So...Do you think it's fate?

Your P.O.V.

      I flew off my bed and grabbed my towel,bursting into Hong Ki's room.

      "Oppa!"I shrieked.

      Aishh,he sleeps like the dead!I slammed my body onto his blanket-shrouded one.He sat up suddenly,throwing me onto the floor.I scrunched up my nose,looking at him.

     Well,my gaze then travelled downwards...

      He threw a pillow at me and yelled,"Yah,what are you looking at?"

      Flustered,I yelled back at him,"I'm gonna be late for school and it's all your fault!Unless you drive me there,I won't be able to arrive on time.Hurry,wash up!"


      Hong Ki's P.O.V. I tried not to stare when _____ appeared in her school uniform.It fitted her perfectly.Too perfectly in fact.Not ty,but y yet subtle.Yah,what am I thinking about?Fantasizing about an innocent schoolgirl... As soon as we got into the car,she started to rummage for CDs to play. Then she noticed my get-up.

      She laughed outrageously,then asked,"What's up with dorky woolen cap,oppa?"

      My heart suddenly thumped faster when she called me oppa.I simply ignored it and her,taking that chance to switch on the radio.C.N. Blue's 'I'm A Loner' was being played.

      "Oetoriya,Oetoriya,daridiridaradum,"_____ sang along to Yong Hwa's voice.

      "Huh,so you like C.N.Blue?"I asked,sneering as I sped the car up.

      "Ne!Yong Hwa-oppa is just so cool!"She...squealed.

      Yes,there's just nothing else to describe what she was doing. I shuddered.Eeeh...Fangirl-ing.And over C.N.Blue at that!The words 'lab rats' came to my mind at that moment.I remembered saying that F.T.Island were lab rats for C.N. Blue.Not that it mattered but now I'm wondering how _____ knew of our labelmate but not us.Fine,whatever.Why should I care anyway?So what if she gets me hot and bothered-Omo,what am I thinking?

 Your P.O.V.

     I watched as Hong Ki,yes,my new oppa,made a fist with his left hand and hit his forehead with it.Gee,like what's with the aegyo abuse? Arghh!I hate guys who are cuter than me!Thank goodness he's my brother now.The car then came to a stop in front of school.Used to kissing Umma on the cheek everytime she drops me off at school,without realising it,I was leaning over to give Hong Ki a peck on the cheek...

     He just had to turn and face me at that moment.

     And went cross-eyed as my kiss landed on his lips.

      "Oops!"I blurted,before thanking him and quickly getting the hell away from his soft lips.


Hmmm...I find this chapter rather unsatisfying so I'll be posting up another chapter soon... :3

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Update soon!!! I wonder what happened down there. Lol. Hwaiting, so update!!!!
Yay! You got the lab rat part right! Most people don't know it!!! I'm so OMO HAPPY!!!!!!
thx for the update...keep on writing...Fighting...:)
update ur fic..
Yes,i know right!im thinking of an interesting happening!but sorry but i think i have to e on hiatus for awhile!im too busy with school and chorale!LOVE U GUYS!pls be patient dearies! <3
atheovia #6
Eiih? It's really good but Mir is nearly all missing in this story. T 3T;; But I really like it so update soon, ne? :3
update soon~~
srysry.tot its saved only,nt published :C
ehhhh? cliff hanger??? wae wae wae??? TT,TT LOL