To Yoona

drawing our moments

Now playing: xiè xiè nǐ aì wǒ

Themes: Appreciation, Fondness


As I sit down here at my desk to pen down the words I want to say to you, memories of the day we first met come flooding back to me with an overwhelming sense of warmth and safety.


I still remember the moment our eyes met by chance

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but reveal my feelings unintentionally


Maybe to you, it was a day like any other, you were in the practise room, perfecting that one dance. As for me, it was a nerve wracking one. Being in a new environment is never easy for me but from the first time our eyes met and I was greeted with the kindest smile and the most angelic greetings, I knew that our connection would be something special, something worth treasuring. 

It was a chance encounter, yet it felt as though the universe had conspired to bring us together in that moment.


Your smile is like the sun, so warm and comforting

Your happiness is gentle and soft

Thank you for loving me and always putting up with me


Your presence has always been a source of comfort and warmth in my life. Maybe sometimes you think that I don’t see it, but I can always sense the brightness you try to radiate whenever tensions are high. Your smile has a way of lighting up the darkest of days, and your laughter fills the air with joy and melody. 

Thank you for being the kind of friend who always knows exactly how to lift my spirits and make me feel cherished.


You never let me feel sad and always surround me with warmth

If you weren't here to accompany me in this world

Who else would help me weave beautiful dreams?


I am forever grateful for your unwavering support in me, always, the understanding you show even when I do not deserve it, and for being there for me through the ups and downs of life. Your friendship has been a constant source of strength and solace, and I cannot imagine navigating this journey of life without you by my side.


Thank you for being the kind of friend who not only listens but truly embraces everything, good or bad. You have a gift for seeing into the depths of my soul and knowing exactly what I need at every given moment, even when I am unsure or unable to articulate it myself.

I remember when it was just right after half of the group left for their own endeavours and even though everyone was sad that a chapter is ending, you knew that I feel and express sadness differently. So you knocked on my door one day, knowing that I would be too depressed to leave the house, too melancholic to even remember about eating. You came into my home and made me a meal, messing up my kitchen in the process. It might not be a very extravagant meal, or an expensive one, but it was one that I will never forget, ever.


Thank you for walking with me through the ups and downs of life

You warm my hands during the wintertime


As we continue to walk this path together, I want you to know that I am here for you always, even though I might never be able to match your kindness. You have enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. And I am endlessly grateful for your existence.


In this world, you are the only one who truly understands me

I've decided to love you until I can no longer walk





A/N: Ayoooo I love this song, Hopefully it was interpreted well in the fic :> anw thanks for reading!

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ngl, considering the fact that I usually listen to music when I write, using them as inspiration is kinda fun


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Fire_trek 394 streak #1
Chapter 2: Aw, their friendship is so pure! Another great chapter, I hope to see more from this series
Fire_trek 394 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh man, no one told me that it was going to be “emo Taeyeon hours” lol, and I love it!!
Chapter 2: Awww, Yoona's number one unnie! 🥹❤️
Reading this and and thinking of their cute moments! 🥹
This letter feels so sincere, from the heart.❤️
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: ...and may the memories of our love and time together finally stop hurting you. 🥺😭

The longing in the first part and then the letting go in the final part... 🤧

And then the song.... 😢