{seven} love is pain

Honesty is the Key {/not mine}

The next morning, I arrived home to a note that was placed on my front door. It was addressed to me and had “Love Letter for You” written on top of the letter. It could only mean one thing. I opened the note in my room while resting on my bed.

It read:                                                                                         Dearest Key,

I cannot despair my longing and anticipation for meeting you once again.

I feel terrible at what the guys did to you, and I was hoping that we could meet later tonight.

Come to the park, and we can talk.

-          J

As the sun went down I overlooked the night sky, observing not only the beautiful picturesque scenery but also the choices I had which were laid out in front of me. In one hand I could meet with Ji-Eun and risk being seen by Onew or I can stay home and forever regret my last chance of seeing her again. What could I do? It was getting late and if Ji-Eun was already waiting out there I couldn’t leave her by herself. It could get dangerous at night. Finally reaching a decision, I grabbed my jacket and letter then made my way to the park.


The journey was cold and frightening. The howling of the wind and darkness of the night almost convinced me to return home and hide under my warm blanket, until I saw her. Sitting there on the park bench was Ji-Eun.

“I’m sorry I took so long, I had troubles convincing myself to come” I announced. She did not reply, nor did she face me. I went to go sit at the opposite side of her. As I reclined, I was immediately stricken with shock and astonishment as it was Lee Taemin sitting here all alone. With a mischievous smile he replied “I’m sorry too”, then he laughed as Minho and Onew came from towards us from the darkness.

“I thought I told you that if you ever made contact with Ji-Eun again, I would end you” exclaimed Onew. I was still trying to understand how this could have happened. Then I realised the letter, I never told anyone that I was attacked by these three, so how did Ji-Eun know. It was obviously written by one of them. Stupid

As I tried to stand up, Minho approached from behind and forced me to my seat. I was terrified, until I heard the shrill cry of a girl behind us.

“No! Please Stop!” yelled Ji-Eun as she approached the gang. I looked at her with pleading eyes, trying to warn her to leave me behind but it was no use.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” asked Onew laughing as he did so

“I came… I came when I saw Key walking to the park through my window, so I followed him” she replied nervously. Onew just laughed then began circling Ji-Eun. He went behind her and pulled back the hair that covered her neck line. He then grabbed Ji-Eun and pulled her to the ground. Kicking and screaming didn’t help as Taemin was covering . I couldn’t watch, tears formed in my eyes. Time virtually stopped, and I looked over at Ji-Eun. Her eyes were locked on my and were filled with tears. I looked up into the night sky and realised what I had to do.

In a flash of pain and self-satisfaction I head-butted with Minho’s stomach causing him to fall to the ground. After grabbing the nearest tree branch I thrashed it onto Taemin’s head. He and Minho did not rise up from the ground after that. Onew was next, but he was prepared. He had brought a knife and placed it near Ji-Eun’s neck.

“If you hurt her, I will kill you!” I yelled. Onew just stared then threw Ji-Eun to the ground as he knew that this was the last fight. He ran to me with the knife wielding in one hand, I attempted to dodge his attacks but was slashed in my thigh, arm and chest. I fell to the ground. It was all over. I looked over at Ji-Eun who continued to cry. I mouthed the word “run” but she did not move. As Onew turned me over and lifted up his hands to initiate the final blow a loud thump noise was heard and Onew fell to the ground. It was Ji-Eun. She had hit Onew at the back of his head with a stone, causing him to bleed and become unconscious.

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--kittens #1
vgdrj hfkghkhjghdf
what a nice story
it's very sweet^^
I thought that that fanfic was cute. :)
And I'm definitely not going to forgive Onew, Taemin, and Minho in this fanfic for attempting to hurt Ji Eun ¬_¬