The...Mission? Part 1

So...Do you think it's fate?

Your P.O.V.

     Hong Ki and I were eating dinner in silence,the unfamiliar presence of each other making the atmosphere still.And awkward.I tried clearing my head of the stupid things I've done to Hong Ki before this.Hong Ki cleared his throat.

      "So,how was school?"He asked all of a sudden,his husky voice turning high-pitched at the end of the question.

      "Ah...Um.Kwenchana,oppa,"I mumbled,thinking of how to approach the subject of meeting Mr Kim.

      "So,who was that guy you were walking with?Namja chingu?"He asked,keeping his head down to face his rice bowl.

      I gasped,then retorted,"Aniyo!I mean,kinda,but-He's my best guy friend,Bang Chulyong!"

      "I was just wondering!Both of you were too close,even for best friends.Your Umma lets you kiss your guy friends,huh?"

      "It's none of your damn business,you ahjussi"

      "WHAT?What did you call me?You little bi-" I shrieked before running up to my bedroom.

      Hopefully he'll feel better in time to clear the dishes and wash them later.Ah!I'd forgotten to tell him about Mr Kim and all that stuff.

Hong Ki'S P.O.V.

      I reined in my anger and jealousy-No,wait,what? I reined in my anger and took a deep breath,scratching the back of my neck.I looked at the empty and dirty plates on the table.

      Then stomped my feet while shaking my head side to side.


      Don't tell me she expects me to clean up after her?I knew it was immature of me to act that way but that was the last straw.Just because I feel guilty about not being able to attend Appa's wedding doesn't mean that brat can step on me anytime she wants! I looked up to see the door to _____'s room open suddenly.

      What she did then surprised me.

      Walking down the stairs and towards me,she hugged me and whispered into my right ear,"Mianhae,oppa!I don't really find it uncomfortable to kiss Mir because we've been best friends since young.A-And you're my brother now,right?So we shouldn't be uncomfortable around each other!"


      "Who's Mir?"I asked her,feeling strangely uncomfortable yet content as she continued hugging me.

      "Oh,that's Chulyong's nickname."

      "Wait.Mir.You mistook me for that guy the other time,right?In the car!"

      "Omo!Cheosung hamnida oppa!"She gasped out as she let go of me.

      I felt bereft of her warmth,and started to hug myself.I felt a strange feeling build up inside of me.She kisses that Mir guy on the lips?That's how close they are?I felt my forehead crease as I ponder upon that fact.

Your P.O.V.

     It was hard to read Hong Ki's expression.I decided that the time was right to tell him about the meeting Mr Kim had had arranged tomorrow. 

     "Ah...Aish-Oppa-ah!Um,my seonsaengnim wants to have a discussion with you tomorrow afternoon after school ends because of some,uh,random stuff 'cause umma and appa are unavailable,"I said hesitantly.

     "What random stuff?There must be a reason why he wants to meet up with your guardian right?And so urgently at that,"Hong Ki asked a few seconds after he snapped out of his thoughts.

     "Oh.It won't take long.Just stuff about menotpayingattentioninclassduringhislessons,"I answered rushly.

     "You!You!Ah,chincha!You want me to go to your school?Do you know who-"

     "Yeh,yeh.Lee Hong Ki.I know now.But it shouldn't be that hard to sneak you into the school..."I persuaded him,batting my eyelashes.

     "Ah!Whatever!"Hong Ki blurted out,waddling away.

The next day...

      A long-haired brunette strutted into the school,sunglasses shading her eyes.Her mysterious aura was attracting attention.

Your P.O.V.

      I sat opposite Mr Kim,waiting for Hong Ki to arrive.

      I said to Mr Kim,"I must warn you first seonsaengnim!My oppa is QUEER!"


So how was it?What do you think will happen next? LOL


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Update soon!!! I wonder what happened down there. Lol. Hwaiting, so update!!!!
Yay! You got the lab rat part right! Most people don't know it!!! I'm so OMO HAPPY!!!!!!
thx for the update...keep on writing...Fighting...:)
update ur fic..
Yes,i know right!im thinking of an interesting happening!but sorry but i think i have to e on hiatus for awhile!im too busy with school and chorale!LOVE U GUYS!pls be patient dearies! <3
atheovia #6
Eiih? It's really good but Mir is nearly all missing in this story. T 3T;; But I really like it so update soon, ne? :3
update soon~~
srysry.tot its saved only,nt published :C
ehhhh? cliff hanger??? wae wae wae??? TT,TT LOL