{two} first day, oh joy!

Honesty is the Key {/not mine}

Beep! Beep! Beep!The sound of the alarm woke me up to a reminder that life from now on was going to be a living hell. Then I pictured Ji-Eun, calling me to wake up and get ready for school, laughing as she did so. After my shower, I hurriedly ran down the stairs to grab an apple from the table, only to find that the bus had already moved on from my house. Damn it, now I'm going to be late unless I run.

As soon as I said goodbye to my parents, I leapt outside, sprinting towards the school bus.

"Please Stop!" I yelled, banging the side of the bus as I did so. It finally came to a stop. As it did, I fell to the ground causing all of my books to fall out and graze both of my hands. A loud burst of laughter came from inside the bus, and when I looked up I saw the shining faces of three guys, who were too snobby to attend a high school like mine. I gazed into their eyes as they targeted me, permanently crossing off my name from any cool activities such as group work or the cafeteria seating arrangement. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I curiously looked over my shoulder to see someone bending down, and help gather my books from the ground.

"Ji-Eun?" I asked nervously. A soft giggle came from the girl, and I confirmed that it was her from the moment she looked up. "What are you doing here?" I inquired.

"This is my house the bus is stopping in front of, silly" she replied with a smile that made my heart melt.

As we finished picking up my books, I saw that my timetable sheet was still laying flat on the ground, crinkled. I went down to reach for it, as I did so I felt the warm gentle hands of Ji-Eun.

"Sorry," we both said simultaneously. How time seemed to virtually stop when that moment occurred. It took us both two minutes of staring into each other's eyes and collecting my books for me to realise that I finally spoke with Ji-Eun. I sat down at the backseat of the bus, where it was isolated from everyone else. For the rest of the ride I stared longingly at Ji-Eun, whilst having flashbacks of that brief moment in time where my heart had beaten so loud that I wondered if the even she could hear it.


The bell had rung for first period, and I glanced at my timetable to see what subject I had. Turns out today wasn't going to be as bad as I had expected. "Double Music, Maths, Science then Double P.E." I said to myself quietly. What a great first day, except for the maths, I can't believe.... "Excuse me, do you have Double Music first period?" asked a soft voice from behind. I turned to see a familiar face.

"Yeah, do you?" I replied

"Yeah, see you in class" she said, already turning to walk away.

I had a smile that probably caused people to wonder if I was sick - I could not believe we had music together, it was totally unbelievable. Until I heard Ji-Eun's voice again; "Sorry I didn't catch your name, what was it?" my facial expression went blank, and my smile had disappeared.

"You mean.... You mean you don't remember?" I asked sheepishly

"Remember what? I only asked for your name, not your life story" she replied back jokingly

"It's Ki-Ki- Kimbum" I replied, then turned around and headed for music. Why doesn't she remember me?

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--kittens #1
vgdrj hfkghkhjghdf
what a nice story
it's very sweet^^
I thought that that fanfic was cute. :)
And I'm definitely not going to forgive Onew, Taemin, and Minho in this fanfic for attempting to hurt Ji Eun ¬_¬