School and my clumsiness?

♣☆ Behind that disguise, lies beauty and innocence.


I hope you will enjoy this chapter, will try and improve my idea and writing!


Ji Sun's POV

ireol jul arasseo ireol jul arasseo

yojeum dallajin geotman gata
an hadeon hwajangdo jinhage
an gadeon keulleopdo gane Hu------

A hand slapped across the clock and it stopped.

'Urgh, stupid alarm. I need to change that.' I said to myself.

Whining, I looked across my shoulder to check what time it was. Ah, 7am only, what a stupid time to wake up, I'm going back t---

Wait. 7AM? Today's my first day of school, I'm going to be late! Who set that alarm clock at such a time? Oh yeah, me.

Rushing out of my bed, I ran towards the bathroom to wash up. I don't want to be late on the first day, that would just leave a bad impression. After washing up, I hopped around my room, trying to slip into my jeans and tie my bun at the same time. Obviously, that wasn't the best idea. All I knew was I tripped and fell flat on the floor. Ouch, that wasn't nice at all. I earned a small cut on my cheek. 

Grumbling, I stood up and continued to prepare myself for school. I put a small plaster on my cheek where the cut was. Now in my oversized shirt, ripped jeans, I slipped on my crazy big and old glasses that could look like it would break any time soon. Tying a messy bun....and there! I'm done. Now I really look like a nerd, exactly what I want. I hope I don't attract too much attention to myself.

Running out of the house, I noticed a figure opposite looking at me. Squinting, I tried to figure out who it was, but I couldn't make out anything. Urgh, stupid glasses, I wished I didn't need to disguise myself. Letting what just happened pass, I raced to the direction where SM High was located.


Phew! I just made it in time before the gates closed behind me. Fanning myself due to the amount of sweat I earned from running, I briskly walked towards where the school's office was located at. Entering it, there was a middle age lady at the recipient's desk.

'Erm, excuse me? I'm the new transfer student. I've come here to collect my timetable and notes.' I timidly said.

It took a while for her to process what I just said, it seemed like she hasn't cleaned her ears this morning yet.

'Oh? A-Ah! You're the new student here. I have your stuff here. Just follow the school's map and you'll easily find your class, 3A, along the corridor. Hope you have a nice day.' And she just went back to minding her own business.

I blinked. Well, that was a fast dismissal. I was hoping for more information than just that. Oh well. Shrugging my shoulder, I went out to find my class.

I observed my surroundings. Not bad at all, I passed by the student's lockers, music room, and wow, a big cafeteria. Just then, I took a turn and found many, MANY students hogging up the corridor space, screamings and shoutings were heard, they all seemed to be crowding around something, or someone.

'KYAAAAAH ITS SHINEE, THEY'RE HERE!' Some random girl screamed, which totally scared the seoul(a/n; lol, see what I did there?) out of me.



Shiny? What's that? Those sentences totally didn't make sense at all. Not giving a damn on what's happening, I just pushed myself through the crowd and finally found an opening which I could get out out of this mess. Just as I was about to reach the opening, someone blocked my path, making myself bump into him, which made me fall down while my books tumbled onto the floor.  Whispers started to fill the hallway. What? 

AND OUCH. Who they hell? Does this person work out 24/7 or something? His chest is so hard, just like a rock. 

Still, out of politeness(I'm glad I have that.), I bowed to the person, indicating I was sorry. 

'Sorry. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get out of this crowd.'

Looking up, I saw this guy with brown crystal eyes which met with mine. He had a sharp nose, milky skin, thin lips and striaght blonde hair, like a mushroom. Oh, so it was a pretty boy. Then why is his chest so muscular? @____@ 

He stared at me for quite a moment, and oh was it intense. It was soon broken when another guy that really looked like a diva tugged on his shirt, clearly showing that they had to go. And just like that, he left. HMPH! So much for manners, that ungrateful kid. I picked up my books, pushed my glasses striaght up and headed off once again towards the classroom I had to find. I just didn't hear the whines and whispers that were behind me.

'Omo! Did you guys see that, that girl bumped into Taemin. It must have been on purpose!'

'That nerd was so lucky, Taemin actually stared at her!'

'I'll kill that if I could, trying to seek attention from my-soon-to-be Taemin!'

'She isn't even pretty, she looks like a total ahjumma(auntie) but a nerd!'

'How dare she treat our oppa like this, she'll hear from me soon, I hate her!'


(Still) Ji Sun's POV

I finally arrived into the correct classroom after my third try. Obviously I was late but the teacher understood as I am new, how nice! That was what I thought until she asked me to introduce myself to the class. I hate talking to a crowd of people.

'Urm, hello, I'm Kim Ji Sun. I've transferred here from England. I love studying. P-please take good care of me...' I said, unsurely.

Whispers once again filled the classroom, apparently news about you bumping into Lee Taemin, kingka and aegyo maknae of the famous SHINee on 'purpose' had spread around the school fast. 

'She doesn't look like a , but I bet she's one under that stupid glasses.' one whispered.

'Wierd nerd, her hair looks like a bird's nest. Look at the amount of books she's trying to carry.'

Insults flew here and there across the classroom. But of course I was still oblivious about such things. I choose a window seat that was situated at the right hand corner, where there wasn't anyone alone, leaving me in peace. Settling down, I listened to the lesson that just started.


'And that's the only assignment you have to do today, you're dismissed.' 

I perked my head up at what our teacher said. I hadn't noticed time flew by that fast, guess I was too absorbed into my work. I patiently waited for most of the people to file out of the classroom before packing up my stuff. I can't wait to explore what this school has, I guess. Maybe even find out what a shiny is. 

Before I stood up, someone tapped on my shoulder. 


I hope you  liked this chapter. It took me a while to type out. I was watching m! countdown while doing this. SHINee's comeback and MV is the best I could die OMGGGGG. FANGIRL OMG JAJAJAJA. I THINK I HAVE A BIAS NOW. OMG.




I'll update on Saturday as I'm busy tomorrow. Also follow me on twitter @Sherlockied if you can.

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babanga #1
:D nice one
DramaLuv #2
Wae you no update?! I still check.........T.T
DramaLuv #3
Why u no update yet?????????. TT.TT I check this everyday and u haven't updated yet. Tsk....tsk.....tsk..TT.TT
iamawesomeandiknowit #4
Please do update soon!
DramaLuv #5
I Luv This FanFic! Plz Do Update Soon!! I'll Be Waiting!! I Wish I Could See TaeMin Sleeping!! <3~Keep Up The Good Work!(:
bumblylove #6
Taemin is sleepyhead LOL. Please update soon :)
I'll start reading tomorrow. :]
Darn it, I've been tricked so much already for April Fool's Day. TT___TT
Anyway, still waiting for your real update. :))