First Conversation

♣☆ Behind that disguise, lies beauty and innocence.

Taemin's POV

As I walked into the room, the girls of my class started squealing and tried to start a conversation with me, the usual. Once again, I flashed them my dazzling smile and advanced to my seat at the back of the classroom. 

With lessons starting, my mind was drifting off to other places. Banana milk...oh banana milk, I'll see you later...mmhmm. 

A sudden noise disturbed my thoughts. Looking up, I noticed the same girl that collided with me not a moment ago. Oh, is she a new student here? She looks interesting. I should apologize for making her fall, though.

'Urm, hello, I'm Kim Ji Sun. I've transferred here from England. I love studying. P-please take good care of me...'

Kim Ji Sun? That's a pretty name. But I have to admit she's way too nerdy for a girl. She has mesmerizing eyes though, they way they stared into mine just a moment ago, I felt myself getting lost in them. 

I observed her while she settled down in a corner, unpacking her materials before listening attentively to the lesson. Her glasses made her look like a granny, I wonder what she looks like without them? Shaking my head out of these thoughts, I diverted my attention back to my banana milk. Unknowingly, I drifted off to sleep during the boring lesson. 


I woke up to the sound of the school bell ringing. Oh! Had the lesson already ended? I didn't manage to take down any notes, what to do? How stupid can I get. 

After mentally scolding myself, my eyes wandered around the classroom. Most of the students had already left, while some girls stayed outside to wait for me to come out. My eyes soon landed on a figure, walking over to have a closer look, I then realized it was that Ji Sun girl. I should take this opportunity to apologize to her and probably borrow her notes for the past lesson. 

Taking a deep breathe, I walked over and tapped on her shoulder. In a flash, she turned around and stared at me. 

'Hi. I-I wanted to apologize for making you fall earlier...' 

Shoot, why did I stammer? That wasn't anything like me, I swear. 

Her sudden yet angelic voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

'Oh, I guess it's fine, you didn't mean it anyway's. Now, if you have nothing else to say and don't mind, I'll be just leav--' 

'Wait! I also w-wanted to ask if you were able to lend me your notes for the past lesson? I fell asleep, heh...' I sheepishly said while scratching my head. 

Giving a nod of approval, she handed me her notes.

'Just remember to hand them back when you're done. I'll see you around.'

Looking at her walking off, sent me in a trance and how graceful she is. I really hope I see her around more often.

Clutching her paper in a hand, I grabbed my stuff and walked out towards the cafeteria. 

I got myself a packet of banana milk before settling myself down with the remaining of SHINee, Key then engaged me in a conversation, asking me how my lessons went so far.

'Hyung, I actually fell asleep again while thinking of banana milk...' I said while looking at the floor.

3..2..1, here come's Umma Key.

'BWOH? Not again? Aish Taemin what are we going to do with you? If you keep this up your grades will start to drop, you didn't even manage to take any notes down, right?'  Key Hyung said while standing up from his seat.

'But Umma, I managed to borrow some notes from a student...At least I can study at home.'

'A student? Who is it? Is is a she? It must be! Oh my little Taemin finally got his eye on someone, I'm so happy!'

Sheesh, what a change of behavior...

Minho, Jonghyun and Onew hyung whipped their heads around and looked at me questionably, listening eagerly into out conversation.

'What?! Hyung! You know that's not happening. She's just a student and I just lent her notes. What's the big deal?' 

Frustrated about carrying on this conversation, I stood up and told them I was going to take a walk around school. I walked away briskly before any of them could react about what just happened. 

As I walked out of the cafeteria, I could feel many pairs of eyes staring at me. Aish! Why am I the one that's the center of attention? Ruffling my hair while I walked, I heaved a sigh.  

Ji Sun's POV

I was busy exploring different area's of the school, most of it was basically empty, with most of the students in the cafeteria. 

Not long ago the same guy I bumped into today apologized to me. I guess he still had a little kindness in him, maybe the guilt was eating him alive. On the other hand, I accepted the apology and lent him my notes from class because he fell asleep in class. What a slacker.

As I was walking pass the deserted locker corner, someone called out to me. 

'HEY NERD! Where do you think you're going, huh? No one seduces my Taemin oppa while I'm around and gets away with it!'

There were three girls that were WAY overdressed with very thick makeup and the most complicated hair, the one standing in the middle shouted out at me. They must be a little 'gang'.

Frightened at such a harsh tone, I coward against the lockers while the girl advanced forward towards me.

'Do you even know who I am? I'm Lee Min Hee, and no one, no one dares mess with me. How dare you try to befriend Taemin oppa, you won't get away with this.' She spat at me venomously.

Eh? 'Taemin Oppa'? Who's that? The hell is this crazy girl's problem.

Right after that, she harshly yanked my hair and slapped me across the face. It hurt so much that was a red hand print on it.

'YAH! What do you think you're doing?'

All of us turned our heads to the direction where the voice came from. 

Quickly, Min Hee, let go of me, causing me to fall on the floor while she ran towards the figure.

'Oh! Taemin Oppa, it's you! You see, this here was hurting me so I fought back! Please help me!'

Squinting my eyes to see who exactly he was, Oh, so it's that slacker that falls asleep in class.

Ignoring what Min Hee just told him, Taemin advanced towards where I fell, knelt down and peered at me, his face just inches from mine.


I'll end it here, because I'm incredibly tired XD

I'll update tomorrow (:


follow me on twitter @Sherlockied if you can.

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babanga #1
:D nice one
DramaLuv #2
Wae you no update?! I still check.........T.T
DramaLuv #3
Why u no update yet?????????. TT.TT I check this everyday and u haven't updated yet. Tsk....tsk.....tsk..TT.TT
iamawesomeandiknowit #4
Please do update soon!
DramaLuv #5
I Luv This FanFic! Plz Do Update Soon!! I'll Be Waiting!! I Wish I Could See TaeMin Sleeping!! <3~Keep Up The Good Work!(:
bumblylove #6
Taemin is sleepyhead LOL. Please update soon :)
I'll start reading tomorrow. :]
Darn it, I've been tricked so much already for April Fool's Day. TT___TT
Anyway, still waiting for your real update. :))