl shrieked,blinking her eyes rapidly.

      "Who are you?"She asked frantically as she grabbed her bag.

     Without waiting for my answer,she flung the car door open and fled into the crowd along the street.Wait,what just happened?

      I blurted out,"She didn't recognise me!"

     Jong Hoon was still in disbelief,driving us back to the dorm.I my lips,tasting the remnants of the girl's lips.

Your P.O.V.

      "Mir!"I called out to the dark-haired guy with his hands in his pockets,as he leaned against a pole,looking casual and cool.

      He looked up from his phone,smiling brightly when he saw.I tiptoed to give him a kiss on the lips when I suddenly remembered the incident earlier on.I could feel my cheeks turning red and gave Mir a peck on the cheek instead.

Mir's P.O.V.

     Just why is _____ blushing?Don't tell me...Ah-She kissed me on the cheek.Why?Why now?Just when I was about to get over my feelings for her.,my hopes are getting up.

     Putting up a cheery facade,I asked,"Wanna go to the arcade?"


Your P.O.V.

      "_____?_____-ah?How do feel about having Joong Ki-ssi as your appa?"My mum blurted out,giggling like a schoolgirl.

     That night,we chatted like little girls,imagining the upcoming wedding and how it'd look like on the day itself.The next few months saw my mum and I busily preparing for the wedding.I rarely hung out with Mir during that period. The wedding day arrived.And went in the blink of an eye.The loving couple was blissfully united.


      My mum shouted from the garden,waving at me through the window,"_____-ah,your new oppa is here!"

      I looked out the window to find my new appa walking over to my mother.A guy was walking behind him,the hood of his jacket covering his head. Huh?My appa has a son?


Well,well!Who's your step-brother?Stay tuned to find out!

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Update soon!!! I wonder what happened down there. Lol. Hwaiting, so update!!!!
Yay! You got the lab rat part right! Most people don't know it!!! I'm so OMO HAPPY!!!!!!
thx for the update...keep on writing...Fighting...:)
update ur fic..
Yes,i know right!im thinking of an interesting happening!but sorry but i think i have to e on hiatus for awhile!im too busy with school and chorale!LOVE U GUYS!pls be patient dearies! <3
atheovia #6
Eiih? It's really good but Mir is nearly all missing in this story. T 3T;; But I really like it so update soon, ne? :3
update soon~~
srysry.tot its saved only,nt published :C
ehhhh? cliff hanger??? wae wae wae??? TT,TT LOL