drawing our moments


Letters from Taeyeon




loosely based on it's not fine or... real life? :


This is a song lyric based fic! I will be including the songs that inspired me for each chapter


please do not repost my work


ngl, considering the fact that I usually listen to music when I write, using them as inspiration is kinda fun


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Fire_trek 394 streak #1
Chapter 2: Aw, their friendship is so pure! Another great chapter, I hope to see more from this series
Fire_trek 394 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh man, no one told me that it was going to be “emo Taeyeon hours” lol, and I love it!!
Chapter 2: Awww, Yoona's number one unnie! 🥹❤️
Reading this and and thinking of their cute moments! 🥹
This letter feels so sincere, from the heart.❤️
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: ...and may the memories of our love and time together finally stop hurting you. 🥺😭

The longing in the first part and then the letting go in the final part... 🤧

And then the song.... 😢