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No one pays attention to it. They almost don't see it. Donghae never misses it now. One day, that man notices him. He invites him in.



It must be a shop. The door is easily missed. Because that's all it is. Among the stores. Buildings. Windows. Alleys.

It is just a black door.

Three steps lead to it. There's a door knocker. A silver rabbit head. It wears a hanging ring. Beneath are thin letters.

A Wizard's Welcome.

Idea inspired by: Harry Potter. Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle. Other fics I have: Fairy Dust. Mannequin/Magician. It does not contain too much from them. Just certain similarities. This is a separate story.

Short pieces. No major plot or conflict. But progression will be chronological. Mostly.


Thank you for reading :) I have very little time these days. But this fic takes less time than others.


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I started this story today and I already am up to date! I love it a lott, thank you so muchh
ldh2013 #2
Chapter 14: Awwww. Hyukjae was really, really mad. The bunnies seemed really scared being trapped in the cage with the ogre bunny (which is so funny) but they kind of deserved it. I think it's hilarious that Hyukjae's default to solve problems is to turn the offending party into a bunny.
Chapter 14: Hyukjae is so cute in this chapter I want to hug him so hard 💙 Thank you for the update
1005 streak #4
Chapter 14: Hyukjae really likes Donghae.
He feels like the kids are ruining his chances with Donghae. But Donghae likes him, too.
The Inn is quite a funny place.
Thank you so much for the update.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 14: Thank you for that large supply of continuous laughter.
1005 streak #6
Chapter 13: Oh dear!
They didn't get to pay for their dinner.
Now, who's the ogre?
Thank you so much for the update.
HelenDamnation #7
Chapter 13: Lol. You'd think they'd be afraid he'll turn them all into bunnies again.
ldh2013 #8
Chapter 13: Thank you for updating! I'm always happy to see a new chapter of this story. hehe. I half expected a gaggle of bunnies to meet Hyukjae at the restaurant, which would have been really hard to explain. Hayun/Coconut is nice too. I love how they all flock to Donghae who coos over them whenever Hyukjae is getting upset with them.
ldh2013 #9
Chapter 12: awww. nooo. The bunnies are going to mess up Hyukjae's date! To Hyukjae anyway. They really can't function without him.
HelenDamnation #10
Chapter 12: Of course they don't have to get Hyukjae. :D