one last time


Taeyeon, on the edge, calls a crisis hotline.

Tiffany, a volunteer for the hotline, receives her call.



I was watching a show and I got inspiration 






please do not repost my work

i might(???) continue this HAHA i might but im not sure yet so stay tuned xD


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1166 streak #1
Chapter 1: Your stories are all good but too bad it's all one shot 😁😁😁✌️✌️✌️and maybe Mrs jung knows that Tae isn't at fault but she just needed someone to blame and give her frustrations too... I'm just glad she finally accepts and forgive her...
Pink_mushroom #2
Chapter 1: your story is so good 💖 , is this the end of the story?awwww hope you'll add some epilogue
soshicat1992 #3
Chapter 1: Woow this is a beautiful, amazing , fic 🥰
Chapter 1: Such a well written story and thank you for writing
Losing someone and keep going with the guilt for 20 years wasn't easy
No wonder one will broke down hard
Its literally like a ticking bomb
Honestly, these hotlines are a life saviour
I wish it was advertised more
Chapter 1: Long comment ahead... ✌️

Yeah, life is too short, so it! 😎
I like the whole essence of the story...
Who would've thought that Taeyeon, being described as filled with joy and happiness is deep inside hurting too... And that a particular day would bring back those dark moments in her life.

I would thank that parent volunteer who gave Taeyeon that card with a prayer hotline!
That's how it all started with Tiffany being the one to pick the first call Taeyeon made, and just like that she's drawn to her. Maybe because of the comfort she felt when talking to her, but I think there's something more, that's why she insisted on waiting for her. ☺️

I like that logic of the advice she gave Taeyeon about being spit on on the face. Makes sense, really!
Through her persistence and sincerity she was given the forgiveness...

I cried when I read this part, "It isn't your fault that Sooyeon isn't here with us. It wasn't your fault then, and it will never be. Okay?" It just feels so liberating... 🥺😌

And then when they saw each other, that was so cute! Yuri, best wingwoman! I like the straightforwardness! I think that's the highlight for me, besides the one that made me cry! 🤭😁

I like that Tiffany was so attentive, asking Taeyeon if something's wrong that's why she called! 😌❤️

I did enjoy reading this one too!
You did say 'table of three women'! 😉
It's okay, her character played a huge part in Taeyeon's life, and you meant no harm!
I think when you enjoy something, you don't realize how long you are doing it! 😁
I only recognize 1 name though! 😅

I'm sorry, I can't help but write this long comment! 🙈

Again, Another great story from you! Thank you for sharing! ❤️

A continuation would be nice too! 😉
nineisall #6
Chapter 1: Oh, I love this story. At first, when I read the introduction, I thought that this story would be quite dark and heavy, but it turned out to be light and healing.
CrissYoung #7
Chapter 1: Epilogue maybe?? Haha
Fire_trek 394 streak #8
I know this is going to be good! Can’t wait